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 Youku Gains Internet Publication License For Online Video
CreateTime:2012-04-13     Source:entgroup Editor:wangxin
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Chinese Internet video website Youku.com has received its Internet Publication License issued by the General Administration of Press and Publication of China.

With this new license, Youku.com will have the right to publish audio and visual publications via the Web and mobile Internet in China. This will help the video company enhance and expand its business range.

Chinese Internet companies must navigate a labyrinth of licenses and certifications to conduct business and provide services that are taken for granted in places like the United States and Europe. This creates a massive barrier to entry for both foreign and domestic companies who want to provide video services online.

Prior to this new license, Youku.com gained its Information Network Communication Audio-Video Program License issued by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. It also jumped through hoops to get its Radio and TV Program Production and Business Operation License issued by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Radio, Film and Television in 2008. In 2011, the Chinese video company gained more licenses from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, covering movie, TV series, and animation programs.

Gu Yongqiang, chief executive officer of Youku.com, told local media that the company is glad to gain the recognition of the General Administration of Press and Publication. Youku.com will reportedly continue to cooperate with administrative departments and upstream and downstream partners to promote the healthy development of the industry.

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