China Gear, Transmission and Drive Parts Manufacturing Industry Report, 2008
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Gear, transmission and drive parts refer to mechanical transmission device like basic parts and articulated chain used to transmit power, achieve mechanical conveying and hoist heavy objects. They play a very important role of transmitting power, achieving conveying and adjusting torque in numerous industrial equipment like machine tool, automobile, engineering machinery, agricultural machinery and construction machinery.
Gear, transmission and drive parts can be divided into three big categories: gear drive parts, chain drive device and other drive fasteners. As an intermediate link between power source and operation device, drive equipment's precision, stability, service life and vibration noise will all have a direct impact on the ultimate quality of mechanical products.
China's increasingly progressive industrialization has brought a fast development of machine building industry and a great progress of manufacturing industry of gear, transmission and drive parts. In 2007, China has a total number of 887 companies above designated size (with annual sales revenue over five million yuan) in the gear, transmission and drive part manufacturing industry with a combined output value of CNY49.77 billion.
From January to May 2007, the total industrial output value of China's gear, transmission and drive part manufacturing industry amounted to CNY17.91 billion, the accumulated sales revenue reached CNY17.39 billion and the accumulated profit hit CNY1 billion, up 31.79%, 33.26% and 37.62% year on year respectively.
Total Industrial Output Value, Sales Revenue and Profit , Jan.-May 2007
(unit: CNY100 million)

Source: ResearchInChina
At present, homemade products occupy the majority of low-end product market. As for the medium- and high-end products, foreign-invested companies take up a big proportion in the market. Foreign-invested companies continuously increase their investment in the Chinese market by virtue of their advanced technology and sufficient capital, which will make local producers exposed to increasingly fierce market competition. However, with increasingly improved R&D capability of local producers, they hold a positive attitude towards this increasingly fierce competition.
Based on the authoritative statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, the General Administration of Customs, China Machinery Industry Association and some related industry associations, this report makes an in-depth analysis on the production, sales, market conditions, industry structure, products and import & export of China's gear, transmission and drive part manufacturing industry and also makes forecasts on the development trend of the industry by taking reference to the development trend of related industries.
1. Background Overview
1.1. Industrial Definition
1.2. Statistical Standard
1.2.1 Statistical Department and Statistical Caliber
1.2.2 Statistical Methods
1.2.3 Data Types
2. Economic Operation of the Industry
2.1 Overview of China Machinery Industry Development in 2007
2.2 Overview of China Gear, Transmission & Drive Part Manufacturing Industry
3. Market Environment
3.1 Related Policies
3.1.1 National Macroeconomic Policy
3.1.2 Related Industrial Policy
3.2 Related Industries
3.2.1 Upstream Industry
3.2.2 Downstream Industry
4. Market Competition
4.1 International Market Competition
4.1.1 Global Development of the Industry
4.1.2 Global Competition Structure of the Industry
4.2 Competition in China's Market
4.2.1 Developmental History of the Industry in China
4.2.2 Competition Structure of the Industry in China
4.2.3 Regions Covered by the Industry
4.2.4 Companies by Type of Economy
4.2.5 Market Entry Barriers
5. Product Technology
5.1 Product Structure
5.2 Main Products and Their Applications
5.2.1 Gear Drive Products
5.2.2 Chain Drive Product Structure
5.2.3 Drive Fastening Product Structure
5.3 Technological Development Trend
5.3.1 Development Trend of Foreign New Technology
5.3.2 Development Trend of Domestic New Technology
5.3.3 Main Technology and Technical Gap between China & Foreign Countries
6. Import and Export
6.1 Overview of Import & Export
6.2 Export
6.2.1 Features of Export Product Structure
6.2.2 Features of Export Company Types
6.2.3 Features of Export Regions
6.2.4 Features of Export Trade Mode
6.2.5 Features of Export Nationalities
6.3 Import
6.3.1 Features of Import Product Structure
6.3.2 Features of Import Company Types
6.3.3 Features of Import Trade Mode
6.3.4 Features of Import Nationalities
6.3.5 Features of Import Regions
6.4 Import & Export Prospect
6.4.1 Export Prospect
6.4.2 Import Prospect
7. Key Enterprises
7.1 Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd.
7.2 Chongqing Gearbox Co., Ltd.
7.3 Jiangsu Taixing Reducer Co., Ltd.
7.4 Shaanxi Fast Auto Drive Group Co., Ltd.
7.5 Nanjing Highspeed & Accurate Gear Group Co., Ltd.
8. Industrial Development Trend and Forecasts
8.1 Market Environment
8.2 Market Demand
8.3 Development Objectives
8.3.1 Technological Breakthrough Pivot
8.3.2 Industry Structure Adjustment Focus
8.3.3 Industrial Development Trend
8.4 Forecast of Industrial Development
8.4.1 Forecast of General Mechanical Parts Industry Development
8.4.2 Forecast of Gear, Transmission and Drive Part Market
Comparison of Growth Rate of Total Output Value between Various Industries, 2006-2007 (%)
Various Output Values of the Industry by Sector, 2002-2007
Main Economic Indices of the Industry, 2002-2007
Important Financial Indices of the Industry in 2007
Main Gear Technology Labs in Research Institutions and Universities
China's Main Gear Manufacturers and Gear Export
Regional Distribution of the Industry, Jan.-Nov. 2007
Financial Status of Firms with Various Types of Economy, Jan.-Nov. 2007 (I)
Financial Status of Firms with Various Types of Economy, Jan.-Nov. 2007 (II)
Classification of Gear Drive Products
Classification of China's Chain Drive Products
Classification of China's Couplings
Classification of China's Clutch and Brake
Import and Export of the Industry in 2007
Export Volume and Value of the Industry in 2007
Features of China's Export Company Types in the Industry in 2007
Features of Export Regions in the Industry in 2007
Features of Export Trade Mode in the Industry in 2007
Features of Export Nationalities in the Industry, 2007
Import Volume and Value in the Industry in 2007
Features of Import Company Types in the Industry in 2007
Features of Import Trade Mode in the Industry in 2007
Features of Import Nationalities in the Industry, 2007
Features of Import Regions in the Industry in 2007
Output Value of the Industry, 2002-2007
Profit of the Industry, 2002-2007
Market Size of the Industry, 2002-2007
Regional Distribution of Output Value in the Industry in 2007
Distribution of the Number of Companies in the Industry in 2007
Output Value Distribution of Firms with Various Types of Economy in 2007
Sales Revenue Distribution of Firms with Various Types of Economy in 2007
Total Profit of Companies with Various Types of Economy in 2007
Distribution of the Number of Companies by Size in the Industry in 2007
Features of Export Product Structure in the Industry in 2007
Features of Export Company Types in the Industry in 2007
Distribution of Export Regions in the Industry
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