China Lead-acid Storage Battery Industry Report, 2010
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The lead-acid storage battery industry has presented steady growth in China in recent years, with the output, sales and export value growing at CAGRs of 16.8%, 34.8% and 16.7% respectively in 2005-2010 (the export values of starter lead-acid storage battery and other lead-acid storage batteries achieved CAGRs of 12.0% and 17.7% respectively).
Main Indicators of China’s Lead-acid Storage Battery Industry, 2005 and 2010 
Source: National Bureau of Statistics of China; General Administration of Customs of China; ResearchInChina
The growth can be attributed to the following factors: Firstly, compared with lithium battery and Ni-MH battery, lead-acid storage battery boasts of high security, low cost, extensive applicability and high recycling rate. Secondly, the demand for lead-acid storage battery constantly increased with the fast development of downstream industries such as electric moped, automotive, communication, and electricity industries. Thirdly, key enterprises emerged continuously and successfully entered into the capital market, such as Tianneng Group, Chilwee Power Co., Ltd., Coslight Group, and Shuangdeng Group. Fourthly, developed countries like EU countries and USA ceased the manufacturing of lead-acid battery and purchased from China and other developing countries, which enhanced the export volume.
Based on an analysis of the current development of lead-acid storage battery industry and 15 key enterprises, this report probes deeply into five market segments including automotive lead-acid battery, lead-acid battery for electric moped, and stationary lead-acid battery.
As China’s ownership of electric moped is large and an electric moped needs 3-4 lead-acid storage batteries, electric moped holds a leading position in the lead-acid storage battery application market. Key enterprises include Tianneng Group and Chilwee Power Co., Ltd. The second largest application is automotive lead-acid storage battery, and representative enterprises are Fengfan Co., Ltd. and Camel Group Co, Ltd. Stationary lead-acid battery for communication, UPS, and energy storage is the third largest application, and dominant enterprises include Shuangdeng Group, Coslight Group and Narada Power Source Co., Ltd.
In the future, with the widespread application of new energy resources, 3G and base station equipment, the potential of lead-acid storage battery will be further released in extensive fields including energy storage (solar energy and wind energy), electric automobile, communication and electricity.
At the beginning of 2011, nine ministries and commissions of China including the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly carried out an environmental protection campaign listing lead-acid battery as a primary object of regulation. The “Planning of Integrated Control of Heavy Metal Pollution during 12th Five-Year Plan Period” pointed out that comprehensive prevention and control would be conducted over 141 lead-acid storage battery enterprises and 7 key regions in China in 2011. As a result, lead-acid battery industry will enter into a new phase of adjustment in 2011, during which nonstandard enterprises will be eliminated and enterprises under sustainable development will embrace new development opportunities in the future.
1. Profile of Lead-acid Storage Battery
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Classification
1.2 Structure
1.3 Upstream & Downstream
1.3.1 Upstream
1.3.2 Downstream
2. Policy Environment of Lead-acid Storage Battery Industry in China
2.1 Industrial Policy
2.2 Trade Policy
3. Operation of Lead-acid Storage Battery Industry in China
3.1 Industry Scale
3.2 Industry Status
3.3 Operating Characteristics
4. Lead-acid Storage Battery Market in China
4.1 Production
4.2 Consumption
4.2.1 Lead Consumption Volume
4.2.2 Consumption Structure
4.2.3 Sales
4.3 Import & Export
4.3.1 Export
4.3.2 Import
5. Lead-acid Storage Battery Market Segments in China
5.1 Automotive Lead-acid Storage Battery
5.1.1 Supply
5.1.2 Demand
5.2 Lead-acid Storage Battery for Electric Moped
5.2.1 Supply
5.2.2 Demand
5.3 Stationary Lead-acid Storage Battery
5.3.1 Supply
5.3.2 Demand
5.4 Lead-acid Storage Battery for Motorcycle
5.5 Lead-acid Traction Battery
6. Competition Pattern of Lead-acid Storage Battery Industry in China
6.1 Regional Competition
6.1.1 Zhejiang
6.1.2 Guangdong
6.2 Competition among Enterprises
6.3 Product Alternatives
7. Key Enterprises
7.1 Tianneng Power International Limited
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Key Project
7.2 Chaowei Power Holdings Limited
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.3 Fengfan Co., Ltd
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.4 Coslight Group
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Primary Business
7.4.3 Operation
7.5 Shuangdeng Group
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 R&D
7.6 Narada Power Source Co., Ltd
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Key Projects and Progress
7.7 Camel Group Co., Ltd
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 Key Projects and Progress
7.8 Chongqing Wanli Holding (Group) Co., Ltd
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Operation
7.8.3 Development Strategy
7.9 Tianjin GS Battery Co., Ltd
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Operation
7.10 Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd
7.10.1 Profile
7.10.2 Operation
7.11 Others
7.11.1 Anhui Xunqi Battery Co., Ltd
7.11.2 Jiangsu Huafu Group
7.11.3 ChangXing Noble Power Co., Ltd
7.11.4 Zhejiang Haijiu Battery Co., Ltd
7.11.5 Shenzhen Center Power Tech Co., Ltd
8. Prospect of Lead-acid Storage Battery Industry in China
8.1 Problem
8.2 Prospect
Classification and Application of Lead-acid Storage Battery
Structure of Lead-acid Storage Battery
Major Economic Indicators of Lead-acid Storage Battery Enterprises above Designated Size in China, 2009
Price of Lead Ingot #1 in China, 2009-2011
Output and Growth of Lead-acid Storage Battery in China, 2006-2010
Lead Consumption of Lead-acid Storage Battery in China, 2006-2010
Sales of Lead-acid Storage Battery in China, 2005-2010
Export Volume and Value of Lead-acid Storage Battery in China, 2008-2010
Structure of Export Value of Lead-acid Starter Storage Battery in China (by Country of Destination), 2010
Structure of Export Value of Lead-acid Storage Battery Used for Other Purposes in China (by Country of Destination), 2010
Import Volume and Value of Lead-acid Storage Battery in China, 2008-2010
Output of Top 5 Automotive Lead-acid Storage Battery Manufacturers in China, 2009
Automobile Sales Volume in China, 2003-2010
Demand of Automotive Lead-acid Battery in China, 2006-2011
Output of Top 3 Manufacturers of Lead-acid Storage Battery for Electric Moped in China, 2008-2009
Output of Electric Bicycle in China, 2005-2011
Demand of Lead-acid Storage Battery Used for Electric Bicycle in China by Market, 2005-2011
Output and Growth of Top 3 Manufacturers of Stationary Lead-acid Storage Battery in China, 2009
Ownership of Motorcycle in China, 2006-2010
Output of Lead-acid Storage Battery in China (by Province/Municipality), 2010
Output of Lead-acid Storage Battery of Zhejiang Province, 2008-2010
Output of Lead-acid Storage Battery of Guangdong Province, 2008-2010
Sales of Lead-acid Storage Battery of Key Enterprises, 2009-2010
Key Lead-acid Storage Battery Enterprises in China (by Market)
Performance of Lead-acid Storage Battery, Ni-MH Battery and Lithium Battery
Sales and Net Income of Tianneng Power International Limited, 2006-2010
Sales of Lead-acid Storage Battery of Tianneng Power International Limited, 2006-2010
Sales of Automotive Battery and Energy Storage Battery of Tianneng Power International Limited, 2008-2010
Sales of Ni-MH Battery and Lithium Battery of Tianneng Power International Limited, 2008-2010
Sales and Net Income of Chaowei Power Holdings Limited, 2007-2010
Sales of Chaowei Power Holdings Limited (by Product), 2007-2010
Operating Income and Net Income of Fengfan Co., Ltd, 2007-2010
Sales Volume and Revenue of Lead-acid Battery of Fengfan Co., Ltd, 2008-2010
Battery Producing Companies and Business Scope of Coslight Group
Sales and Net Income of Coslight Group, 2007-2010
Operating Income from Battery Business of Coslight Group, 2007-2010
Main Business of Subsidiaries of Shuangdeng Group
Sales and Total Profit of Shuangdeng Group, 2006-2009
Capacity of VRLA Battery of Narada Power Source Co., Ltd, 2007-2010
Operating Income and Net Income of Narada Power Source Co., Ltd, 2007-2010
Sales of Narada Power Source Co., Ltd (by Product), 2007-2010
Sales of Camel Group Co, Ltd, 2006-2010
Sales and Gross Margin of Lead-acid Storage Battery of Chongqing Wanli Holding (Group) Co., Ltd, 2007-2010
Sales of Lead-acid Storage Battery of Chongqing Wanli Holding (Group) Co., Ltd (by Region), 2009
Operating Income of Tianjin GS Battery Co., Ltd, 2004-2010
Main Business of Subsidiaries of Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd
Main Products and Applications of Lead-acid Storage Battery of Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd
Sales of Zibo Torch Energy Co., Ltd, 2004-2010
Operating Income and Net Income of Anhui Xunqi Battery Co., Ltd, 2005-2010
Product Lines and Applications of Huafu Group
Main Business of Subsidiaries of ChangXing Noble Power Co., Ltd
Operating Income and Total Profit of Shenzhen Center Power Tech Co., Ltd, 2004-2008
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