ZET, China Mobile sign 3G equipment order

   Date:2007/06/11     Source:


ZTE Corp (stock code: 000063) said it signed a 2.37 billion yuan (US$310 million) contract to build a high- speed wireless network for China Mobile Communications Corp, according to Bloomberg today.

ZTE, China's biggest publicly listed telephone equipment maker, will supply mobile-phone network equipment based on the time division synchronous code division multiple access, or TD-SCDMA, technology, worth about 2.13 billion yuan, to China Mobile Communications, according to a statement printed in Hong Kong's Standard newspaper today.

The rest of the order covers services, the statement said.

ZTE, based in Shenzhen, southern China, said in April it won orders from China Mobile, though the company didn't provide the size of the contract at the time.

China Mobile Communications is the parent company of Hong Kong-listed China Mobile Ltd, the world's largest mobile-phone company by users.

Also today, ZTE Corp said it is increasing orders for semiconductors from Qualcomm Inc to US$500 million from US$300 million.

The orders cover purchases for a two-year period ending in 2007. The decision to increase the orders followed a visit by ZTE to the US.

Qualcomm, based in San Diego, California, is the world's second-largest maker of chips for mobile phones and has been a supplier to ZTE since 2001. ZTE is based in Shenzhen, southern China.

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