Lianhe Chemical 1H Net Profit Up 49.53% - ResearchInChina

Date:2011-08-17     Source:yujiezhjx  Text Size:

July 21 -- Lianhe Chemical Technology (002250) filed its first-half net profit attributable to shareholders grew 49.53 percent year-on-year to 129 million yuan on revenue of 1.23 billion yuan, reports First-half EPS was up 45.71 percent year-on-year to 0.51 yuan.

It invested more on product research and development and earned more income as a result. Product sales of programs funded by its initial public offering also increased in the first half. The company was reportedly successful in promoting traditional products’ marketing and optimizing its existing customer base in the first half.

Lianhe Chemical, which is based in Taizhou city, Zhejiang province, produces chemicals used in the pharmaceutical and pesticide industries.


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