Global and China Telematics Box (T-Box) Industry Report, 2016-2020
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T-box, posing the same strict requirements as the vehicle on reliability, working temperature, anti-interference, and so forth, is a standard terminal for the connected car, providing diversified online applications like vehicle remote monitoring, remote control, safety monitoring and alarming, and remote diagnosis by means of 4G remote wireless communication, GPS satellite positioning, acceleration sensing and CAN communication functions.
With the popularity of telematics as well as the demand of new energy automakers on real-time information about battery and vehicle status, the global T-box market size will be up to USD3.4 billion in 2020, with a CAGR of 25% or so, according to our forecast. The entry of the internet industry will drive the growth of such market as well.
The world’s IC market size was approximately USD287.1 billion in 2015, of which the automotive IC market accounted for 7.3%; and in 2019 the IC market scale will climb to USD358.7 billion, but the automotive IC market share will edge up 0.8 percentage points from 2015 and the size is to hit USD29.2 billion mainly because of the gradual fall in the cost and price of automotive IC, especially MCU, analog components, the logic components for special applications, etc.
In the automotive electronic system, the in-vehicle electronics have seen a rising share year after year, with the share 2% higher in 2015 than that in 2011. The automotive electronic system occupies at most 30% of total costs of an ordinary car but makes up more than 50% of total costs of a new energy vehicle. During 2015-2020, the new energy vehicles in China will present a CAGR of 57.6%, giving strong impetus to the development of Chinese automotive electronics market. We believe that the automotive electronics market size of China will show a CARG of over 20% in the next five years and will reach RMB1,000 billion.
As the output of OEM terminals increases and market competition pricks up, both price and cost of T-box will decrease by degrees. The penetration rate of pre-installations will be 30% in 2020 when Chinese T-box market size is believed to hit RMB8.1 billion.
The main players in T-box field consist of Huawei Technologies, Flaircomm Microelectronics, Thread Tech, etc., yet the rivalry is still mainly from foreign competitors such as Bosch, Continental, Harman, Denso and LG. Still about 95% of T-box market in China is to be developed because CANBUS protocol development is quite difficult. We expect that the detailed national rules and regulations will be issued at the end of 2016, and by then the rate of T-box pre-installations in new energy vehicle will be significantly improved, growing from less than 50% at present to close to 100% as estimated.

Global and China Telematics Box (T-Box) Industry Report, 2016-2020 by ResearchInChina focuses on the followings:
Global and Chinese T-box market size, shares and development tendencies, particularly analyzing the future technology roadmap of T-box;
Comparative analysis of T-box makers and applications in countries/regions worldwide;
Upstream industry chain of T-box: automotive IC and automotive sensor markets;
Development of automotive electronics market in China;
T-box market environment, policy climate, etc in China;
Five key T-box brands and four T-box related manufacturers’ technical solutions, T-box business, and otherwise;
Operation, technologies, development planning of 12 Chinese T-box manufacturers as well as their support for vehicle models.
1 Overview of T-box
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Working Principle
1.4 Composition
1.5 Function
1.6 Application
2 Global T-box Industry
2.1 Global T-box Market
2.1.1 Market Size
2.1.2 Market Share
2.1.3 Development Trend
2.2 T-box Development in Major Regions Worldwide
2.2.1 North America
2.2.2 Europe
2.2.3 Asia-Pacific
2.3 Upstream Industry Chain
2.3.1 Automotive IC
2.3.2 Automotive Sensor
2.4 Major Foreign T-box Brands
2.4.1 On-Star
2.4.2 ATX
2.4.3 G-BOOK
2.4.4 Carwings
2.4.5 Bluelink
3 Foreign T-box Companies
3.1 Telit
3.1.1 Profile
3.1.2 T-box Chip Solution and Specifications
3.1.3 T-box Module R&D Team Staffs
3.1.4 Cities where T-box Module R&D Teams are Located
3.2 Sierra
3.2.1 Profile
3.2.2 T-box Chip Solution and Specifications
3.2.3 Cities where T-box Module R&D Teams are Located
3.3 U-blox
3.3.1 Profile
3.3.2 T-box Chip Solution and Specifications
3.3.3 Cities where T-box Module R&D Teams are Located
3.3.4 T-box Module Sales
3.3.5 Future Roadmap of T-box Module
3.4 Harman
3.4.1 Profile
3.4.2 T-box Business
4 China T-box Industry
4.1 Development of Automotive Electronics in China
4.2 T-box Development in China
4.2.1 Market Size
4.2.2 Market Environment
4.2.3 User Environment
4.2.4 Policy Environment
5 Chinese T-box Companies
5.1 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 T-box Business
5.2 ZTE Corporation
5.2.1 T-box Chip Solution and Specifications
5.2.2 T-box Module R&D Team Staffs
5.2.3 Cities where T-box Module R&D Teams are Located
5.2.4 T-box Module Sales
5.3 Shenzhen Thread Tech Co., Ltd.
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Products
5.3.3 T-box Business
5.3.4 Clients
5.4 Flaircomm Microelectronics, Inc.
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 T-box Business
5.4.4 Clients
5.4.5 Core Competitiveness
5.5 Yaxon Network
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Products
5.6 Shenzhen Autonet Co., Ltd.
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Products
5.6.3 Vehicle Models Equipped with T-box
5.7 FutureMove Telematics Co., Ltd.
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Business
5.7.3 Partners
5.7.4 Products
5.8 PATEO Corporation
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 T-box Business
5.8.3 Supported Vehicle Models
5.9 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd (GAC)
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
5.9.3 Capacity
5.9.4 T-box Business
5.9.5 Supported Vehicle Models
5.10 Neusoft Corporation
5.10.1 Profile
5.10.2 Operation
5.10.3 T-box Business
5.10.4 Competitive Edge
5.11 Wuhan Intest Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (INTEST)
5.11.1 Profile
5.11.2 Business
5.11.3 T-box Business
5.12 Jiangsu CAS-TIANAN Smart Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
5.12.1 Profile
5.12.2 Operation
Table of Alerting Services
Table of Cloud Services
Table of Remote Control Functions
Table of Information Feedback Functions
System and Self-check
Global T-box Market Size, 2015-2020
Market Share of Major T-box Companies in the World
World’s Major T-box Vendors’ Supporting for Clients
Comparative Analysis of Major T-box Markets Worldwide
T-box Utilization Areas in North America
Main T-box Brands from Japan
Main T-box Vendors from South Korea
IC Market Growth Rates by End-Use Application (2014-2019F CAGR)
Percentage of Global Automotive IC, 2015-2019
Global Automotive IC Market Structure (%) (by Product), 2015
Auto IC Market Growth Rates by Region (2014-2019F CAGR)
Ranking of Major Automotive IC Makers in the World
Evolution of Sensor Quantity Equipped to a Vehicle
Global Automotive Sensor Market Size, 2010-2015
China Automotive Sensor Market Size, 2012-2016
Sensor Technology Roadmap and Autonomous Functions Associated
Sensor Modules Market Value for Autonomous Cars from 2015 to 2030(in$B)
Ranking of World’s Top 10 Vehicle-use MEMS Sensor Suppliers, 2014
On-Star Development History
Mobile User Interface of On-Star
Key Functions of On-Star
On-Star Service Packages
Manufacturers Supported by and Vehicle Models Equipped with On-Star
ATX’s Services Aimed at Auto Makers
ATX’s Services Aimed at Users
G-BOOK System Structure
LEXUS G-BOOK Smart Copilot Service
Mobile User Interface of LEXUS G-book
Introduction to G-book Service Functions
Support for G Track Searching City
Charging Standards of G-book
Content of LEXUS Mobile Version G-book Services
Vehicle Models Equipped with G-book
Carwings Smart Driving Plus System Function
Main Parameters of Nissan CARWINGS System
Charging Standards of Carwings
Vehicle Models Equipped with Carwings
Main Functions of Bluelink
Charging Standards of Bluelink
Bluelink Payment Method
Specifications of STA8088TG TeseoⅡ Tracker
Key Features of STA8088TG TeseoⅡ Tracker
Specifications of MT3337
Key Features of MT3337
Qualcomm’s QSC6270 Chip Solution
Key Features of QSC6270
AirPrime AR Series Solutions
Specifications of Qualcomm Gobi MDM9x15 Series
Connected Car Business Revenue of Harman, 2016Q1
Distribution of Automotive Electronic System
Application Structure of Automotive Electronics in China, 2015
% of Automotive Electronics in Total Costs of a Vehicle
Yearly Sales Volume of Electric Passenger Vehicles in China, 2011-2020
Growth Rate of Chinese Automotive Electronics Market Size, 2009-2015
China T-box Market Size, 2015-2020E
Cooperation between T-box Vendors and Automakers
Different Groups’ Recognition of T-box in China
Outline of General Rules Put Forward by Four Ministries and Commissions
Operation of Huawei, 2011-2015
T-box Development History of Shenzhen Thread Tech
T-box Platform Functions of Shenzhen Thread Tech
T-box Technology Roadmap of Shenzhen Thread Tech
Future Market Planning of Shenzhen Thread Tech
Operation of Flaircomm Microelectronics, Inc., 2012-2015H2
V2.0 System T-box
T-box Development Roadmap of Flaircomm Microelectronics, Inc.
OEM Automakers Equipped with T-box
Automotive Electronics Manufacturers Equipped with Bluetooth/WiFi or T-box
Service Providers in TSP Cooperation
Operators with Whom have been in Partnership
Vehicle Models Equipped with V1.0 System
Vehicle Models Equipped with V2.0 System
Vehicle Models Equipped with V3.0 System
Cloud Navigation Function of Di Di Hu
Functions of DD Box
Parameters of DD Box
Basic Parameters of Jiabao Box
Functions of Jiabao Box
Functions of Smart Cloud Mirror
Vehicle Models Equipped with Shenzhen Autonet’s T-box
Periodic Tasks of FutureMove Telematics and Soda Mobility Technologies
Core Business of FutureMove Telematics
Structure of PATEO Corporation
Main Business Segments of PATEO Corporation
Platform System
Operation of GAC, 2011-2015
Existing Capacity of GAC
Capacity under Construction of GAC
Vehicle Production and Sales Volume of GAC, 2015
Trumpchi T-box Functions
Automotive Electronics Business Development History of Neusoft Corporation
Distribution of Neusoft’s Automotive Electronics Staffs Worldwide
Operation of Neusoft Corporation, 2015
Main Business Structure of Neusoft Corporation, 2015
T-box Functions of Neusoft Corporation
Mobile APP Interface of T-box
T-box Eco-system of Neusoft Corporation
Automotive Electronics Business Distribution of Neusoft Corporation
Business Development History of Wuhan Intest Electronic Technology
Main Business of Wuhan Intest Electronic Technology
Testing and Informationization Business
New Energy Informationization Business
T-box (Wireless) Solutions
T-box Business Revenue of Wuhan Intest Electronic Technology, 2014-2017
Framework of Inbox Solution
Inbox Interface Graph
inBOX Hardware Functions
Operation of Jiangsu CAS-TIANAN Smart Science & Technology, 2013-2015H2
Structure of Revenue from Key Clients of Jiangsu CAS-TIANAN Smart Science & Technology, 2015H1
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