Call center sector set to expand in China


China's call center industry is set to grow 22 percent this year, boosted mainly by the manufacturing industry. China has advantages in human resource costs and productivity compared with India although its market size is just half of that nation. 

The seat numbers of China's call center industry, such as the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's hotline service and Dell China's technical support staff, will hit 158,000 this year from 130,000 last year, said the report which surveyed 747 centers in China, Singapore, India, Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand. The firm conducted the survey on 105 centers in China.

India's call center seat number will jump 16 percent year on year to 312,500 in 2007 followed by China. Philippines take the third position with an expected seat number of 140,000 this year. China's call center market revenue hit 24.93 billion yuan (US$3.12 billion) last year compared with 23.36 billion yuan in 2005.

The annual cost to hire a call center worker, including salary, telecom and technology, is US$13,543 on average in China.



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