Far EasTone to downsize capital by 20%


Far EasTone Telecommunications (FET), one of the top three operators of mobile communication services in Taiwan, on April 30 announced it will reduce paid-in capital by NT$7.745 billion (US$30 million) or 20% from NT$38.727 billion currently to NT$30.981 billion, with the amount of reduction to be returned to shareholders at NT$2.00 per share.

The downsizing of paid-in capital is to improve the company's capital structure as well as to hike net earnings per share and ROE (return on equity), FET emphasized. The reduction in paid-in capital is subject to approval by shareholders at a meeting on June 12 and is expected to be finished by the end of this year, FET indicated.

FET also explained that the company has sufficient cash on hand and efficient financial leverage after the downsizing of paid-in capital and therefore will not give up any good investment opportunities in line with the trend of digital convergence.


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