China Telecom sees 3G user base nearly triple in 2011


China Telecom, the only CDMA2000 mobile telecom carrier in China, had 36.29 million 3G subscribers as of the end of 2011, hiking 195.3% from a year ago and accounting for 28.5% of all 3G subscribers in the China market, according to the company's annual report released on March 20.

China Telecom generated operating revenues of CNY244.943 billion (US$37.87 billion) and EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization) of CNY94.266 billion in 2011, growing 11.7% and 6.5% from 2010, as well as net EPS of CNY0.20.

Due to fast growth in 3G business, China Telecom brought in revenues of CNY29.620 billion from mobile data communication services in 2011, hiking 57.4% from 2010 and contributing 43.40% of revenues from all mobile communication services.


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