Hanergy bets on solar-energy vehicles after hundred billon loss

Hanergy solar energy vehicles will be displayed on Shanghai Alternative Energy Auto Show in June. The vehicle uses two driving ways of solar and charging post, which capacity will reach 8-12 KW after 5-8 hours charging and provide energy for 80-100 kilometers.
Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Limited announced to purchase the total shares of Alta Devices with 15m $ on January 28th , 2015. The launching of this model solar energy vehicle is catching the trend of rapid development of alternative energy vehicles. Data shows China has a total production volume of 379,000 units in 2015, increasing 3.5 times. Holding volume reaches 500,000 units, and China becomes the largest growth market in the world. In the future five years, the total alternative energy vehicles will reach a holding volume of 5m units, meaning China will has a compound growth rate of above 40%.
Following the trend, more Internet companies are joining the camp of producing vehicles, including LETV, BAT and so on. But some experts say great funds are needed to produce vehicles, whether Hanergy can hold a steady stock price and rich cash flow is the biggest problem in its future development of alternative energy vehicles.


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