Mobile Messages to Surpass 2 Trillion Next Year

   Date:2007/12/18     Source:
In conjunction with the expansion of the mobile market globally, mobile message services are also experiencing a surge. According to Gartner Research, in 2008, around 2.3 trillion mobile messages will be sent across the globe, with the Asia-Pacific region being the most prolific.

The website Xinhua News Agency cited a report issued by Gartner.Inc saying that the global volume of mobile message will reach 1.9 trillion this year, which creates revenue of 52 billion US dollars for operators.

The report forecasts that mobile message will grow to 2.3 billion in 2008, with the revenue across the major markets going up to around 60.2 billion US dollars.

The Asia-Pacific region is the biggest market for mobile message, where the volume is expected to reach 1.5 trillion this year, and may surpass 1.7 billion next year. Other regions including North America, Western Europe and Africa are also seeing rapid growth in the mobile message market.

According to Gartner, although mobile messaging traffic volume will continue to show strong growth in many markets, operator margins on messaging services have become progressively thinner as a result of competition and market saturation.
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