China Financial Leasing Industry Report, 2015
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Although China’s economic growth saw continuous downturn, China financial leasing industry has maintained fast growth since 2014, with total turnover approximating RMB 3,420 billion as of the end of March 2015, a rise of about RMB 220 billion over that at the end of 2014. The number of enterprises totaled 2,661, an increase of 459 compared to the end of 2014. The number of foreign leasing companies enjoyed the fastest growth and increased by 420 to 2,440.

With respect of application segments, aviation financial leasing business presented continuous growth. As of the end of Sep. 2014, there were nearly 2,200 passenger planes in Chinese civil aviation industry, of which 1,500 ones were from leasing (including 40% of financing leasing). This was mainly due to continuous business expansion and promotion of cross-border leasing products of banking leasing companies.
As of the end of 2014, ICBC Financial Leasing owns and manages over 420 planes, with customers covering more than 50 front-line airline companies. It has delivered 216 planes (including 213 commercial planes delivered for operation). The company’s aircraft leasing assets exceeded RMB 70 billion. China Development Bank Leasing owns 43 airline company customers (including 15 domestic tenants and 28 overseas tenants) distributed in 23 countries and regions. CDB Leasing establishes business management platforms respectively in Shenzhen (headquarter), Shanghai Free Trade Zone, Tianjin Bonded Area, and Ireland.
Since 2014, financial leasing of shipping industry, second only to bank lending, has become the second largest ship financing channel. In 2014, Minsheng Financial Leasing, Bank of Communications Financial Leasing and CSSC Leasing accumulatively built more than 4 million dead weight tons of ships and contributed a large sum of orders to China’s shipbuilding industry with innovative financial model.
Due to continuous downturn in shipping industry and poor performance of enterprises, banking financial leasing companies are more and more prudent when it comes to expanding shipping business, and focus more on advanced shipbuilding industry business. Take ICBC Financial Leasing for example. Its shipping business’ main investment objects are marine engineering ships, assets from which took up 15% of total shipping business assets in 2013 and further to 51% in 2014.
China Financial Leasing Industry Report, 2015 by ResearchInChina focuses on the followings:
Business environment of financial leasing industry in China, including policy environment, economic environment, social environment as well as the development of global financial leasing industry;
Operation of China's financial leasing industry, including the enterprises’ type and number, business transactions, registered capital, earnings, regional distribution, as well as the problems in the industry development;
The key application areas of China's financial leasing industry, including aviation, shipping, construction machinery, medical devices, printing equipment, railway transportation equipment, telecommunications and IT industry, security and protection industry, radio and television industry, and automobile industry;
10 financial leasing companies, 8 domestic-funded leasing companies and 7 foreign-funded leasing companies in China, involving operation, financial leasing and financing channels, etc.
1. Overview of Financial Leasing Industry
1.1 Definition and Characteristics
1.2 Business Forms and Applications
2. Operating Environment of China Financial Leasing Industry
2.1 Policy Environment
2.2 Economic Environment
2.2.1 GDP Growth
2.2.2 Fixed Asset Investment Growth
2.3 Social Environment
2.4 Global Financial Leasing Industry Development
2.4.1 Overview
2.4.2 USA
2.4.3 Japan
3. Operation of China Financial Leasing Industry
3.1 Number of Enterprises
3.1.1 Type
3.1.2 Quantity
3.2 Business Volume
3.3 Registered Capital
3.3.1 Financial Leasing Enterprises
3.3.2 Domestic-funded Financial Leasing Enterprises
3.3.3 Foreign-funded Financial Leasing Enterprises
3.4 Regional Development
3.5 Enterprises’ Profitability
3.5.1 Profit Model
3.5.2 Profitability
4. Key Fields of China Financial Leasing Industry
4.1 Financial Leasing in Aviation Industry
4.1.1 Development of Air Transport Industry
4.1.2 Leasing Type
4.1.3 Market Development
4.1.4 Market Competition
4.1.5 Key Enterprises
4.1.6 Development Outlook
4.2 Financial Leasing in Shipping Industry
4.2.1 Development of Shipping Industry
4.2.2 Leasing Type
4.2.3 Market Development
4.2.4 Market Competition
4.3 Financial Leasing of Construction Machinery
4.3.1 Development of Construction Machinery Industry
4.3.2 Market Development
4.3.3 Market Competition
4.3.4 Key Enterprises
4.4 Financial Leasing of Medical Equipment
4.4.1 Development of Medical Equipment Industry
4.4.2 Market Development
4.4.3 Market Competition
4.4.4 Key Enterprises
4.4.5 Problems
4.5 Financial Leasing of Printing Equipment
4.5.1 Development of Printing Equipment Industry
4.5.2 Market Development
4.6 Financial Leasing of Railway Transportation Equipment
4.6.1 Development of Railway Transportation Industry
4.6.2 Market Development
4.7 Financial Leasing in Telecom & IT Industries
4.7.1 Development of Telecom & IT Industry
4.7.2 Market Development
4.8 Financial Leasing in Security Industry
4.8.1 Development of Security Industry
4.8.2 Market Development
4.9 Financial Leasing in Radio & TV Industry
4.9.1 Development of Radio & TV Industry
4.9.2 Market Development
4.9.3 Key Enterprises
4.10 Financial Leasing in Automotive Industry
4.10.1 Development of Automobile Industry
4.10.2 Market Development
4.10.3 Market Competition
5. Key Financial Leasing Enterprises in China
5.1 ICBC Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Financial Leasing Business
5.1.4 Aviation Leasing Business
5.1.5 Shipping Leasing Business
5.1.6 Large-size Equipment and Automobile Leasing Business
5.1.7 Financial Leasing Channel
5.2 CDB Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Financial Leasing Business
5.2.4 Financial Leasing Channel
5.2.5 Regional Focus--Tianjin
5.3 Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Financial Leasing Business
5.3.4 Financial Leasing Channel
5.4 Kunlun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Financial Leasing Business
5.5 Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Financial Leasing Business
5.5.4 Financial Leasing Channel
5.5.5 Strategy
5.6 Industrial Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Financial Leasing Business
5.6.4 Financial Leasing Channel
5.7 CCB Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 Financial Leasing Channel
5.8 CMB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.8.3 Financial Leasing Business
5.8.4 Financial Leasing Channel
5.9 China Huarong Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
5.9.3 Financial Leasing Business
5.9.4 Financial Leasing Channel
6. Key Domestic-funded Financial Leasing Enterprises in China
6.1 Tianjin Bohai Leasing Company
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Financial Leasing Business
6.1.4 Financial Leasing Channel
6.2 Changjiang Leasing Co., Ltd.
6.3 Pu Hang Leasing Co., Ltd.
6.4 Guotai Leasing Limited Company
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Development Course
6.4.3 Financial Leasing Business
6.4.4 Financial Leasing Channel
6.5 ALL Trust Leasing Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Development Course
6.5.3 Financial Leasing Business
6.5.4 Operation
6.5.5 Strategy
6.6 AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Financial Leasing Business
6.7 JIC Leasing Limited Liability Company
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Financial Leasing Business
6.8 ZOOMLION Financial Leasing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
7. Key Foreign-funded Financial Leasing Companies in China
7.1 Shandong Chenming Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.2 International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.3 Ping An International Financial Lease Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Financial Leasing Business
7.4 HaitongUniTrust International Leasing Corporation
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Financial Leasing Business
7.4.3 Financial Leasing Channel
7.5 Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Development Course
7.6 Lei Shing Hong Financial Lease (China) Co., Ltd.
7.7 Yangtze River International Leasing Co., Ltd.
8. Market Overview and Development Outlook
8.1 Market Overview
8.1.1 Operating Indicators
8.1.2 Key Fields
8.2 Development Outlook
8.2.1 Drivers
8.2.2 Business Volume Forecast
8.2.3 Market Competition Forecast
Clients’ Reasons for Choosing Financial Leasing
GDP Growth in China, 1990-2015
Fixed Asset Investment and Its Growth in China, 2001-2015
Total Leasing Business Volume in USA, 1991-2010
Structure of American Leasing Enterprises
Financing Channel Structure of Bank Leasing Enterprises in America
Leasing Business Structure in Japan (by Application Fields)
Number of Financial Leasing Companies in China, 2007-2015
Number of Financial Leasing Companies (by Type) in China, 2007-2015
Total Business Volume of Financial Leasing Industry in China, 2006-2015
Market Penetration Rate in China Financial Leasing Industry, 2006-2014
Regional Structure of Financial Leasing Enterprises in China, 2014
Number of Civil Aircrafts in China, 2004-2013
Aircraft Leasing Market Share in China
Shipping Financial Leasing Market Share in China
Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Construction Machinery Industry in China, 2007-2014
Industries that Benefit from "One Belt and One Road"
Business Volume of Chinese Construction Machinery Financing Leasing and Market Penetration, 2006-2015E
Construction Machinery Financial Leasing Market Share in China
Receivables and % of Total Assets of Sany Heavy Industry, 2003-2015
Medical Equipment Sales in China, 2001-2015
Sales Channels of Medical Equipment in China, 2014
Medical Equipment Companies’ Business Model Upgrading by Financial Leasing
Medical Equipment Financial Leasing Market Share in China
Revenue Structure of Far East Horizon (by Business Segments), 2013-2014
Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Printing Equipment Industry in China, 2007-2015
Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Railway Transportation Equipment Industry in China, 2009-2015
Fixed Asset Investment in China Computer, Communication and Other Electronic Equipment Manufacturing Industries, 2006-2015
Financial Leasing Model of Telecom Network Construction Projects
Market Scale of China Security Industry, 2008-2014
Fixed Asset Investment in China Radio & TV Industry, 2008-2015
Operating Revenue and Total Profit of Radio & TV Equipment Manufacturing Industry in China, 2011-2015
Output of Automobile in China, 2005-2015
Sales Volume of Automobile in China, 2005-2015
Registered Capital of ICBC Financial Leasing Co. Ltd., 2010-2015
New Leasing Business Volume and Growth of CDB Leasing, 2007-2013
Total Assets and Net Income of CDB Leasing, 2007-2014
Partners of CDB Leasing
Major Partners of Industrial Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Holding Relation of Bohai Leasing
Assets and Equity of International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd., 2013-2014
Financial Leasing Model of Factoring Business
Total Business Volume of Financial Leasing Industry in China, 2015E-2018E
Major Characteristics of Financial Leasing
Key Forms of Financial Leasing Business
Served Industries of Equipment Financial Leasing
Served Devices of Equipment Financial Leasing
Policies on China Financial Leasing Industry, 2010-2015
Policies on Financial Leasing Industry in Shanghai and Tianjin
Development Stages of American Leasing Industry
Leasing Motives of Japanese Enterprises
Basic Requirements from Ministry of Commerce of PRC on Establishment of Financial Leasing Companies in China
Basic Requirements from CBRC on Establishment of Financial Leasing Companies in China
Total Business Volume of Financial Leasing Industry in China (by Type), 2006-2015
Registered Capital of Financial Leasing Enterprises in China, 2012-2015
TOP10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (as of Dec. 31, 2014)
TOP10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (as of Mar. 31, 2015)
TOP 10 Financial Leasing Enterprises Approved by CBRC in China (as of Dec. 31, 2014) (by Registered Capital)
TOP 10 Financial Leasing Enterprises Approved by CBRC in China (as of Mar. 31, 2015) (by Registered Capital)
TOP 10 Domestic-funded Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (as of Dec. 31, 2014) (by Registered Capital)
TOP 10 Foreign-funded Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (as of Dec. 31, 2014) (by Registered Capital)
TOP 10 Foreign-funded Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (as of Mar. 31, 2015) (by Registered Capital)
Regional Distribution of Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (as of Dec. 31, 2014)
TOP10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in Shanghai, China (as of Apr.21, 2015) (by Registered Capital)
Profit Model of Financial Leasing Industry
TOP 8 Financial Leasing Enterprises Approved by CBRC in China, 2014 (by Total Asset)
TOP 7 Financial Leasing Enterprises Approved by CBRC in China, 2014 (by Net Income)
Key Operating Indicators for China Air Transport Industry, 2008-2015
Operating Indicators of Aircraft Leasing Business of Banking Leasing Enterprises in China, 2014
Securities Issuance of Leasing Assets of Major Financial Leasing Enterprises in China, 2014-2015
Three Main Indicators for Shipbuilding in China, 2008-2015
Advantages vs. Disadvantages of Ship Financing Methods in China
Revenue and Net Income of Major Listed Construction Machinery Companies in China, 2014-2015
Major Construction Machinery Financial Leasing Companies in China
Development Course of Financial Leasing Business of SANY Heavy Industry
Incentives for Major Listed Chinese Companies of Medical Equipment to Set Foot in Financial Leasing Industry
Introduction of Major Medical Equipment Financial Leasing Enterprises in China
Major Operating Indicators of Far East Horizon, 2014
Development Course of Far East Healthcare Business Unit, 2001-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Hengyuan Leasing, 2013-2014
Three Major Businesses of IBM Global Financing
Financial Leasing Solutions of IBM Global Financing
Market Scale of China Security Industry (by Segment Markets), 2007-2014
Classification of Chinese Automobile Financial Leasing Enterprises
Contrast between Financial Loan and Financial Leasing in Automobile Industry
Introduction of Professional Automobile Financial Leasing Enterprises
Financial Leasing Business Sample of Mercedes-Benz Lease (China)
Basic Information of ICBC Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of ICBC Financial Leasing Co. Ltd., 2008-2014
Financial Leasing Business of ICBC Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of ICBC Financial Leasing Co. Ltd., 2012-2014
Major Aviation Leasing Orders of ICBC Financial Leasing
Shipping Leasing Orders of ICBC Financial Leasing
Equipment Leasing Orders of ICBC Financial Leasing, 2014
Financial Leasing Business of CDB Leasing
Basic Information of Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of Bank of Communications Financial Leasing, 2011-2014
Financial Leasing Business of Bank of Communications Financial Leasing
Basic Information of Kunlun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Main Business Fields of Kunlun Financial Leasing
Basic Information of Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., 2010-2014
Ownership of Aircrafts and Ships of Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., 2010-2014
Financial Leasing Business of Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Industrial Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of Industrial Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., 2011-2014
Financial Leasing Business of Industrial Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of CCB Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of CCB Financial Leasing Co. Ltd., 2009-2014
Basic Information of CMB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of CMB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., 2010-2014
Financial Leasing Business of CMB Financial Leasing
Basic Information of China Huarong Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Financial Leasing Business of China Huarong Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Taiping & Sinopec Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Tianjin Bohai Leasing Company
Major Operating Indicators of Tianjin Bohai Leasing Company, 2011-2014
Financial Leasing Business of Tianjin Bohai Leasing Company
Fundraising Projects of Bohai Leasing
Basic Information of Changjiang Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Pu Hang Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Guotai Leasing Limited Company
Development Course of Guotai Leasing Limited Company
Basic Information of ALL Trust Leasing Co., Ltd.
Development Course of ALL Trust Leasing Co., Ltd.
Assets, Liabilities and Owner’s Equity of ALL Trust Leasing Co., Ltd., 2011-2014
Revenue and Profits of ALL Trust Leasing Co., Ltd., 2011-2014
Basic Information of AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd., 2012-2014
Financial Leasing Business of AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd.
Financial Leasing Orders of AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd., 2014-2015
Basic Information of JIC Leasing
Basic Information of ZOOMLION Financial Leasing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of Financial Leasing Business of ZOOMLION, 2012-2014
Basic Information of Shandong Chenming Finance Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Ping An International Financial Lease Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of HaitongUniTrust International Leasing Corporation
Financial Leasing Business of HaitongUniTrust International Leasing Corporation
Basic Information of Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
Development Course of Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Leasing
Basic Information of Lei Shing Hong Financial Lease (China) Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Yangtze River International Leasing Co., Ltd.
Major Operating Indicators of China Financial Leasing Industry (as of Mar., 2015)
Key Served Fields of Financial Leasing Industry in China
Development Trends of Key Served Fields of Financial Leasing Industry in China
Industry Development Phases and Features
Market Pattern Forecast of China Financial Leasing Industry
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