Global and China Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) Industry Report, 2019-2025
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Flexible printed circuit (FPC) products make their way into consumer electronics like smartphone and tablet PC, in the form of modules for display, touch control, fingerprint recognition, etc. The volatility of consumer electronics market in recent years leads to a low growth in FPC market. In 2018, global FPC market was worth USD11.4 billion, an annualized increase of 3.1%. As there is a growing demand for FPCs from intelligent cars and the thriving devices like smart wearables and drones, the FPC market size will expectedly hit $16.642 billion in 2025, with a CAGR of 5.5% between 2018 and 2025.

FPC finds broad application in consumer goods from smartphones to tablet PCs. In 2018, smartphone, tablet PC and ordinary computers accounted for around 39.8%, 15.8% and 9.1% of FPC market, separately, while communications and automotive electronics took a combined 14.6% or so. New energy vehicles will be a new hotspot on FPC industry chain, and the demand from emerging markets like automotive electronics will be conducive to the growth of the FPC industry. It is predicted that automobile will command 17.8% of FPC market in 2025.
Global FPC industry features production transfer from the rich world with rising costs to countries or regions where production technology is mature enough and cost remains low, especially to Mainland China. FPC giants rush to invest and build factories in China. That’s why China still leads the world in FPC output value in spite of small scale of its FPC vendors.
By and large, Nippon Mektron as the largest flexible board vendor in the world performed poorly in 2016 due to the downturn in smartphone market before vigorously developing technologies and flexible substrates for manufacturing automotive FPC in 2017. With 70%-80% of its FPCs produced for smartphone use and only 10% for automobiles and digital cameras, Fujikura Electronics has increased its R&D budget over the years for development of new FPC products for smartphones, automobiles and communication equipment. Inter Flex that supplies the most FPCs for iPhone, produced flexible copper clad laminates (FCCL) using the technology of Cu sputtering deposition on PI films, and FPCs with I-Soft substrates manufactured by semi-additive process (SAP) over the past few years. Inter Flex’s substrates and process enable not only a 15μm fine pitch between wires but integrated production of FPC and chip on film (COF).
Global and China Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) Industry Report, 2019-2025 highlights the following:
FPC industry (definition, application, process, technology roadmap, comparison of technologies, etc.);
FPC downstream industries (smartphone, tablet PC, ordinary computer, EV, etc.);
Global and China FPC industry (market size, supply and demand, competitive pattern, development trends, etc.);
14 Chinese and foreign PFC vendors (Nippon Mektron, Inter Flex, AVARY, Fujikura Electronics, etc.) and 9 Chinese and foreign FCCL vendors (Taiflex, Nippon Steel Chemical, etc.) (profile, operation, R&D, distribution of manufacturing bases and technical characteristics, etc.).
1. Overview of FPC
1.1 The Profile of FPC
1.2 Single Side FPC
1.3 Double Side and Multi-side and others
1.4 Manufacturing Process of FPC
2. FPC Downstream Markets
2.1 Mobile Phone Market
2.1.1 Global Mobile Phone Market Scale
2.1.2 Smart Phone Market and Industry
2.1.3 China Mobile Phone Industry
2.1.4 Smartphone FPC
2.2 PC Market
2.2.1 Desktop PC
2.2.2 Notebook PC
2.2.3 Tablet
2.2.4 Automobile
3. FPC Industry
3.1 FPC Industry Chain
3.2 Market Size
3.3 FPC Industry by Region
3.4 FPC Supply Relationship
3.5 Competitive Pattern
3.5.1 Japanese Vendors
3.5.2 Korean Vendors
4. FPC Corporation
4.1.2 Fujikura Electronics Wuxi
4.2.1 MEKTEC Manufacturing Corporation (Zhuhai)
4.2.2 MEKTEC Manufacturing Corporation (Suzhou)
4.4 Sumitomo Denko
4.5 M-FLEX
4.6 Flexium
4.7 Career
4.10 Xiamen Hongxin Electron-Tech Co., Ltd.
4.11 SI Flex
4.12 Interflex
4.13 BHflex
4.14 MFS
5. FCCL Companies
5.1 Grace Electron
5.2 Taiflex
5.3 ThinFlex
5.4 Nippon Steel Chemical
5.5 Arisawa
5.6 Microcosm
5.7 AEM
5.8 Taimide
Main Parameters and Applications of FPC
FPC Single-side Board Structure
Double-side PCB Structure
Single Copper & Double Access Structure
Single+Single Side Structure
Double-layer Board Structure
COF Diagram
Schematic Diagram of Flexible and Rigid PCB
Manufacturing Process of FPC
Working Principle of Exposure Machine
Imaging Developing
Etching Developing
Film Stripping
Comparison between Two FPC Processes
Comparison between FPC Conductive Circuit Manufacturing Methods
Global Mobile Phone Shipment, 2016-2025
Top Five Smartphone Vendors, Shipments, and Market Share, 2018 (Units in Millions)
Shipment and Market Share of Smart Phone Operating System, 2018 (Units in Millions)
Mobile Phone Shipments, 2017-2025E
Shipment of Global Major Smart Phone Vendors, 2016-2018 (Units in Millions)
Market Share of China Major Mobile Phone Vendors, 2018
FPC Used in iPhone X
FPC Used in Different Generations of iPhones
Shipment of Desktop PC, 2013-2018
Worldwide Device Shipments by Operating System (Thousands of Units)
Top 5 Vendors, Worldwide PC Shipments, 2018
Top 5 Vendors, Worldwide PC Shipments 2018
Notebook PC Shipment, 2013-2018
Shipment of Global Major Notebook PC ODM Vendors, 2013-2018
Shipment of Global Tablet PC, 2013-2018
Automotive FPC
Automotive Lighting System FPC
Automotive Display FPC
Automotive FPC Market Size and Growth Rate, 2016-2025E
Major FPC Vendors in the World
Global FPC Market Scale, 2015-2025
FPC Market Distribution by Application, 2018
FPC Sales Structure in Major Countries and Regions, 2018
Revenue Distribution of Global FPC Industry by Region, 2013-2018
Revenue Distribution of Global FPC Industry by Region, 2017-2018
Market Share of Samsung’s FPC Suppliers (by Amount), 2016-2018
Market Share of LG’s FPC Suppliers (by Amount), 2018
Market Share of Apple’s FPC Suppliers (by Amount), 2016-2018
Ranking of Major Global FPC Vendors by Revenue, 2018
Ranking of Japanese FPC Companies by Revenue, 2016-2018
NOK’s New FPC Products in Recent Years
Ranking of S. Korean FPC Companies by Revenue, 2017-2018
Fujikura Bases in Japan
Revenue and Operating Income of Fujikura, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of Fujikura by Division, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of Fujikura by Product, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Fujikura Electronics Shanghai, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Fujikura Electronics Wuxi, 2006-2010
Organizational Structure of Mektron
Revenue and Operating Income of NOK, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of NOK by Product, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of NOK by Region, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of Mektron FPC Division by Region, FY2013-FY2018
Global Presence of Mektron
Revenue and Operating Income of Mektec Manufacturing Corporation (Zhuhai), FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Nitto Denko, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Nitto Denko’s Electronic Materials Division, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Sumitomo Electric Industries, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of FPC Division of Sumitomo Electric Industries, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of M-FLEX, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of M-Flex by Region, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of M-Flex by Country, FY2013-FY2018
Customer Structure of M-Flex, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue of M-Flex by Application, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Gross Margin of Flexium, 2013-2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Flexium, 2013-2018
Revenue of Flexium by Application, 2013-2018
FPC Layers of Flexium, 2013-2018
FPC Technical Capability of Flexium
Associated Companies of Career
Organizational Structure of Career
Revenue and Operating Margin of Career, 2013-2018
Revenue of Career by Client, 2018
Capacity of Career by Product, 2018
Major Businesses of Career by Plant, 2018
Financial Data of Three Mainland Chinese Subsidiaries of Career, 2018
Financial Data of Three Mainland Chinese Subsidiaries of Career, 2018
Organizational Structure of Ichia
Revenue and Operating Margin of Ichia, 2013-2018
Revenue and Operating Income of SI Flex, FY2013-FY2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Interflex, 2013-2018
Revenue of Interflex by Product, 2016-2018
Revenue of Interflex by Customer, 2016-2018
Capacity of Interflex, 2016-2018
Interflex technology capability
Revenue and Operating Income of BHflex, 2013-2018
Organizational Structure of BHflex
Major Customers of BHflex
Overseas Customers of BHflex
Revenue of BHflex by Customer, 2016-2018
Revenue of BHflex by Customer, 2018
Revenue of BHflex by Application, 2016-2018
Revenue and Profit Attributable to Shareholders of MFS, 2013-2018
Revenue of MFS by Region, 2013-2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Taiflex, 2013-2018
Revenue of Taiflex by Business, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Taiflex’s FCCL Products, 2013-2018
Revenue and Annual Growth Rate of ThinFlex, 2013-2018
Revenue and Operating Income of Nippon Steel Chemical, FY2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Nippon Steel Chemical by Product, FY2013-2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Arisawa, FY2013-2018
Revenue of Arisawa by Product, FY2013-2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Microcosm, 2013-2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of AEM, 2013-2018
Organizational Structure of AEM
Revenue of AEM by Product, 2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Taimide, 2013-2018
Revenue of Taimide by Customer, 2017-2018
Market Share of Global Major PI Companies, 2018
Revenue and Operating Margin of Innox, 2013-2018
Revenue of Innox by Product, 2016-2018
Revenue of Innox by Customer, 2018
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