Global and China Financial Leasing Industry Report, 2019-2025
May 2019
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The top 50 countries in 2017 reported the growth in new business volume of 16.6%, rising from US$1,099.77 billion in 2016 to a remarkable US$1,282.73 billion in 2017. Three regions, North America, Europe and Asia, account for more than 95% of world volume. New business volume exceeded the previous year’s global total by US$182.96 billion. The Asian region experienced truly exceptional growth of 58.9% largely bolstered by an uplift in new business of US$59 billion in China. Europe recorded a growth rate of 32.7% and North America experienced 9.3% growth over the previous year. Australia/New Zealand was up 1% and South America up 23.2%. By contrast, Africa recorded a fall from last year’s figure of 15.8%.
Financial leasing, a financial service bolstering real economy growth, helps companies make use of their idle assets and reduce liabilities. The boom of the industry comes with the growing number of enterprises in recent years. By the end of 2018, there had been a total of some 11,777 financial leasing firms in China, an addition of 2,101 or 21.7% over the previous year and showing a CAGR of 51.6% compared with 80 in 2006. The figure is predicted to reach 23,000 in 2025.
The growing number of financial leasing companies produces more business volume. By the end of 2018, financial leasing contract value had totaled RMB6.65 trillion in China, RMB570 billion or 9.38% more than the size of RMB6.08 trillion at the end of 2017. Yet, the high growth rate of business volume is on the wane and beginning to stabilize. It is estimated that China’s financial leasing business volume will be approximately RMB12 trillion in 2025.

In China, financial leasing agencies fall into three types in terms of their regulators: banking leasing companies, domestic-funded financial leasing companies and foreign-funded financial leasing companies. They largely vary in time of emergence, approval authority, nature, regulatory strength and business range. Among the three types of financial leasing firms, banking leasing companies are supervised by China Banking & Insurance Regulatory Commission which has not approved a new one since 2018 due to mergers among this kind of agencies. As of December 2018, there had been 69 banking leasing firms approved.
Approving domestic-funded financial leasing companies to carry out pilot business was still under way in free-trade areas in Tianjin, Shaanxi, Shenyang and Guangdong in 2018. As of December 2018, there had been 397 domestic-funded financial leasing firms in total approved, increasing by 117 or 41.8% compared with the previous year when 280 were approved.
The number of foreign-funded financial leasing companies continued to rise in Tianjin, Guangdong, Shanghai, Liaoning and Shaanxi. As of December 2018, there had been 11,311 of such firms in China, an increase of 1,984 or 21.3% from 9,327 at the end of 2017.
As of December 2018, financial leasing businesses spread all over China, but the overwhelming majority clustered in the southeastern coastal areas, especially the 10 provinces and municipalities (i.e., Guangdong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Liaoning, Beijing, Fujian, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Shaanxi) accommodating at least 95% financial leasing firms.
As of December 2018, of the top fifty financial leasing companies by registered capital, Tianjin Bohai Leasing Co., Ltd. came to the top spot with the registered capital of RMB22.101 billion, and ICBC Leasing Co., Ltd. and Ping An International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. leaped to the second and third places with RMB18 billion and RMB13.241 billion, respectively.
Global &China Financial Leasing Industry Report, 2019-2025 highlights the following:
Global financial leasing development, and status quo of financial leasing in major countries;
China financial leasing industry (policy and economic conditions);
China financial leasing market (size, competitive pattern, funding channels, profit model and development trend);
China financial leasing market segments (aviation, shipping, construction machinery, medical equipment, printing equipment, rail transportation equipment, automobile, agricultural machinery, electric power, etc.);
China financial leasing regional markets (Tianjin, Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, etc.);
Chinese financial leasing companies (10 banking leasing companies, 8 domestic-funded financial leasing companies and 10 foreign-funded financial leasing companies) (operation, financial leasing business, funding channels, development strategy, etc.).
1. Overview of Financial Leasing
1.1 Definition and Characteristics
1.2 Business Forms
1.3 Industry Chain
2. Global Financial Leasing Development
2.1 Overview
2.2 Major Countries
2.2.1 USA
2.2.2 Japan
2.2.3 Germany
3. Environments for Financial Leasing Development in China
3.1 Policy
3.2 Economy
3.2.1 GDP Growth Rate
3.2.2 Fixed Asset Investments
3.2.3 Capital Supply
4. Financial Leasing Development in China
4.1 Development History
4.2 Industrial Scale
4.2.1 Types and Number of Enterprises
4.2.2 Business Volume
4.2.3 Registered Capital
4.3 Competitive Landscape
4.3.1 by Region
4.3.2 by Enterprise
4.3.3 by Application
4.3.4 by Business Form
4.4 Financing Channels
4.4.1 Overview
4.4.2 Financial Leasing ABS
4.5 Profit Model
4.6 Development Trend
5. Development of Financial Leasing in Key Industries in China
5.1 Aviation Industry
5.1.1 Industrial Development
5.1.2 Status Quo of Financial Leasing
5.1.3 Major Aircraft Leasing Companies
5.1.4 Financial Leasing of Major Airlines
5.2 Shipping Industry
5.2.1 Industrial Development
5.2.2 Ship Leasing Modes
5.2.3 Status Quo of Financial Leasing
5.2.4 Major Ship Leasing Companies
5.3 Automobile Industry
5.3.1 Industrial Development
5.3.2 Status Quo of Financial Leasing
5.3.3 Automobile Financial Leasing Market Segments
5.3.4 Major Automobile Leasing Companies
5.4 Railway Transportation Equipment
5.4.1 Industrial Development
5.4.2 Status Quo of Financial Leasing
5.5 Construction Machinery
5.5.1 Industrial Development
5.5.2 Status Quo of Financial Leasing
5.5.3 Major Leasing Companies
5.6 Medical Equipment
5.6.1 Industrial Development
5.6.2 Status Quo of Financial Leasing
5.6.3 Major Leasing Companies
5.7 Printing Equipment
5.7.1 Industrial Development
5.7.2 Status Quo of Financial Leasing
5.8 Others
5.8.1 Agricultural Machinery
5.8.2 Electric Power
6. Development of Financial Leasing in Major Regions of China
6.1 Tianjin
6.2 Guangdong
6.3 Beijing
6.4 Shanghai
7. Key Banking Leasing Enterprises in China
7.1 ICBC Leasing Co. Ltd.
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.1.4 Financing Channels
7.1.5 Development Strategy
7.2 China Development Bank Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.2.4 Financing Channels
7.3 Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.3.4 Financing Channels
7.4 Kunlun Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.4.4 Development Strategy
7.5 Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.5.4 Financing Channels
7.5.5 Development Strategy
7.6 Industrial Bank Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.6.4 Financing Channels
7.6.5 Development Strategy
7.7 CCB Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.7.4 Financing Channels
7.8 CMB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Operation
7.8.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.8.4 Financing Channels
7.9 China Huarong Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Operation
7.9.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.9.4 Financing Channels
7.10 Taiping & Sinopec Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
7.10.1 Profile
7.10.2 Operation
7.10.3 Financial Leasing Services
7.10.4 Financing Channels
8. Key Domestic-funded Financial Leasing Enterprises in China
8.1 Tianjin Bohai Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Operation
8.1.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.1.4 Financing Channels
8.1.5 Subsidiary - Wanjiang Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.1.6 Subsidiary - Hengqin International Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.2 Changjiang Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Operation
8.2.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.3 Pu Hang Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Operation
8.3.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.4 Guotai Leasing Limited Company
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Operation
8.4.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.4.4 Financing Channels
8.5 ALL Trust Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Operation
8.5.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.6 AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 Operation
8.6.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.6.4 Financing Channels
8.6.5 Development Strategy
8.7 Fenghui Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.7.1 Profile
8.7.2 Operation
8.7.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.7.4 Financing Channels
8.8 JIC Leasing Co., Ltd.
8.8.1 Profile
8.8.2 Operation
8.8.3 Financial Leasing Services
8.8.4 Financing Channels
9. Key Foreign-funded Financial Leasing Companies in China
9.1 International Far Eastern Leasing Co., Ltd.
9.1.1 Profile
9.1.2 Operation
9.1.3 Financial Leasing Services
9.1.4 Financing Channels
9.2 Ping An International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
9.2.1 Profile
9.2.2 Operation
9.2.3 Financial Leasing Services
9.2.4 Financing Channels
9.3 Shandong Chenming Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
9.3.1 Profile
9.3.2 Operation
9.3.3 Financial Leasing Services
9.4 Zhongyin Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
9.4.1 Profile
9.4.2 Operation
9.4.3 Financial Leasing Services
9.5 China Universal Leasing Co., Ltd.
9.5.1 Profile
9.5.2 Operation
9.5.3 Financial Leasing Services
9.6 Haitong UniTrust International Leasing Corporation
9.6.1 Profile
9.6.2 Operation
9.6.3 Financial Leasing Services
9.7 Others
9.7.1 Zhongjin International Financial Leasing (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
9.7.2 Xinxin Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
9.7.3 CCCC Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
9.7.4 CM International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
10. Summary and Forecast
10.1 Market
10.2 Enterprises
Main Features of Financial Leasing Services
Difference between Financial Leasing and Operating Leasing
Main Forms of Financial Leasing Services
Contrast between Direct Leasing and Sale-leaseback
Financial Leasing Industry Chain
Global Financial Leasing Turnover, 2010-2017
Global Financial Leasing Turnover (by Region), 1999-2017
Global Financial Leasing Turnover Structure (by Region), 2017
Global Financial Leasing Turnover and Penetration Rate (by Country / Region), 2017
Equipment Financial Leasing Market Size in the United States, 2011-2020E
Financial Leasing Sectors in the United States, 2017
Structure of Financial Leasing Enterprises in the United States
Financial Leasing Turnover in Japan, 2010-2018
Leasing Business Structure (by Application) in Japan, 2018
Policies on China’s Financial Leasing Industry, 2014-2018
Policies about Financial Leasing in Major Provinces and Municipalities of China, 2015-2018
Growth Rate of China’s GDP, 2015-2025E
China’s Fixed Asset Investments, 2015-2025E
China’s Currency Supply, 2010-2019
Number and Business Volume of Financial Leasing Enterprises in China, 2015-2025E
Financial Leasing Penetration Rate in China, 2010-2019
Comparison between Three Types of Financial Leasing Companies
Number of Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (by Type), 2010-2019
Business Volume of China’s Financial Leasing Services (by Corporate Type), 2010-2019
Registered Capital of Financial Leasing Enterprises in China (by Corporate Type), 2010-2019
Distribution of Banking Leasing Companies in China (by Region), end of Jun 2019
Distribution of Foreign-funded Financial Leasing Companies in China (by Region), end of 2018
Distribution of Domestic-funded Pilot Financial Leasing Companies in China (by Region), end of 2018
Top 10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in China, end of 2018
Top 10 Banking Leasing Companies in China, end of 2018
Top 10 Foreign-funded Banking Leasing Companies in China, end of 2018
Top 10 Domestic-funded Pilot Banking Leasing Companies in China, end of 2018
China’s Financial Leasing Assets (by Sector), 2018
China’s Financial Leasing Assets (by Sector), 2017
China’s Financial Leasing Assets (by Sector), 2018
China’s Financial Leasing Business Structure, 2014-2018
Comparison between Different Financial Leasing Channels
Number and Amount of Financial Leasing ABS Issued in China, 2010-2018
Term of Operation and Capital of Original Owners of Financial Leasing and Banking Leasing, 2006-2018
Lease Debt ABS by Leasing Type, 2006-2018
Average Offering Scale and Period of Financial Leasing and Banking Leasing, 2006-2018
Offering Scale of Top10 Original Owners (RMB100 mln), 2006-2018
Number of Offerings of Top10 Original Owners, 2006-2018
Top10 Financial Leasing ABS Issuers by Amount, 2018
Structure of AAA and Secondary Average Stratification in Financial Leasing and Banking Leasing, 2014-2018
Main Production Indexes of Global Air Transport Industry, 2010-2018
Main Production Indexes of Air Transport Industry in China, 2011-2018
Number of Civilian Transport Aircraft in China, 2010-2018
Top10 Civilian Transport Aircraft Fleets in China, 2018
Aircraft Financial Leasing Models in Major Countries
Proportion of Leased Aircraft Worldwide, 1970-2020E
Distribution of Orders for China’s C919 at the End of Jun 2019
Top10 Aircraft Leasing Companies Worldwide, 2018
BOC Aviation’s Fleet, 2017-2018
Revenue Structure of BOC Aviation, 2018
Revenue Structure of Bohai Capital Holding, 2018
Fleets of Aircraft Leasing Companies in China, 2012-2018
Revenue Structure of Aircraft Leasing Companies in China, 2018
Revenue Structure of China Development Bank Financial Leasing, 2015-2018
Financial Lease Revenue Structure of China Development Bank Financial Leasing by Business, 2015-2018
Operating Lease Revenue Structure of China Development Bank Financial Leasing by Business, 2015-2018
Fleet of Air China at the End of 2018
Fleet of China Eastern Airlines at the End of 2018
Fleet of China Southern Airlines at the End of 2018
Fleet of Hainan Airlines at the End of 2018
Fleet of Spring Airlines at the End of 2018
Main Production Indexes of Shipbuilding Industry in China, 2011-2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Several Ship Lease Financing Forms in China
China’s Ship Financial Leasing Market Share, 2014 & 2018
China’s Automobile Output, 2015-2025E
China’s Automobile Ownership, 2015-2025E
Comparison between Financial Loan and Financial Leasing of Automobiles
Penetration Rate of Automobile Financial Leasing in Main Countries, 2018
China’s Used Car Trading Volume and YoY Growth Rate, 2011-2019
Classification of Automobile Financial Leasing Companies in China
Major Automobile Financial Leasing Companies in China
Classification of Railway Transport Equipment
China’s Fixed Asset Investments in Railways, 2015-2025E
China’s Investments into Railway Locomotives & Vehicles, 2015-2025E
Operating Revenue and YoY Growth of Construction Machinery Industry in China, 2015-2025E
Top15 Construction Machinery Enterprises in China by Revenue, 2018
Construction Machinery Financial Leasing Turnover in China, 2015-2025E
Major Construction Machinery Financial Leasing Companies in China
Chinese Medical Equipment Market Size, 2015-2025E
Core Industry Chain of Medical Leasing
Financial Leasing Value of Medical Equipment and Penetration Rate in China, 2015-2025E
Major Medical Equipment Financial Leasing Companies in China
Fixed Asset Investments in Printing Industry in China, 2015-2025E
Main Economic Indicators of Printing Equipment Manufacturing in China, 2018
Main Economic Indicators of Agricultural Machinery Industry in China, 2011-2019
Major Agricultural Machinery Financial Leasing Companies in China
Investments in Electric Power in China, 2011-2019
Installed Power-generation Capacity in China by Energy, 2013-2018
Number of Financial Leasing Enterprises and YoY Growth in Tianjin, 2018
Registered Capital of Financial Leasing Enterprises and YoY Growth in Tianjin, 2018
Business Volume of Financial Leasing and YoY Growth in Tianjin, 2018
Top 10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in Tianjin, end of 2018
Planning of Guangdong’s Three Major Districts for Financial Leasing Services
Top 10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in Guangdong, end of 2018
Top 10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in Beijing, end of 2018
Top 10 Financial Leasing Enterprises in Shanghai, end of 2018
Main Operational Indicators of ICBC Leasing, 2010-2018
Main Economic Indicators of China Development Bank Financial Leasing, 2013-2018
Total Assets and Revenue of China Development Bank Financial Leasing’s Main Business Segments, 2018
Financial Leasing Value and Proportion of China Development Bank Financial Leasing, 2013-2018
Turnover and Proportion of China Development Bank Financial Leasing (by Business), 2016-2018
Main Operational Indicators of Bank of Communications Financial Leasing, 2014-2018
Balance of Leasing Assets of Bank of Communications Financial Leasing, 2011-2018
Financial Leasing Business Structure of Bank of Communications Financial Leasing (by Industry), 2016-2018
Main Economic Indicators of Kunlun Financial Leasing, 2014-2019
Balance of Leasing Assets of Kunlun Financial Leasing (by Business), 2014-2018
Top 5 Industries of Kunlun Financial Leasing by Financial Leasing Assets, 2016-2018
Customer Concentration of Kunlun Financial Leasing’s Financial Leasing Services, 2016-2018
Equity Structure of Minsheng Financial Leasing, 2018
Main Economic Indicators of c, 2014-2019
Top 5 Industries with Financial Leasing Assets of Minsheng Financial Leasing, 2016-2018
Customer Concentration of Minsheng Financial Leasing’s Financial Leasing Services, 2014-2018
Main Economic Indicators of Industrial Bank Financial Leasing, 2014-2018
Leasing Projects of Industrial Bank Financial Leasing, 2014-2018
Financial Leasing Services of Industrial Bank Financial Leasing (by Sector), 2016-2018
Main Economic Indicators of CCB Financial Leasing, 2014-2018
Structure of CCB Financial Leasing’s Leasing Assets (by Sector), end of 2018
Main Economic Indicators of CMB Financial Leasing, 2014-2018
Total Leasing Assets of CMB Financial Leasing (by Business), 2018
Structure of CMB Financial Leasing’s Receivables from Financial Leasing (by Sector), 2016-2018
Main Economic Indicators of China Huarong Financial Leasing, 2018
Receivables of China Huarong Financial Leasing from Financial Leasing, 2017-2018
Receivables of China Huarong Financial Leasing from Financial Leasing (by Sector), 2017-2018
Receivables of China Huarong Financial Leasing from Financial Leasing (by Region), 2017-2018
Main Economic Indicators of Tianjin Bohai Leasing, 2014-2018
Major Subsidiaries of Bohai Leasing
Main Existing Projects of Tianjin Bohai Leasing’s Headquarters, as of the end of Mar 2019
Distribution of Leasing Projects of Tianjin Bohai Leasing’s Headquarters, as of the end of Mar 2019
Financing Channels Structure of Tianjin Bohai Leasing, 2017-2019
Financial Leasing Project Contract Balance of Wanjiang Financial Leasing (by Sector), 2015-2017
Financial Leasing Project Contract Balance of Wanjiang Financial Leasing (by Region), 2015-2017
Project Contracts of Hengqin International Leasing, 2017-2018
Main Economic Indicators of Changjiang Leasing, 2014-2018
Main Economic Indicators of Pu Hang Leasing
Main Economic Indicators of Guotai Leasing, 2014-2019
Revenue Structure of Guotai Leasing, 2016-2018
Leasing Revenue Structure of Guotai Leasing, 2016-2018
Receivables of Guotai Leasing from Financial Leasing (by Sector), 2016-2018
Main Economic Indicators of ALL Trust Leasing, 2015-2018
Shareholder Structure of AVIC International Leasing, end of Jun 2019
Main Economic Indicators of AVIC International Leasing, 2014-2019
Structure of AVIC International Leasing’s Leasing Assets (by Leasing Mode), 2014-2019
Structure of AVIC International Leasing’s Leasing Assets (by Sector), 2014-2019
Structure of AVIC International Leasing’s Main Financing Sources, end of Mar 2019
Main Economic Indicators of Fenghui Leasing, 2015-2018
Revenue of Fenghui Leasing (by Business), 2017-2018
Cost and Gross Margin of Fenghui Leasing (by Business), 2017-2018
Financial Leasing Value of Fenghui Leasing, 2017-2018
Structure of Fenghui Leasing’s Existing Assets for Financial Leasing (by Sector), 2017-2018
Sources of Fenghui Leasing’s Funds, as of the end of 2018
Main Economic Indicators of JIC Leasing, 2014-2019
Financial Leasing Capital Disbursement of JIC Leasing, 2016-2019
Financial Leasing Asset Balance of JIC Leasing, 2016-2019
Operation of Leasing Business of JIC Leasing by Leasing Model, 2014-2019
Financial Leasing Receivable of JIC Leasing by Region, 2016-2019
Main Economic Indicators of International Far Eastern Leasing, 2014-2019
Operating Revenue Structure of International Far Eastern Leasing, 2016-2019
Operational Cost Structure of International Far Eastern Leasing, 2016-2019
Financial Leasing Services of International Far Eastern Leasing, 2014-2019
Financial Leasing Receivable Structure of International Far Eastern Leasing by Industry, 2016-2019
Financing Source Structure of International Far Eastern Leasing, 2018
Main Economic Indicators of Ping An International Financial Leasing, 2014-2019
Leasing Business Asset Balance Structure of Ping An International Financial Leasing by Sector, 2016-2018
Leasing Business Asset Balance Structure of Ping An International Financial Leasing by Region, 2016-2018
Main Economic Indicators of Shandong Chenming Financial Leasing, 2016-2019
Main Economic Indicators of Zhongyin Financial Leasing, 2015-2018
Main Economic Indicators of China Universal Leasing, 2014-2019
Revenue Structure of China Universal Leasing by Business, 2016-2018
Net Financial Leasing Receivable of China Universal Leasing by Industry, 2016-2018
Distribution of New Leasing Contracts of China Universal Leasing by Region, 2016-2018
Main Economic Indicators of Haitong UniTrust International Leasing, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Haitong UniTrust International Leasing by Business, 2016-2018
Total Net Financial Leasing Receivable Structure of Haitong UniTrust International Leasing by Leasing Model, 2014-2018
Disbursement Structure of Haitong UniTrust International Leasing’s Leasing Business by Leasing Model, 2014-2018
Leasing Asset Balance Structure of Haitong UniTrust International Leasing by Industry, 2018
Financial Leasing Services and Market Penetration Rate in China, 2016-2025E
Number of Financial Leasing Enterprises in Major Regions of China, 2018
Comparison of Economic Indicators of Major Financial Leasing Companies in China, 2018
Comparison of Economic Indicators of Major Domestically-funded Leasing Companies in China, 2018
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