China Telecom Launches E-Surfing Open Platform


China Telecom (NYSE: CHA; 0728.HK) has announced the official launch of its E-Surfing open platform ( Xiao Jinxue, GM of China Telecom's innovation department, said the platform is the first internet service platform built using China Telecom's "E-Surfing Cloud" infrastructure. Product bases and specialized businesses that previously offered varying open capabilities have been integrated into the E-Surfing open platform, which has been progressively opened to China Telecom's partners. Starting today developers need only log into the platform to apply for access to all open functionality, including technical reference manuals, SDK downloads, developer communities, and online application testing.

Yang Xiaowei, China Telecom deputy GM, has signed E-Surfing open platform cooperation agreements with eight major internet firms including Tencent (0700.HK), Baidu (Nasdaq: BIDU), Sohu (Nasdaq: SOHU), Sina (Nasdaq: SINA), Renren (NYSE: RENN), UC Mobile, Kaixin001, and Dianping. The eight companies simultaneously announced they had joined the platform and will open all functions across all their respective products to the platform over the coming months.


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