Taiwan fixed-line telecom carrier APBT seeking investment from Verizon..

   Date:2007/09/14     Source:

APBT's new corporate logo


Asia Pacific Broadband Telecom (APBT), one of the three new operators of fixed-line telecommunication services in Taiwan, is talking with Verizon Wireless, Sprint Nextel, Intel and Japanese telecom carrier KDDI for investment to become APBT's strategic partners, according to APBT chairman Springfield Lai at a press conference on September 12.

In addition, APBT is negotiating with Pacific Century CyberWorks (PCCW), the largest provider of communication services in Hong Kong, for technical cooperation in operating IPTV (Internet Protocol TV), Lai indicated.

APBT unveiled its new corporate logo "A+ Asia Pacific Telecom" at the press conference.

APBT originally planned to downsize its paid-in capital by NT$39.408 billion (US$1.194 billion) and then increase that by NT$30.0 billion, but has decided to make adjustment by decreasing and then increasing by NT$38.9 billion each so as to leave the existing paid-in capital of NT$65.680 billion unchanged, Lai pointed out.

APBT currently generates revenues of about NT$1.2 billion for EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization) of NT$120 million a month, with the monthly EBITDA expected to rise to NT$200 million at the end of this year, Lai noted. The company expects to reach break-even in March 2008, Lai indicated. APBT also expects the number of its subscribers to increase from 1.10 million at present to 1.40-1.50 million at the end of 2007, Lai added.

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