Mobile phone giant rings up US$800m in investments

   Date:2007/12/10     Source:
Motorola Inc's innovation center in Pudong New Area has integrated its four research and development centers in Shanghai, the world's second largest mobile-phone maker said yesterday.

Motorola has invested US$800 million in research and development centers in six Chinese cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chengdu, Nanjing and Hangzhou. But Motorola didn't reveal investment details of the Shanghai innovation center.

More than 500 engineers and other employees will serve the center, which covers an area of 7,500 square meters in the Shanghai Jinqiao Industrial Park. The center works on recognition technology, power amplifier and base radio development, energy design and mobile accessories.

Local marketing and service units of the company's enterprise mobility solutions, home and networks mobility and mobile device businesses will join the facility soon.

"The inauguration of the center will achieve win-win results with local customers and partners in China," Gene Delaney, Motorola's senior vice president, said at the opening ceremony.

The company aims to provide more mobile communications systems during the 2010 Shanghai World Expo, according to Chen Lei, senior communication manager of the company's Beijing branch.

Motorola has got deals on mobile communication from metro line operators in major cities such as Shanghai and Beijing.

On the handset market, Motorola is losing market share to rivals such as Nokia and Samsung, which overtook Motorola to become the No. 2 global vendor in the third quarter.

In the domestic market, Nokia led the market with 35.1 percent followed by Motorola with 13.6 percent and Samsung at 11.6 percent, according to Analysys International, a Beijing-based IT consulting firm.

Motorola entered the Chinese market in 1987 and its total investments in the country have exceeded US$3.6 billion.
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