NDRC: Charging Piles to Be Found Every Five Kilometers in Beijing in 2017

China National Development and Reform Commission (short for NDRC) has released regulation related to management of the construction of charging piles for alternative energy vehicles in Beijing.
NDRC indicated that there would be 5,000 charging piles constructed in 2016. And existing charging facilities will also be upgraded in accordance with new international standards.
There will be charging piles found every five kilometers in Beijing at 2017. What’s more, it must be guaranteed that every parking lot next to newly constructed residential buildings can be equipped with charging piles.
Convenient Payments
NDRC said that electricity fees would be charged based on charging quantity. The maximum price per kilowatt-hour will be 15% of the retail price per liter of no.92 gasoline in Beijing that day.
Chinese unionpay card payment must be made available to ensure that drivers could pay for the service with only one card wherever they charge their vehicles.
In addition, varieties of convenient payments like municipal traffic card, power card and ETC are all encouraged.
Loose Admission of Construction Program
Construction programs of charging facilities still remains open to all kinds of social capitals.
But the construct program should be carried out in accordance with national standards in China.
Moreover, 30% or less of investment in the constructing charging piles may be offered as subsidy to those eligible investors.
Centralized construction of charging facilities in new independent area should gain approval from NDRC while others not in independent area or of small charging piles only need to get approval from local office of development and reform commission.


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