Chunghwa Telecom opens online application store

   Date:2010/05/31     Source:

Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) on May 27 announced the opening of Hami Apps, its online store Android smartphones applications, with more than 250 titles initially available for download.

Sources of the applications initially available for download consist of CHT's software engineers, Taiwan providers of content and independent software developers, CHT pointed out. About 50% of the applications are chargeable and the remaining are free with revenues to come from advertising, CHT indicated. CHT has designed an in-application advertising scheme for developers of free applications, but has not yet determined how to share advertising revenues, the company noted.

Hami, CHT's mobile value-added service platform, attracts more than six million visits a month and thus its user base is expected to become a potential customer base for Hami Apps, CHT pointed out. However, Hami Apps is also available for users other than CHT subscribers, CHT indicated.

Online application stores established by mobile telecom carriers in Taiwan


Taiwan Mobile

Far EasTone Telecommunications

Vibo Telecom

Name of online store

Hami Apps

match Market

S Mart

iMarket (for cartoon, games); MuchMarts (for e-books)

Time of opening

May 2010

April 2010

October 2009

January 2010

Major handset operating system





Number of applications available at present

over 250

about 120

about 410

5 categories of service

Source: Companies, compiled by Digitimes, May 2010

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