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 Multidimensional Profit Model Goes Smoothly, and Four Business Plates of Letv.com Supports Performance Growth in 2012
CreateTime:2012-02-21 Editor:yangliangyu
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Letv.com, as the network video enterprise with the most copyrights reserves in China, has set up multidimensional profit model and formed four big business plates based on authorized videos.  

The features of Letv’s multidimensional profit model:

  • It builds up the multidimensional operation pattern combined with network advertisements, charge videos and copyright distribution, which breaks up the bottleneck of advertisement profit model and allocates the cost of video contents efficiently.
  • It lays out three film & television publishing terminal platforms of computers, mobile phones and televisions, which enable it utilize the advantage of authorized video contents to the maximum and form differentiated competition with the leader of the industry.

With the advantage of copyrights, Letv.com has cooperated with Tudou, Netease, and Thunder from Nov. 2011, which promoted the number of website independent users to increase by a hundred times, and made it enter into the top four of comprehensive ranking. In 2012, the revenue of network advertisement business will gain RMB293 million hopefully, up about 200% YOY.

With the increase of website flow and the steady rising of number of charge users, charge videos are hopefully to be visited by 6.50 million people, and achieve the revenue of RMB196 million, up no less than 30% YOY.

Letv.com will reserve its exclusive copyright and reduce the proportion of copyrights distribution in 2012, which will no longer be the main part of the company’s strategy. Correspondingly, the revenue in 2012 is estimated to slide by 30% to about RMB160 million.

HD Player, which is promoted significantly as the important network television terminal in 2012, will hopefully achieve sales of 200 thousand sets, and revenue of RMB0.2 billion in 2012.

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