Caller-pays charging plan for GoTone users

   Date:2007/07/19     Source:

GoTone users of China Mobile's Beijing subsidiary will enjoy a caller-pays charging system starting next month.

Beijing Mobile started on Tuesday sending out messages to its users that they will be charged under the one-way billing system - only callers will have to pay starting from August 1.

Previously, only users who joined certain service packages could enjoy the privilege of caller pays.

"All of our GoTone users will be covered by the new charging system automatically, whichever service package they join," a customer service staff from Beijing Mobile, said. "Our Shenzhouxing and M-Zone users will not be affected for the time being."

Both callers and receivers in China are required to pay for mobile phone conversations. This has raised increasing complaints from mobile users who have put pressure on mobile operators and industry regulators to get rid of the practice.

Previously any report of the regulator's intention to adopt a one-way billing system raised concerns of revenue loss for China Mobile and China Unicom, both State-owned companies.

In December last year, there were reports that the Chinese regulators were ready to introduce the caller-pays charging scheme. But the reports were refuted by top officials from the Ministry of Information Industry and mobile operators.

"Regulators have been relaxing their grip on mobile charges gradually, and it is not necessary for them to make a formal announcement (for the introduction of a caller-pays scheme)," Wang Guoping, an analyst with China Galaxy Securities, said in an earlier report.

In fact, China Mobile and China Unicom have been cutting charges in recent years. Many of their local subsidiaries have also adopted a de facto one-way billing system in many regions in China in order to attract more customers

But the system has never been adopted in Beijing, the city experts said where mobile charges were untouchable.

Changes first emerged two months ago, when Beijing Mobile released a service package that promised a caller-pays billing system.

However, the package was not well received because the company required users to cling to sign up for at least a year.

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