Ever Fortune (HKG:0875) Needs Extra Time for Resumption


Ever Fortune International (HKG:0875) announced that since the scheme meeting for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the Hong Kong scheme and the Bermuda scheme has not yet taken place, the resumption conditions shall not be fulfilled on or before 14 February 2012 and the company has made an application to the Stock Exchange for a further extension of time for compliance.

The Stock Exchange is considering the company's application and further announcement(s) will be made by the company in respect of the revised tentative timetable for the resumption, the capital restructuring and the change in board lot size as and when appropriate.

On 3 February 2012, the investor Right Day Holdings Limited, Trade Front Limited, First Novel Limited, Trade Day Holdings Limited, Trade Soar Limited, Trade Leader Investment Limited and Trade Rise Holdings Limited entered into a supplemental agreement to the loan agreement. Pursuant to the supplemental loan agreement, the parties agreed that the repayment date of the loan facility shall be postponed from 3 February 2012 to 31 March 2012.



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