Number of China's mobile phone users rises by over 6mln in Nov

There were 455.03 million subscribers of mobile communication services in China as of the end of November, an increase of 6.01 million from a month earlier.

The number of subscribers at the end of last month grew by 61.63 million during January-November of this year. Also at the end of November were there 370.25 million subscribers of fixed telecommunication networks in China.

Last month, mobile phone subscribers in China sent 38.06 billion short messages, averaging 2.81 short messages per phone number a day. The number of xDSL subscribers expanded by 9.95 million during January-November 2006.

China's Internet-access breakdown 

Internet-access mode 

Number of subscribers at end of Nov 2006 

Dial-up (narrow band) 

27.25 million 

Dedicated lines 



51.02 million (of which 36.49 million used xDSL) 


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