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 Shenzhen Development Bank Co.,Ltd. : SDB Announcement Regarding Online Investor Discussion Forum
CreateTime:2011-08-25     Source:4-traders Editor:wangxin
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Shenzhen Development Bank (000001.SZ) Announcement Regarding OnlineInvestor Discussion Forum

The Company and the Board of Directors of the Company guarantee that this report does not contain any false documentation, misleading representation or material omission, and assume joint and several responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents.

Shenzhen Development Bank (the “Company”) has published its 2011 first half results announcement on August 18, 2011, through disclosing on China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Shanghai Securities Journal and Securities Daily and website designated by China Securities Regulatory Commission: http://www.cninfo.com.cn. In order to facilitate interactions with investors and to allow investors to appraise the position of the Company, the Company will hold an online discussion forum on Friday, August 26, 2011 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m on the website at http://www.p5w.net. The languages that can be used at the forum for posting questions are Simplified Chinese and English. And the replies will be in Simplified Chinese only.

The management of the Company will communicate with investors in relation to the financial results and the operations of the Company. Shareholders of the Company and investors are welcome to participate in the event.

Board of Directors

Shenzhen Development Bank

Aug 25, 2011

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