Comcast to deploy new Web system

   Date:2008/09/22     Source:

COMCAST Corp, criticized by regulators for restricting some Internet users' services, has provided details of a new Web traffic management system it will deploy starting in November.

The system will ignore the types of programs Web users employ and instead focus on how much capacity they take, the Philadelphia-based company said in a filing on Friday with the United States Federal Communications Commission and via e-mail.

The FCC on August 1 found Comcast improperly blocked peer-to-peer programs, such as BitTorrent, which computer owners use to share videos and other files, and told the company to stop by the end of the year. Comcast said it temporarily slowed some services when its network was congested. On September 4 the company asked a federal court to overturn the FCC ruling, Bloomberg News said.

"This new technique will ensure that all customers get their fair share of bandwidth every hour of the day," Comcast spokeswoman Sena Fitzmaurice said in an e-mailed statement. The company said in March that it would install the new system by the end of the year.

In the filing, Comcast, the second-largest US provider of high-speed Internet service with 14.4 million subscribers, said the new process would slow traffic for heavy users when local networks are congested.

In five test markets, on average less than one-third of 1 percent of subscribers had their traffic slowed on any given day, Comcast said in the filing. The company also said it hasn't received any complaints from customers.

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