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 If We Punished Executives the Way China Does, We Wouldn't Have Any Left
CreateTime:2011-09-03     Source:minyanville Editor:lile
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China, it appears, has something of a moving strike zone regarding executable offenses.

Li Hua, former chairman and general manager of the Sichuan division of China Mobile (CHL), was sentenced to death yesterday for accepting more than $2.5 million in bribes.

The Intermediate People’s Court in the southwestern city of Panzhihua handed down the verdict with a two-year reprieve, meaning if Li behaves himself, he could skate with a mere slap on the wrist -- life in prison.

The New York Times points out that the "same type of sentence was handed down last month for one of the company’s other former executives, Zhang Chunjiang, who once served as vice chairman of China Mobile,” which also included “the confiscation of his personal assets and the removal of his political rights.”

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