Global and China Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Material and Battery Industry Report, 2015-2018
July 2015
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As one of the main cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries, lithium iron phosphate (molecular formula is LiFePO4, also known as LFP) features such strengths as high safety, long cycle life, and high temperature resistance. But its weakness is lower energy density. Lithium iron phosphate batteries can be used in electric vehicles, power tools, electric bicycles, energy storage devices, etc. For now, they are mainly used as power batteries for electric vehicles.
In 2014, some 12,500 tons of lithium iron phosphate were sold globally, and they were mainly sold to China, almost accounting for 75% of the total. That was mainly because Chinese electric vehicle enterprises tend to adopt lithium iron phosphate as power batteries of cathode materials. Additionally, China's great support for new energy vehicles has promoted the rapid increase of the country’s demand for lithium iron phosphate. In contrast, cathode materials for power batteries in the US, Japan, and South Korea are dominated by ternary material and lithium manganate.
Globally, the traditional lithium iron phosphate material manufacturers mainly include the U.S.-based A123 and Valence and the Canada-based Phostech, which grasp mature mass-production technology. However, the demand for lithium iron phosphate battery in the US and European countries showed an ongoing decline, a situation that plunged them into financial difficulties. For example, A123 filed a petition in bankruptcy in October 2012, and was finally acquired by China’s Wanxiang Group; Valence retreated from NASDAQ in July 2012 as it had long been in the red.
In recent years, however, lithium iron phosphate enterprises in Mainland China and Taiwan have been developing very fast, accompanied by dramatic capacity expansion and rising market position. By the end of 2014, over 80% of the world’s lithium iron phosphate originated from Mainland China and Taiwan, of which the Taiwanese lithium iron phosphate material manufacturers were mainly Formosa and Aleees, of which total capacity approximated 7,300 tons in 2014.
In 2014, Mainland China recorded a total capacity of about 30,000 tons of lithium iron phosphate. The major enterprises included Tianjin STL Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Guanghan Mufu Lithium Power Materials Co., Ltd., and Pulead Technology Industry Co., Ltd., etc. which contributed a combined capacity of 9,500 tons. Furthermore, there are several proposed and ongoing lithium iron phosphate projects in China. For example, Tianjin STL Energy Technology planned to expand its lithium iron phosphate capacity to 10,000 tons within three years; Pulead Technology’s Base in Qinghai is working to construct a “5,000 tons/a lithium iron phosphate and other cathode materials” project (Phase II).

In terms of EV industry, China’s mainstream cathode materials for power batteries are still lithium iron phosphate, which represents an around 40% share of power battery market, Major manufacturers consist of BYD, Guoxuan High-Tech, and Tianjin Lishen, etc. However, low energy density of lithium iron phosphate batteries restricts the EV’s driving range, a situation that makes more and more enterprises turn to ternary materials. In the future, the application percentage of lithium iron phosphate batteries in electric vehicles will fall.
However, the application of lithium iron phosphate batteries in energy storage, photovoltaic and communication batteries is on the rise, reflecting a huge space for development. In the field of electric bicycles, the batteries have obvious advantages over the traditional lead-acid batteries, hence a larger alternative space.
Global and China Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Material and Battery Industry Report, 2015-2018 compiled by ResearchInChina is primarily concerned with the following:
Market size, competition pattern, development prediction, etc. of the global lithium iron phosphate industry;
Market size, competition pattern, downstream demand, development prediction, etc. of China’s lithium iron phosphate industry;
Operation, lithium iron phosphate business, etc. of 21 lithium iron phosphate companies at home and abroad;
Operation, lithium iron phosphate battery business, etc. of 11 lithium iron phosphate battery companies in China.
1. Overview of LiFePO4 Battery
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Merits and Demerits
1.2 Industry Chain
2. Global LiFePO4 Market
2.1 Overview
2.2 Competition Pattern
3. Market of LiFePO4 Materials in Mainland China
3.1 Development
3.2 Supply and Demand
3.3 Competition Pattern
3.4 Patent Barriers of LiFePO4 Materials
3.4.1 Dispute on Patent
3.4.2 Latest Development
3.5 Policy Impact
4. Industry of LiFePO4 Battery in Mainland China
4.1 Supply
4.2 Demand
4.2.1 Electric Car
4.2.2 Electric Tools
4.2.3 Electric Bicycle
4.2.4 Energy Storage Equipment
4.2.5 Communication Industry
4.3 Supported LiFePO4 Battery for New Energy Vehicles in China
5. Key LiFePO4 Materials Manufacturers
5.1 A123 Systems
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Subsidiaries in China
5.2 Valence
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Subsidiaries in China
5.3 Phostech
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 LiFePO4 Business
5.4 Formosa Energy & Material Technology Co., Ltd.
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 LiFePO4 Business
5.5 ALeees
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Revenue Structure
5.5.4 LiFePO4 Business
5.5.5 Development Dynamic
5.6 Hirose Tech
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Competition Vantage
5.7 Tatung Fine Chemicals
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 LiFePO4 Business
5.8 Tianjin STL Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 LiFePO4 Business
5.9 Pulead Technology Industry Co., Ltd
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Subsidiaries
5.9.3 LiFePO4 Business
5.10 Shenzhen BTR New Energy Material Co., Ltd
5.10.1 Profile
5.10.2 Operation
5.10.3 LiFePO4 Business
5.11 Yantai Zhuoneng Battery Material Co., Ltd.
5.11.1 Profile
5.11.2 LiFePO4 Business
5.12 Nanjing Lasting Brilliance New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
5.12.1 Profile
5.12.2 R&D Project
5.12.3 Development History
5.13 Guanghan Mufu Lithium Power Materials Co., Ltd.
5.13.1 Profile
5.13.2 LiFePO4 Business
5.14 Hunan Shanshan Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
5.14.1 Profile
5.14.2 Operation
5.14.3 Cathode Material Business
5.15 HeFei GuoXuan High-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd.
5.15.1 Profile
5.15.2 Operation
5.15.3 LiFePO4 and Battery Business
5.16 ShenZhen TianJiao Technology Development LTD.
5.16.1 Profile
5.16.2 Operation
5.17 Others
5.17.1 Xinxiang Huaxin Energy Materials Co., Ltd.
5.17.2 Hunan Haorun Technology Co., Ltd.
5.17.3 NanoChem Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
5.17.4 Xinxiang Chuangjia Power Supply Material Co., Ltd.
5.17.5 QingDao Qianyun High-tech New Material Co., Ltd.
6. Key LiFePO4 Battery Manufacturers
6.1 BYD
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Revenue Structure
6.1.4 Goss Margin
6.1.5 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.1.6 Forecast and Outlook
6.2 Shenzhen BAK Battery
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Revenue Structure
6.2.4 R&D
6.2.5 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.3 Tianjin Lishen Battery Joint-Stock Co., Ltd.
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.4 Shenzhen Mottcell Battery Technology Co., Ltd.
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.4.3 Applications
6.5 Wanxiang EV Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.5.3 Application Case
6.6 CENS Energy-Tech Co., Ltd.
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.7 Hipower New Energy Group Co., Ltd.
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.8 Suzhou Golden Crown New Energy Co., Ltd.
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 LiFePO4 Battery Business
6.9 Pihsiang Energy Technology
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Competitive Edge
6.9.3 Investment
6.10 Qingdao Hongnai New Energy
6.11 Huanyu Power Source Co.,Ltd.
6.11.1 Profile
6.11.2 LiFePO4 Battery Business
7. Summary and Forecast
7.1 Industry
7.2 Enterprise
Classification of Motive Power Battery
Performance of All kinds of Lithium Batteries
Industry Chain of LiFePo4 Battery
Global and Chinese Power Battery Companies and Their Main Products
Sales Volume and Growth Rate of Global Lithium Battery Cathode Materials, 2011-2015
Consumption Proportion of Cathode Material for Lithium Batteries in the World, 2014
Sales Volume of LiFePo4 and Its Proportion of Cathode Material around the World, 2010-2014
Capacity of Key LiFePo4 Materials Manufacturers in Taiwan, 2011-2015
Sales Volume of Lithium Battery Cathode Materials in China, 2011-2015
Major Varieties and Sales Volume Proportion of Lithium Battery Cathode Materials in China, 2014
Sales Volume of LiFePo4 and Its Proportion of Cathode Material in China, 2007-2014
Capacity of Key LiFePo4 Materials Manufacturers in Mainland China, 2014
Lithium Iron Phosphate Projects under Construction in China, 2015
Output of New Energy Vehicles in China, 2010-2015
Estimated Demand for Lithium Battery for New Energy Vehicles in China, 2010-2015
Quantity of Supported Power Battery of New Energy Vehicles in China by Type as of Jul. 2014
Capacity of Major Chinese Power Lithium Battery Manufacturers, 2014
Market Size Forecast of LiFePo4 Battery Used in Electric Car in China
China’s EV Output, 2011-2015
China’s Power Tool Output, 2009-2014
Electric Bicycle Output in China, 2006-2014
Installed Capacity of Wind Power and Photovoltaic, 2006-2014
Major New Energy Vehicle Models and Supported Power Battery in China
Battery Technology and Supporting Manufacturers of Power Lithium Battery Enterprises in China, 2014
History of A123 Systems
Revenue and Gross Profit of A123 Systems, FY2007- FY2012
Revenue and Net Profit of Valence, FY2008-FY2012
Operation of Valence’s Subsidiaries in China
History of Phostech
Aleees’ Revenue and Net Income, 2011-2015
Aleees’ Revenue Breakdown by Product, 2012-2014
Aleees’ Revenue Structure by Product, 2012-2014
Aleees’ Revenue Breakdown by Region, 2012-2014
Aleees’ Revenue Structure by Region, 2012-2014
Aleees’ LiFePO4 Material Capacity and Output, 2012-2014
Aleees’ LiFePO4 Material Sales Volume, 2012-2014
Hirose’s Financial Condition, 2009-2012
Revenue of Tatung Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., 2009-2015
History of LiFePo4 R&D of Tatung Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Development History of Tianjin STL Energy Technology
LiFePO4 Capacity of Tianjin STL Energy Technology, 2007-2017E
Major Production Bases of Shenzhen BTR
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen BeiTerui, 2012-2014
LiFePo4 Development of BTR
Revenue and LiFePO4 Capacity of Yantai ZhuoNeng Battery Material, 2011-2014
Major Customers of Yantai ZhuoNeng Battery Material
Development History of Nanjing Lasting Brilliance New Energy
Revenue and Net Income of Hunan Shanshan, 2010-2014
Cathode Material Sales Volume of Hunan Shanshan, 2009-2014
Main lithium Iron Phosphate Products of Hunan Shanshan
Revenue and Net Income of GuoXuan High-Tech, 2011-2014
Development History of Guoxuan High-Tech
Marketing of Guoxuan High-Tech Major Products
History of Tianjiao Technology
The Main Products Capacity of TianJiao Technology, 2014
Revenue and Net Income of Tiaojiao Technology, 2012-2014
Capacity of Main Products of Xinxiang Huaxin
BYD’s Revenue and Net Income, 2010-2014
BYD’s Revenue Breakdown by Product, 2012-2014
BYD’s Revenue Structure by Product, 2012-2014
BYD’s Revenue Breakdown by Region, 2012-2014
BYD’s Revenue Structure by Region, 2012-2014
Goss Margin of BYD’s Leading Products, 2012-2014
BYD’s Revenue and Net Income, 2014-2018E
Revenue and Net Income of Shenzhen BAK Battery, FY2011-FY2014
Revenue of Shenzhen BAK Battery by Product,FY2009-FY2013
Revenue of Shenzhen BAK Battery by Region,FY2009-FY2013
Revenue Structure of Shenzhen BAK Battery by Region, FY2009-FY2013
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Shenzhen BAK Battery, FY2010-FY2013
Revenue of Tianjin Lishen, 2008-2014
Development History of Tianjin Lishen
Patents of Shenzhen Mottcell Battery
LiFePo4 Battery Application of CENS Energy-Tech
HiPower New Energy Group
Development History of LiFePo4 Battery Business of Pihsiang Energy Technology
Development History of Henan Huanyu Group
Chinese and Global Lithium Iron Phosphate Sales Volume and Proportion, 2011-2018E
Capacity of Lithium Iron Phosphate Material Manufacturers in China (including Taiwan), 2014/2018E
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