Ericsson, Huawei win Russia's Vimpelcom 3G order

   Date:2007/12/26     Source:

Sweden's Ericsson (ERICb.ST) and China's Huawei Technologies will supply third-generation (3G) telecoms network equipment and services to Russia's No.2 mobile operator Vimpelcom (VIP.N), the Russian firm said on Tuesday.

Vimpelcom said in a statement it had completed a closed tender on supply of the equipment and services for the network which will enable it to offer subscribers high-speed mobile broadband services. It did not disclose the value of the deal.

The company said specific regions where each of the two winners will supply equipment will be decided before the end of this year. Huawei Technologies [HWT.UL] is China's largest communications network equipment maker.

Ericsson this month won an order to supply 3G equipment and services to Vimpelcom's main rival, Russia's largest cellphone operator, Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) (MBT.N).

The 3G network is scheduled for commercial launch in Russia next year. Apart from Vimpelcom and MTS, Russia has awarded a 3G licence to the country's third-largest mobile operator MegaFon. (Reporting by Maria Kiselyova, editing by Rory Channing)

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