China Unicom to offer mobile stock trading

   Date:2010/08/10     Source:

China Unicom Corp, the country's second-largest mobile operator, announced that it has joined with China Galaxy Securities Co Ltd to further boost the application of its WCDMA (Wideband code division multiple access) networks.

China Unicom's Zhejiang subsidiary company has signed the "3G Stock Trading Service Agreement" with Galaxy Securities.

By downloading software developed by Galaxy Securities to WCDMA cellular phones, subscribers can use their mobile phones to buy and sell stocks.

"The service will greatly encourage the development of the capital market by enabling millions of individual stock investors to conduct trading anytime, anywhere," said Chang Xiaobing, chairman of China Unicom.

With the fast data transmission and high security, this kind of stock trading is expected to become one of the best ways for stock investing across China.

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