Industrial Expert: the Balance Point between EV and Charging Piles may Arrive in 2020

The gap between the limited number of existing charging piles and the increasing charging demands is the main chanllenge facing the development and promotion of electric vehicles(EV). Industrial expert predicted that the increase in the number of alternative energy vehicles will tend to be more rational, influenced by factors such as the expired preferential policies and expanded population of EV owners in cities. On the other hand, the building and depolyment of charging piles will be accelerating, contributed by policy stimulus and efforts made by local governments, leading to a upcoming balance between the number of EVs and charging piles in 2019 or 2020.
According to a draft version of the Construction Planning of the EV Charging Infrastructure and the Construction Guideline of the Charging Infrastructure proposed by China’s National Energy Administration, China will see 12,000 EV changing stations and 4.5 million EV charging piles by the year of 2020, on the premise that 5 million alternative energy vehicles will be on the roads here.
For now, we can see the number of alternative energy vehicles has been increasing by leaps and bounds. According to CAAM, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the production and sales of alternative energy vehicles are 340,471 units and 331,092 units. The number from MIIT, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, also said the production of alternative energy vehicles totaled 379,000 units in 2015. While the number of installed charging piles stalled at 60,000 units, which call for immediate actions to accelerating the installment of charging piles so as to meet the charging demand of nearly 450,000 EVs in China.
Some investment analysts noted, the market of charging piles will value 40 billion rmb this year and further expand to 100 billion rmb in 2020.


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