Court Rejects Jiaxing Wasu Lawsuit against China Telecom


A court in Jiaxing, Zhejiang has thrown out an infringement lawsuit against Jiaxing Telecom filed by Hangzhou-based DTV, IPTV, and Internet TV operator Wasu Digital TV subsidary Jiaxing Wasu Television & Communication.

Jiaxing Wasu alleged in the suit, filed in April 2011, that it had signed a contract to be the sole carrier for Heilongjiang Satellite TV in the Jiaxing region, only to discover that the local China Telecom (NYSE: CHA; 0728.HK) branch was also offering the channel to its IPTV customers, infringing on Jiaxing Wasu's exclusive broadcast rights. Jiaxing Wasu's lawsuit called for Jiaxing Telecom to pay RMB 200,000 in compensation.

The court's ruling rejected the lawsuit arguing that to extend broadcasting rights protection to cover Internet-based services would interfere with the implementation of China's network convergence policies.


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