China Telecom Carriers Announce April Stats

   Date:2010/05/24     Source:

China Mobile (NYSE:CHL, 0941.HK) recorded 5.33 million new subscribers in April, down from 5.97 million new subscribers in March, to bring its total number of customers to 544.21 million, the company reported May 20. Its 3G network users reached 8.4 million by April 30, compared with 7.69 million by the end of March.

China Unicom (NYSE:CHU, 0762.HK, 600050.SH) added a net of 681,000 3G users and 733,000 2G users in April, to bring its respective 3G and 2G user totals to 5.51 million and 148 million subscribers. The company gained 596,000 broadband users in the month to reach 42.1 million, while fixed-line users fell by 201,000 to 101.64 million.

China Telecom (NYSE:CHA, 0728.HK) had a total of 183.03 million fixed-line subscribers by the end of April, after losing 1.2 million during the month, while the carrier's broadband subscriber base grew by 810,000 to 56.65 million by the end of April. The company's mobile user base increased by 3.03 million in April to reach a total of 68.48 million, including CDMA and PHS subscribers.


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