Regulator: 5.5 Million Units of Defected Vehicles recalled in China in 2015

Chinese regulators announced that there had been a total of 76 Chinese automotive enterprises carrying out recall of defected vehicles 226 times, which hit a record high with a yearly rise of 29%. And the number of defected vehicles amounted to 5.5485 million units, increasing by 17% from a year earlier.
Encouraged by the quality inspection from Chinese regulating department, Chinese automakers have carried out recall 81 times, increasing by 170% from a year earlier. And the number of involved vehicles reached 3.5223 million units, accounting for 64% this year, with a yearly rise of 18%.
The main reason why the number of recalls hit a record in 2015 lies in the improvement in China’s recall system implemented since 2004.
In this way, the whole society has gained a further accurate understanding of the recall system. And automakers in China have become more responsible and respond more and more positively to the recall system.
On the other hand, with the establishment of the defect information collection platform, Chinese regulators further strengthen their ability of collection and analysis of defect information.
According to statistics, China has carried out recalls 1,079 times since 2004, involving a total of 25.3385 million units of defected vehicles.


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