Liaoning SG Automotive Group Co.,Ltd.(600303.SH)
Registered Capital:
574.51(RMB MLN)

Introduction from Google Finance
Liaoning SG Automotive Group Co., Ltd. is principally engaged in the manufacture and distribution of automobiles and automobile spare parts. The Company provides its products under the brand HuangHai, including buses, passenger cars, special vehicles, civil aviation devices and automobile spare parts, among others. The Company is also involved in the distribution of other vehicles. It distributes its products in domestic and overseas markets. As of December 31, 2010, the Company had 16 subsidiaries and one affiliate, which involved in research, development, manufacture and distribution of automobiles and automobile spare parts.
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Introduction from Company WebSite

    Liaoning SG Automotive Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as SG Automotive Group, stock code 600303) is a multi-national group in automobile, axle and components manufacturing. It is entitled as “National Vehicle Export Base” with state accredited technical center.

    Both its vehicle brand “Huanghai” and axle & components brand “SG” are recognized as National Famous Brand Products, especially “Huanghai” as most renown brand in China. As flagship product in Chinese city bus industry, Huanghai Bus outperform its peers during 2008 Beijing Olympic Game, and many run as signature products on China #1 Street-Chang’an Street. Huanghai Bus has won “Best Bus Manufacturer” at World Bus Expo Asia Exhibit in consecutive years; SG Axle has definitely been the leader in light-duty axle manufacturing for 12 consecutive years, Huanghai passenger vehicle is exclusively assigned by China National Mountain Climbing Athlete teams and played major role in assisting the 2008 Olympic torch cross Mountain Everest; Huanghai Vocational Truck serves airport, freight port, both in military and commercial markets; SG components supply to global OEMs in production and has won Premium Global Supplier Award by Fortune 500 customer for its quality product and service.

    SG Group continues carrying on its vision-People as Core, Integrity as Priority, and Always Driving Performance.

    SG Group is committed to be a centennial SG, Global SG with open mind, and together with our customers and partners, we strive for better future. 

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