China Smart Meter Industry Report, 2020-2026
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In 2019, instrument and meter companies (each with annual revenue over RMB20 million) in China collectively registered RMB724.26 billion in revenue and RMB70.04 billion in net income, up by 5.5% and 5.9% on an annualized basis, separately; and the output value of the industry totaled RMB1,102.7 billion.
Favorable policies and robust demand contribute to the fast growing smart meter industry in China. In 2019, China shipped 210.6 million smart meters, 6.4% more than that in the previous year. Chinese smart meter market was worth RMB34.28 billion in 2019.
The growing number of households, the flourishing development of internet of things, and the differential pricing policy will give a big boost to China’s smart meter industry which is expected to be valued at RMB58.43 billion in 2026.
In current stage, smart electric meters boast a relatively high penetration in China, sharing more than 50% of the market. By one estimate, in the upcoming several years, the higher market shares of smart gas meters and smart water meters will come with their wider use, while that of smart electric meters will be on the decline.
Smart electric meter: in 2019, the smart electric meter market in China was worth RMB18.5 billion, with shipments and installations reaching 141.7 million and 94.5 million units, respectively, among which single-phase meters dominated with market share of 86.7%. Currently, typical smart electric meter manufacturers in China include Hangzhou Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd., Hexing Electrical Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co., Ltd. and Jilin Jinguan Electric Co., Ltd.. In 2019, XJ Group Corporation which commanded 7.2% of the market, ranked first in State Grid’s biddings for smart electric meters.
Smart water meter: in 2019, the smart water meter market in China was valued at RMB RMB6,147 million, with shipments and penetration reaching 27.105 million units and 32.7%, separately. At present, smart water meter manufacturers in China are led by Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd., Sanchuan Wisdom Technology Co., Ltd., Suntront Technology Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Water Meter Co., Ltd., among which Ningbo Water Meter Co., Ltd. as the bellwether occupied 7.3% of the market in 2018 and registered revenue of RMB405.7 million from smart water meters.
Smart gas meter: in 2019, the smart gas meter market in China was worth RMB7.62 billion, with shipments and penetration reaching 38.1 million units and 65.4%, separately. Leading producers of smart gas meter are comprised of Goldcard Smart Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Viewshine Intelligent Meter Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Innover Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu Qianjia Technology Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. and Suntront Technology Co., Ltd.. Among them, Goldcard Smart Group Co., Ltd. commanded 14.4% of the market in 2018 when its smart gas meter revenue was RMB960.22 million.
Smart heat meter: China’s sales of smart heat meters reached 3.65 million units in 2019, and will sustain CAGR of 3.8% during 2019-2026. Main players are Weihai Ploumeter Co., Ltd., Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd., Meter Instruments Co., Ltd. and Suntront Technology Co., Ltd., to name a few. In 2019, Weihai Ploumeter Co., Ltd. would rank first with market share of 15.7%, followed by Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd. 14.1%.
Highlights in the report:
Instrument and meter industry (China and global markets);
China smart meter industry (development environment, market size, market structure, competitive pattern, etc.);
China smart meter industry segments (smart electric meter, smart water meter, smart gas meter and smart heat meter);
6 global and 17 smart meter companies.
1 Industry Overview
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.2 Characteristics
1.3 Business Model
1.4 Technical Roadmap
2 Instrument & Meter Industry
2.1 Global
2.2 China
2.2.1 Market Size
2.2.2 Market Structure
3 Smart Meter Industry
3.1 Development Environment
3.1.1 Policy Push
3.1.2 Popularization of IoT
3.2 Market Situation
3.2.1 Market Size
3.2.2 Market Structure
3.2.3 Competitive Pattern
3.3 Prospects
3.3.1 The Growing Number of Households Spurs Demand for Smart Meters
3.3.2 IoT Development Helps Smart Meter Industry
3.3.3 Differential Pricing Boosts Smart Meter Industry
4 Smart Electric Meter Industry
4.1 Overview
4.2 Global
4.2.1 Development Environment
4.2.2 Market Size
4.2.3 Progress and Plans by Country
4.3 China
4.3.1 Development History
4.3.2 Industrial Policy
4.3.3 Market Size
4.3.4 Market Structure
4.3.5 Competitive Landscape
4.3.6 Import & Export
4.3.7 Development Trend
4.3.8 5G Development Provides Ample Space for Growth
4.4 Smart Electric Meter Market of State Grid
4.4.1 Tender Scale
4.4.2 Tender Structure
4.4.3 Tender Market Segments
5 Smart Water Meter Industry
5.1 Overview
5.1.1 Brief Introduction
5.1.2 Industrial Barriers
5.2 Global
5.2.1 Market Size
5.2.2 Market Pattern
5.3 China
5.3.1 Development Environment
5.3.2 Market Size
5.3.3 Competitive Landscape
5.3.4 Prospects
6 Smart Gas Meter Industry
6.1 Overview
6.2 Global
6.2.1 Market Size
6.2.2 Competition
6.3 China
6.3.1 Industrial Policy
6.3.2 Market Size
6.3.3 Competitive Landscape
6.3.4 Prospects
7 Heat Meter Industry
7.1 Overview
7.2 Global
7.2.1 Development History
7.2.2 Market Size
7.2.3 Market Structure
7.3 China
7.3.1 Policies
7.3.2 Market Size
7.3.3 Competitive Landscape
7.3.4 Prospects
8 Foreign Smart Meter Manufacturers
8.1 Itron
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Operation
8.1.3 Smart Meter Business
8.1.4 Itron Metering Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
8.2 Xylem
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Operation
8.2.3 Smart Meter Business
8.3 Diehl Metering (Former Hydrometer)
8.3.1 Diehl Group
8.3.2 Diehl Metering Group
8.3.3 Diehl Metering (Jinan) Co., Ltd. (former Hydrometer (Shandong) Metering Co., Ltd)
8.4 Landis +Gyr
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Operation
8.4.3 Smart Meter Business
8.4.4 Landis+Gyr Meters & Systems (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd.
8.5 Others
8.5.1 Zenner
8.5.2 Elster
9 Key Smart Meter Manufacturers in China
9.1 Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric Co., Ltd.
9.1.1 Profile
9.1.2 Operation
9.1.3 Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid
9.1.4 Smart Meter Business
9.2 Jiangsu Linyang Energy Co., Ltd.
9.2.1 Profile
9.2.2 Operation
9.2.3 Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid
9.2.4 Smart Meter Business
9.3 Wasion Group Holdings Limited
9.3.1 Profile
9.3.2 Operation
9.3.3 Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid
9.3.4 Smart Meter Business
9.3.5 Dynamics
9.4 Hangzhou Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd.
9.4.1 Profile
9.4.2 Operation
9.4.3 R&D
9.4.4 Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid
9.4.5 Smart Meter Business
9.4.6 Dynamics
9.5 Hexing Group
9.5.1 Profile
9.5.2 Operation
9.5.3 Major Customers
9.5.4 Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid
9.5.5 Smart Meter Business
9.6 Sanchuan Wisdom Technology Co., Ltd.
9.6.1 Profile
9.6.2 Operation
9.6.3 Smart Meter Business
9.7 Ningbo Water Meter Co., Ltd.
9.7.1 Profile
9.7.2 Operation
9.7.3 Smart Meter Business
9.8 Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-tech Co., Ltd.
9.8.1 Profile
9.8.2 Operation
9.8.3 Smart Meter Business
9.9 Hangzhou Innover Technology Co., Ltd.
9.9.1 Profile
9.9.2 Operation
9.9.3 Smart Meter Business
9.10 Goldcard Smart Group Co., Ltd.
9.10.1 Profile
9.10.2 Operation
9.11 Tangshan Huizhong Instrumentation Co., Ltd.
9.11.1 Profile
9.11.2 Operation
9.11.3 R&D Costs
9.11.4 Smart Meter Business
9.12 Suntront Technology Co., Ltd.
9.12.1 Profile
9.12.2 Operation
9.12.3 R&D Costs
9.12.4 Smart Meter Business
9.12.5 Development Strategy
9.12.6 Development Prospect
9.13 Integrated Electronic Systems Lab Co., Ltd.
9.13.1 Profile
9.13.2 Operation
9.14 Weihai Ploumeter Inc.
9.14.1 Profile
9.14.2 Operation
9.14.3 Top 5 Customers
9.15 Meter Instruments Co., Ltd.
9.15.1 Profile
9.15.2 Operation
9.15.3 R&D Costs
9.15.4 Smart Meter Business
9.15.5 Top 5 Customers
9.16 Beijing Tian Ruixiang Equipment Co., Ltd.
9.17 Zhejiang Viewshine Intelligent Meter Co., Ltd.
9.17.1 Profile
9.17.2 Operation
9.17.3 Smart Meter Business
Classification of Smart Meters
Competitiveness Comparison between Smart Meters
Main Technical Roadmap of Smart Meters
Global Instrument & Meter Market Size, 2015-2026E
Global Instrument & Meter Market Structure by Geography, 2019
Number of Instrument & Meter Companies in China, 2012-2019
Revenue and Total Profit of Instrument & Meter Manufacturers above Designated Size in China, 2013-2019
Output Value of China Instrument & Meter Industry, 2012-2026E
Operating Revenue Structure of Top10 Instrument & Meter Industry Segments in China, 2019
Operation of Automated Instrument Industry in China, 2019
System Structure of Collective Reading of Four Meters (Water, Electricity, Gas and Heat Meters)
Penetration of Smart Meters in China, 2019
Application of IoT
IoT Market Size, 2014-2020E
NB-IoT Smart Meter Network Distribution
Shipment of Smart Meters in China, 2013-2026E
Market Size of China Smart Meter, 2017-2026E
Market Structure of Smart Meters in China (by Product), 2017-2026E
Major Foreign and Domestic Smart Meter Manufacturers
Competitive Landscape of China Smart Meter Market by Company, 2018
Competitive Landscape of China Smart Meter Market by Company, 2019
Number of Family Household in China, 2011-2019
IoT Deployments of China’s Major Three Telecom Carriers
Single-phase Smart Electric Meter & Three-phase Smart Electric Meter
Global Smart Grid Investment Scale, 2012-2026E
Smart Grid Investment in Major Countries
Revenue of Smart Grid Market in the World (by Region), 2014-2023E
Smart Grid VC Funding, 2017-2019
Smart Grid – Top5 VC Funded Companies in 2019
Installation Rate of Smart Electric Meters in the World by Region, 2013-2023E
Global Smart Electric Meter Shipments, 2019-2026E
Global Smart Electric Meter Market Size, 2012-2026E
Global Smart Electric Meter Development Plan (by Region)
Smart Grid Construction in Europe
Development Course of Electronic Energy Meters in China
R&D Path of Fifth-generation Smart Meter and Expected Process
Policies on Smart Electric Meter and Smart Grid in China
China’s Electric Meter and Smart Electric Meter Shipments, 2008-2026E
Number of China’s Installed Smart Electric Meters, 2012-2026E
China’s Smart Meter Market Size, 2012-2026E
Smart Electric Meter Market Share by Product in China, 2011-2020E
China’s Major Smart Electric Meter Manufacturers
Comparison of Revenue and Net Income between Main Smart Electric Meter Manufacturers in China, 2018
Structure of State Grid’s Smart Electric Meter Biddings by Enterprise, 2019
Structure of State Grid’s Total Smart Electric Meter Biddings by Enterprise, 2014-2019
China’s Smart Electric Meter Import Volume and Value, 2017-2019
China’s Import Value Structure of Smart Electric Meters by Country of Origin, 2019
China’s Smart Electric Meter Export Volume and Value, 2017-2019
China’s Export Value Structure of Smart Electric Meters by Country of Destination, 2019
Communication Development Trends of Smart Electric Meters
Application Trends of Smart Electric Meters
Communication Trends of Smart Electric Meters
Main Types of Grid Communication Network
Grid Business Models in Different Stages
Typical Applied Scenarios of 5G Communication Technology in Electric Power Industry
Requirements on Communication Network in Various Electric Power Application Scenarios
Electricity Rates of Three Major Telecom Carriers, 2018
State Grid 5G Network Building Contractors
State Grid’s Smart Electric Meter Tender Quantity, 2010-2019
State Grid’s Smart Electric Meter Tender Structure, 2010-2019
2S Single-phase Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches) in China, 2010-2019
Share of 2S Single-phase Smart Meter Bid Winners, 2015
Share of 2S Single-phase Smart Meter Bid Winners, 2016
Share of 2S Single-phase Smart Meter Bid Winners, 2017
Share of 2S Single-phase Smart Meter Bid Winners, 2018
2S Single-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners for State Grid’s First Biddings, 2019
1S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches) in China, 2010-2019
Share of 1S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2015
Share of 1S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2016
Share of 1S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2017
Share of 1S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2018
1S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners for State Grid’s First Biddings, 2019
0.5S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches) in China, 2010-2019
Share of 0.5S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2015
Share of 0.5S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2016
Share of 0.5S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2017
Share of 0.5S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2018
0.5S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners for State Grid’s First Biddings, 2019
0.2S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches) in China, 2010-2019
Share of 0.2S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2015
Share of 0.2S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2016
Share of 0.2S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2017
Share of 0.2S Three-phase Smart Electric Meter Bid Winners, 2018
Long-enduring Problems Faced by Conventional Water Meter Industry
Eight Characteristics of Smart Water Meter
Main Functions of Smart Water Meter
Classification of Smart Water Meter
Global Smart Water Meter Market Size, 2012-2026E
Consumption of Smart Water Meter in the World, 2012-2026E
Global Smart Water Meter Demand Pattern
Consumption Pattern of Smart Water Meter Worldwide by Region, 2019
Smart Water Meter Deployments in Main Areas
Disadvantages of Manual Meter Reading
Smart Water Network
Smart Water Data Access System
Staircase Water Price Policies of Partial Provinces/Municipalities in China
Rural Tap Water Penetration in China, 2018/2026E
Fixed Asset Investments in China's Water Supply Facilities (Cities + Counties), 2006-2019
Total Urban Water Supply in China, 2010-2020
Length of Urban Water Pipelines in China, 2010-2020
Urban Tap Water Penetration in China, 2010-2020
Total Water Supply in County Towns of China, 2010-2020
Length of Water Pipelines in County Towns of China, 2010-2020
Tap Water Penetration in County Towns of China, 2010-2020
Smart Water Meter Shipment in China, 2013-2026E
Smart Water Meter Penetration in China, 2013-2026E
Smart Water Meter Market Size in China, 2015-2026E
Main Smart Water Meter Manufacturers in China
Competitive Landscape of Smart Water Meter Market in China, 2018
Competitive Landscape of Smart Water Meter Market in China, 2019
Comparison of Revenue between Main Smart Water Meter Companies in China, 2016-2019
Comparison of Net Income between Main Smart Water Meter Companies in China, 2016-2019
Output and Sales of Main Smart Water Meter Companies in China, 2017-2018
Capacity of Major Smart Water Meter Manufacturers in China, 2018
Leakage Rate of Water Pipelines in Major Countries, 2018
Overall Cost: Intelligent Gas Meter vs Ordinary Gas Meter
Smart Gas Meter Comparison
Global Smart Gas Meter Market Size, 2015-2026E
Development of Smart Gas Meters in Major European Countries
Policies Related to Natural Gas (or Gas Meter) in China, 2007-2019
Length of Urban Gas Pipeline in China, 2011-2020
Total Urban Gas Supply in China, 2011-2020
Number of Urban Households Using Gas in China, 2011-2020
China's Gas Penetration Rate, 2017
China's Gas Meter Shipment, 2013-2026E
China's Smart Gas Meter Shipment, 2013-2026E
Penetration Rate of Smart Gas Meters in China, 2013-2026E
Average Price of Smart Gas Meters in China, 2013-2018
Smart Gas Meter Market Size in China, 2015-2026E
Revenue and Smart Gas Meter Revenue of Main Smart Gas Meter Companies in China, 2018
Competitive Landscape in Chinese Smart Gas Meter Market, 2018
Application of Heat Meter
Classification of Heat Meter
Advantages and Disadvantages of Heat Meter
Common Heat Metering Methods and Instruments in Foreign Countries
Sales of Global Urban Heating, 2012-2026E
Global City Heat Supply Structure, 2019
Regional Structure of Global Urban Heating, 2019
Policies Related to Heat Meter Industry in China, 2010-2020
Sales Volume of Heat Meters in China, 2012-2026E
Areas of Buildings Installed Heat Meters and YoY Growth in the North of China, 2012-2026E
Percentage of Areas of Buildings Installed Heat Meters in Heat Supply Areas in the North of China, 2012-2026E
Total Number of Heat Meters Installed and YoY Growth in the North of China, 2012-2026E
Market Share of Major Heat Meters Enterprises in China, 2019
Accumulated Demand for Heat Meters in China, 2012-2026E
Revenue and YoY Growth of Itron, 2009-2019
Gross Margin of Itron, 2011-2018
Revenue of Itron by Segment, 2016-2018
Revenue of Itron by Segment, 2019
Revenue of Itron by Region, 2016-2018
Revenue of Itron by Region, 2019
Smart Meter Shipments of Itron, 2016-2019
Device Solutions Revenue of Itron, 2016-2018
Device Solutions Revenue of Itron, 2019
Networked Solutions Revenue of Itron, 2016-2018
Networked Solutions Revenue of Itron, 2019
Outcomes Revenue of Itron, 2016-2018
Outcomes Revenue of Itron, 2019
Operation of Xylem, 2016-2018
Revenue of Xylem by Business, 2016-2018
Revenue of Xylem by Region, 2016-2018
Smart Meter Product Portfolio of Sensus
Sensus Water Metering System
Business Structure of Diehl Group
Employees of Diehl Group, 2014-2018
Revenue of Diehl Group, 2009-2018
Revenue Structure of Diehl Group by Segment, 2014-2018
R&D Costs of Diehl Group, 2014-2018
Branches of Diehl Group
Development Course of Diehl Metering
Revenue of Diehl Metering, 2011-2018
Employee of Diehl Metering, 2011-2018
Development Course of Diehl Metering (Jinan) Co., Ltd.
Landis +Gyr Fact
Operating Data of Landis+Gyr, FY2014-FY2018
Operating Data of Landis+Gyr, FY2018
Minol.ZENNER’s Global Distribution
Brief Introduction to Zenner
Zenner’s Presence in China
Global Presence of Elster
Revenue and Net Income of Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric, 2009-2019
Revenue Structure of Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric (by Product), 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric (by Region), 2012-2018
Consolidated Gross Margin of Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric, 2009-2019
Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid, 2010-2018
Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches), 2011-2018
Ningbo Sanxing Medical Electric’s Output and Sales of Smart Electric Meters and Terminals, 2009-2018
Revenue and Gross Margin of Jiangsu Linyang Energy, 2009-2019
Global Marketing Network of Jiangsu Linyang Energy
Revenue Structure of Jiangsu Linyang Energy (by Product), 2012-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Jiangsu Linyang Energy (by Region), 2008-2018
Gross Margin of Jiangsu Linyang Energy (by Product), 2009-2018
Jiangsu Linyang Energy’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid, 2010-2018
Jiangsu Linyang Energy’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches), 2011-2018
Smart Electric Meter Revenue and Growth Rate of Jiangsu Linyang Energy, 2009-2018
Smart Electric Meter Output and Sales of Jiangsu Linyang Energy, 2009-2018
Wasion Group’s Presence in Overseas Market
Revenue and Gross Margin of Wasion Group, 2008-2019
Revenue Structure of Wasion Group (by Product), 2016-2019
Revenue Structure of Wasion Group (by Region), 2012-2018
Wasion Group’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid, 2010-2018
Wasion Group’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches), 2011-2018
Smart Electric Meter Revenue and Gross Margin of Wasion Group, 2013-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Sunrise Technology, 2011-2019
Revenue Structure of Sunrise Technology (by Product), 2016-2019
Revenue Structure of Sunrise Technology (by Region), 2015-2018
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Sunrise Technology, 2009-2019
Sunrise Technology’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid, 2010-2018
Sunrise Technology’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches), 2011-2018
Smart Electric Meter Revenue of Sunrise Technology, 2010-2018
Global Marketing Network of Hexing Group
Revenue and Net Income of Hexing Group, 2011-2019
Revenue Structure of Hexing Group (by Product), 2018
Revenue Structure of Hexing Group (by Region), 2011-2018
Hexing Group’s Sales from TOP5 Customers and Percentage, 2012-2018
Hexing Group’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid, 2010-2018
Hexing Group’s Smart Electric Meter Tenders Won from State Grid (in Batches), 2011-2018
Hexing Electrical’s Total Solutions for Integrated Power Distribution
Smart Electric Meter Revenue of Hexing Group, 2011-2018
Smart Electric Meter Sales Volume of Hexing Group, 2013-2018
Smart Electric Meter ASP of Hexing Group (by Type), 2013-2018
Development Strategy of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology
Global Marketing Network of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology
Revenue and Net Income of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology, 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology (by Product), 2012-2018
Revenue Structure of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology (by Region), 2014-2018
Smart Water Meters of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology
Revenue and YoY of Smart Water Meter Business of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology, 2010-2019
Smart Electric Meter Sales Volume of Sanchuan Wisdom Technology, 2017-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Ningbo Water Meter, 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of Ningbo Water Meter (by Product), 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Ningbo Water Meter (by Region), 2015-2018
Revenue Structure of Ningbo Water Meter (by Region), 2018
Ningbo Water Meter’s Top5 Customers in Direct-sales Model, 2017-2018
Main Smart Water Meter Products of Ningbo Water Meter
Smart Water Meter Revenue of Ningbo Water Meter, 2013-2018
Smart Electric Meter Sales Volume of Ningbo Water Meter, 2015-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-tech, 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-tech (by Product), 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-tech (by Region), 2014-2018
Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-tech’s Revenue from Smart Gas Meters and Smart Data Modules, 2014-2018
Shaanxi Aerospace Power Hi-tech’s Output and Sales of Smart Gas Meters and Smart Data Modules, 2014-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Hangzhou Innover Technology, 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of Hangzhou Innover Technology by Product, 2015-2019
Revenue Structure of Hangzhou Innover Technology by Region, 2014-2019
Revenue from Smart Gas Meter Complete Machine of Hangzhou Innover Technology, 2014-2019
Revenue Structure of Hangzhou Innover Technology by Smart Gas Meter Complete Machine, 2016-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Goldcard High-Tech, 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of Goldcard High-Tech by Product, 2014-2018
Smart Gas Meter Sales Volume of Goldcard High-Tech, 2015-2019
NB-IoT Gas Meter Sales Volume of Goldcard High-Tech, 2015-2018
Smart Gas Meter Sales Structure of Goldcard High-Tech by Product, 2017
Revenue Structure of Goldcard High-Tech by Region, 2014-2018
Huizhong Instrumentation’s IoT Ecosystem
Revenue and Net Income of Huizhong Instrumentation, 2010-2019
Operating Revenue of Huizhong Instrumentation by Product, 2011-2019
Operating Revenue of Huizhong Instrumentation by Region, 2011-2018
Gross Margin of Huizhong Instrumentation (by Product), 2011-2019
R&D Costs and Proportion of Total Revenue of Huizhong Instrumentation, 2010-2019
Sales Volume of Main Products of Huizhong Instrumentation, 2011-2017
Capacity of Huizhong Instrumentation’s Main Products, 2013-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Suntront Technology, 2010-2019
Operating Revenue of Suntront Technology by Product, 2011-2019
Operating Revenue of Suntront Technology by Region, 2010-2018
Gross Margin of Suntront Technology (by Product), 2011-2019
Gross Margin of Suntront Technology (by Region), 2010-2018
R&D Costs and Proportion of Total Revenue of Suntront Technology, 2010-2019
Suntront Technology’s NB-IoT Smart Water Meter Products and System Architecture
Smart Meter Output and Sales Volume of Suntront Technology, 2014-2018
Heat Meter Capacity of Suntront Technology, 2010&2018
Revenue and Net Income of Lefune, 2014-2017
Heat Meter Capacity of Suntront Technology, 2010&2018
Heat Meter Sales Volume of Suntront Technology, 2010-2018
Strategy Model of Suntront Technology
Smart Meter Sales Volume of Suntront Technology, 2013-2018
Smart Meter Reading System of iESLab
Revenue and Net Income of iESLab, 2011-2019
Revenue Structure of iESLab by Product, 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of iESLab by Region, 2013-2019
Main Smart Meters of iESLab
Revenue and Net Income of Weihai Ploumeter, 2013-2019
Operating Revenue of Weihai Ploumeter by Business, 2015-2018
Heat Meter Sales Volume of Weihai Ploumeter, 2013-2018
Weihai Ploumeter’s Sales from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Sales, 2014-2017
Revenue and Net Income of Meter Instruments, 2016-2018
Operating Revenue of Meter Instruments by Product, 2016-2018
Operating Revenue of Meter Instruments by Region, 2016-2018
R&D Costs and Proportion of Total Revenue of Meter Instruments, 2016-2018
Smart Meter Capacity and Capacity Utilization of Meter Instruments, 2016-2018
Smart Meter Output and Sales Volume of Meter Instruments, 2016-2018
Smart Water Meters of Meter Instruments
Smart Heat Meters of Meter Instruments
Meter Instruments’ Sales from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue, 2016-2018
Marketing Network of Beijing Tian Ruixiang Equipment
Major Products of Zhejiang Viewshine Intelligent Meter
Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Viewshine Intelligent Meter, 2015-2019
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Viewshine Intelligent Meter by Product, 2015-2019
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Viewshine Intelligent Meter by region, 2015-2019
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Controller, servo motor and speed reducer, three core components of industrial robot, technologically determine key properties of an industrial robot, such as work accuracy, load, service life, stabil...
Global and China Industrial Robot Servo Motor Industry Report, 2020-2026
As the actuator of control system, servo motor is one of the three crucial parts to industrial robot and its development is bound up with industrial robots. Given the agonizingly slow progress of 3C e...
Global and China Laser Processing Equipment Industry Report, 2020-2026
Laser processing which offers centralized and stable laser beams is applicable to high hardness, high melting point materials that are hard to be processed with traditional technologies. By purpose, l...
Global and China Forklift Industry Report, 2020-2026
In 2019, a total of 1,493,271 forklifts were sold worldwide, up 0.25% year on year, including 647,229 ones or 43.3% sold in Asia.
As the largest producer and seller of forklifts around the globe, Chi...
Global and China Injection Molding Machine Industry Report, 2020-2026
Injection molding machine plays a crucial role in plastics processing machinery, constituting 40% to 50% of the total output value of plastics processing machinery in China. In 2019, injection molding...
China Motion Controller Industry Report, 2019-2026
The motion control market is growing alongside machine tools, robotics, packaging machinery, semiconductors, electronics, among others, being vulnerable to fluctuations in downstream market. In 2018, ...
China Smart Meter Industry Report, 2020-2026
In 2019, instrument and meter companies (each with annual revenue over RMB20 million) in China collectively registered RMB724.26 billion in revenue and RMB70.04 billion in net income, up by 5.5% and 5...
Global and China Agricultural Machinery Industry Report, 2020-2026
Affected by insufficient demand for traditional products, adjustment of purchase subsidy policies, and lower prices of grain crops, China’s agricultural machinery sales remain a downward trend.
In 20...
Global and China Elevator Industry Report, 2019-2025
About 800,000 elevators were sold across the world in 2018, up 1% from a year ago thanks to the robust demand from China, India and the United States, and the ownership of elevators rose to virtually ...