Sinopec Tops 2011 China’s Top 500 Enterprises List


September 5 -- Sinopec (600028.SH) was the top-ranked Chinese company in the list of the Top 500 Enterprises of China in 2011, reports Beijing Times.

The list was released jointly by the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Enterprise Directors Association.

Sinopec topped the list with revenue of 1.969 trillion yuan for the seventh straight year. PetroChina (601857, 0857.HK) took second spot, with revenue of 1.721 trillion yuan. The State Grid was third-ranked, with revenue of 1.529 trillion yuan.

The total revenue earned by the top 500 companies increased 31.6 percent year-on-year to 36.31 trillion yuan. Their total assets were up 18.4 percent year-on-year to 108.1 trillion yuan.

Sixty enterprises exited the top 500 list. Of the total, 182 enterprises applied for acquisitions or restructuring exercises.

State-owned enterprises accounted for 316, or 63 percent, of the total. The number of private enterprises increased to 184.



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