Chunghwa Telecom, Quanta Computer to cooperate to offer cloud computing services

   Date:2010/07/07     Source:

Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) and Quanta Computer on July 5 signed a MOU for strategic-alliance cooperation to provide cloud computing services by integrating CHT's data centers, OSS/BSS (operation support system/business support system) and broadband infrastructure with Quanta's hardware including servers, storage equipment and networking switches.

CHT and Quanta will cooperate to develop cloud computing technologies specifically for application and provide cloud computing solutions and services based on CHT's platforms. The two companies plan to launch a manufacturing cloud, an application of cloud computing as well as Quanta's production know-how and experience to manufacturing processes, as the initial cloud computing service item in the fourth quarter of 2010, CHT stated.

The offering of cloud computing solutions and services will focus on the Taiwan market initially and the companies plan to extend their coverage to other Asian markets, CHT indicated.

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