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 Youku Kickstarts More Micro Movies
CreateTime:2012-04-05     Source:entgroup Editor:wangxin
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Youku Inc has launched Infinite Drive, a series of twelve web-based "micro movies" from four of China's leading film-makers.

The film-makers attached are leading directors Wang Xiaoshuai, Lu Chuan, Teng Huatao and award-winning actress Hao Lei.

Each of the four directors has been commissioned to produce three 10-minute shorts about "young urban professionals balancing their personal pursuits against the desire for stability". The twelve shorts will be further themed by the signs of the Western zodiac. They will stream on Youku's website.

Infinite Drive comes fresh on the heels of Youku's pan-Asian Beautiful that premiered at this month's Hong Kong International Film Festival.

The omnibus featured shorts by Gu Changwei, Tsai Ming-liang, Ann Hui and Kim Tae-yong.

Hundreds of millions of Chinese "netizens" regularly watch video online on Youku and competing platforms.

In the past year, "micro movies" have become an increasing popular marketing strategy for brands, with increased budgets and bigger stars, as advertising on regular television has come under increased regulation.

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