Philip Hammond, UK secretary of state for transport, enters the Dongchang Road Station
of Metro Line 2 during his visit to Shanghai yesterday. Hammond took a ride of the city's
subway and said China and the UK will cooperate in transport as well as green vehicles.
CHINA and the United Kingdom have a lot to learn from each other in managing transport issues and the two countries will cooperate in this area as well as green vehicles, a senior British minister said yesterday, adding that a Shanghai-based company will produce and export the iconic black cabs to London.
Philip Hammond, secretary of state for transport, said during his official visit that Shanghai and some UK cities like London could "learn together and from each other" since they face transport problems of the same magnitude, including tackling urban traffic problems.
During his discussion with the local Metro company, he pointed out that London "shared the exact some challenges" with Shanghai in its Metro services and the two cities would learn from each other to improve their respective Metro transport.
Hammond said the urban planners in both countries should collaborate more closely and consider solutions, including implementing convenient mass transit systems as well as promoting greener vehicles, to tackle the common problems of traffic jams and urban air pollution.
He disclosed that a good example of such close cooperation is the Shanghai LTI Automobile Components Co joint venture with China's carmaker Geely, which has started a program to export iconic black London cabs to be used in that city.