Mazda Carries out a Recall Again in Chinese Market

 Recently, Mazda has carried out a recall of 3,229 units of CX – 5 of which the steering wheels have defects that might scratch fingers of drivers and even cause traffic accident in China.
Besides, there are other defects existing in CX-5, which have given rise to lots of complaints from Chinese customers.
However, this has not been the first time that Mazda recalled defected vehicles in 2015.
Mazda recalled some units of Atenza in May; it recalled 279,300 units of Mazda 6 which had been made in China in September; and it also recalled Mazda 323 (including BG model, BA model), Mazda 626, Mazda 929 and Mazda MPV in November.
Some car owners pointed out that Mazda had promised to offer 4,000 dollars as replacement subsidies when they bought vehicles, which Mazda hasn’t fulfilled.
Mazda has chosen to lower price to attract more customers in China in recent years by means of reducing production cost. However, as the price gets lower, complaints from customer grow.
Moreover, to be noticed, Changan Mazda has received lots of negative comments on, a Chinese website recording complaints about auto products, because its products has caused lots of complaints most of which it has turned deaf to.
Mazda said that customers could turn to franchisers nearby for maintenance service and franchisers would also be on behalf of Mazda to contact customers when necessary.


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