Nanjing Steel orders steel plate mill from CFHI


Jiangsu Province-based Nanjing Iron and Steel Corporation (Nanjing Steel) has signed an agreement with China First Heavy Industries (CFHI) to order a 4,700 mm wide and thick plate mill.

The new mill is expected to be put into production by June 2013 within the scope of the energy-saving and product restructuring program of Nanjing Steel. Previously, CFHI has provided a 2,500 mm finishing mill, a 2,800 mm medium plate mill and a 3,500 mm steckel mill to Nanjing Steel.

During China's 12th five-year plan period (2011-15), Nanjing Steel plans to focus on the development of a wide and thick plate project with a total investment of RMB 3 billion ($469 million). The project includes three plate production lines, with the total designed annual production capacity of the project reaching 1.6 million mt of steel plate with thicknesses of 8-250 mm and widths of 1,800-4,850 mm.


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