More Cell Phone Users Connect

   Date:2007/08/24     Source:
China, the world's biggest mobile-phone market by users, added 6.9 million subscribers in July after the nation's two largest wireless-phone companies cut prices, Bloomberg News said.

In the first seven months of the year, China gained 47.5 million mobile-phone users for a total of 508.6 million, Wang Lijian, a Ministry of Information Industry spokesman, said by phone yesterday.

Demand for mobile services increased after the government allowed operators China Mobile Ltd and China Unicom Ltd to introduce billing systems in February that waive charges for incoming calls. China Mobile, the world's largest wireless operator by users, added a record number of subscribers for a 10th straight month in July.

The company gained 5.6 million customers in July for a total of 338 million, while Unicom now has 153.1 million users, after signing up 1.46 million last month.
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