China 3G Handset Sales Seen at 22 Mln Units in 2010

   Date:2007/05/25     Source:

China's 3G handset sales are projected at 22 mln units by 2010, Zhao Hong, a senior official with the TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance and an executive director with Lenovo Mobile Communications said at a conference.

Zhao said that handsets configured for China's homegrown TD-SCDMA standard are expected to account for 50 pct of 3G sales, while WCDMA handsets will hold 40 pct and CDMA2000 handsets will account for 10 pct.

The second round of handset commercial testing will begin in September and by the end of 2007 TD-SCDMA handsets will enter commercial operation, Zhao said.

Zhao added that China Mobile will open bids to supply TD-SCDMA handsets in the third quarter and Lenovo Mobile has been invited to the tender.

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