Aramex eyes China, North America for acquisitions

Aramex International

Aramex International after acquiring major Irish-UK logistics and freight forwarding company Twoway-Vanguard earlier this year is now looking out to acquire similar companies in China and North America.

Aramex will now pursue acquisitions both within and beyond the region to achieve growth. Aramex is said to have been in talks to acquire some companies in Southeast Asia soon after concluding the agreement to acquire Dublin-based Twoway-Vanguard, a logistics and freight service provider.

Ashraf Al Shakaa, Public and Investor Relations Manager of Aramex said, "We have been in discussions and hope to make the announcement on the China acquisition over the next couple of months.'' However, regarding the timeframe, Mr Shakaa said, even the earlier Dublin-based Twoway-Vanguard acquisition took about two years of negotiations. "


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