Global and China Elevator Industry Report, 2013
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Against the sluggish European elevator market and the slowly recovered American elevator market, China achieved the elevator output of 529,000 in 2012, up 17.56% year on year; though the growth slowed down, China still ranked first in output around the globe.
In 2012, Chinese elevator industry characterized the followings:
Multinational elevator companies have accelerated their expansion in China. Unlike the weak economic growth in Europe and America, the Asian elevator market, especially Chinese elevator market, has maintained moderate growth, so multinational elevator brands have been speeding up their expansion in China.
Layout of Multinational Elevator Companies in China, 2011-2013

The service market has become a target for elevator enterprises. In the wake of the growth slowdown of elevator output and sales volume as well as the increasing elevator number, the elevator aftermarket presents a promising outlook. The service only contributes 3%-15% to the revenue of Chinese elevator manufacturers, while up to 40-55% to multinational corporations.

Indemnificatory housing will be a future growth engine. China’s construction plan of 36 million indemnificatory apartments largely offsets the negative impact incurred by the declining investment growth in commercial real estate. In 2012, China finished 6.01 million indemnificatory apartments and started building 7.81 million ones, overachieving the tasks stipulated in early 2012.
The report covers the followings:1. Status quo, competition pattern, and maintenance market of the global elevator industry;
2. Competitive landscape of China elevator industry, mainly layout of foreign brands in China as well as competition between domestic and foreign brands
3. Supply structure, new elevator output and maintenance market of China elevator industry;
4. Demand structure, demand analysis and main influencing factors of China elevator industry;
5. Elevator import & export value, volume and prices in China
6. Output, sales volume, operation, major projects and orders of seven global elevator manufacturers and eight Chinese ones;
7. Development trends of markets, products and technologies in China elevator industry.
1 Overview of Elevator Industry
1.1 Overview
1.2 Laws, Regulations and Policies
2 Global Elevator Industry Development
2.1 Status Quo
2.2 Competition among Enterprises
2.3 Service Market
3 Competitive Landscape of China Elevator Industry
3.1 Development of Foreign Elevator Brands in China
3.2 Market Competition
3.2.1 Competition between Foreign and Domestic Brands
3.2.2 Competition among Foreign Brands
3.2.3 Competition among Domestic Brands
3.3 Product Competition
4 Supply of China Elevator Industry
4.1 Supply Structure
4.2 Output of New Elevators
4.3 Service Market
5 Demand of China Elevator Industry
5.1 Demand Structure
5.1.1 Downstream Demand Structure
5.1.2 Regional Demand Structure
5.2 Consumption
5.3 Influencing Factors
5.3.1 Real Estate Sector
5.3.2 Urban Infrastructure Construction
5.3.3 Transformation and Renovation of Old Elevators
5.3.4 Rail Transit Construction
6 Import and Export
6.1 Import and Export Volume
6.2 Import and Export Price
7 Key Elevator Companies Worldwide
7.1 Otis
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Orders
7.1.4 Development in China
7.1.5 Orders in China
7.1.6 Xizi Otis
7.1.7 Otis Opens LEED? Gold Standard Plant in Chongqing, China
7.2 Hitachi
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Elevator Business in China
7.2.4 Hitachi’s Western Base Puts into Trial Production
7.2.5 Elevator Orders in China
7.3 KONE
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Revenue Structure
7.3.4 Performance Outlook in 2013
7.3.5 New KONE Park Opens in Kunshan
7.3.6 Development in China
7.3.7 GiantKONE
7.4 Schindler
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Schindler China
7.4.4 Orders in China
7.4.5 XJ Schindler
7.5 Thyssen Krupp
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Elevator Business
7.5.3 Development in China
7.5.4 Elevator Orders in China
7.5.5 Investing RMB300 million to Build New Factory in China
7.6 Toshiba
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Elevator Business
7.6.4 Elevator Business in China
7.7 Fujitec
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 Development in China
7.7.4 Orders in China
7.7.5 Huasheng Fujitec Elevator’ New Elevator Research Tower Starts Construction
8 Key Elevator Companies in China
8.1 Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Output and Sales Volume
8.1.3 Operation
8.1.4 Competitive Advantages
8.1.5 Elevator Orders
8.1.6 Major Projects
8.1.7 Performance Forecast
8.2 Guangzhou Guangri Stock Co., Ltd
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Operation
8.2.3 Elevator Business
8.2.4 Western Base Starts Construction in Chengdu
8.2.5 Industrial Chain Layout
8.2.6 Performance Forecast
8.3 Canny Elevator Co., Ltd
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Output and Sales Volume
8.3.3 Operation
8.3.4 Revenue Structure
8.3.5 Gross Margin
8.3.6 R&D and Investment
8.3.7 Elevator Orders
8.3.8 Performance Forecast
8.4 SJEC Corporation
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Output and Sales Volume
8.4.3 Operation
8.4.4 Revenue Structure
8.4.5 Gross Margin
8.4.6 R&D and Investment
8.4.7 Setting Foot in 3D Printing
8.4.8 Performance Forecast
8.5 Shenyang Brilliant Elevator Co., Ltd
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Output and Sales Volume
8.5.3 Operation
8.5.4 Revenue Structure
8.5.5 Gross Margin
8.5.6 R&D and Investment
8.5.7 Suppliers and Clients
8.5.8 Elevator Orders
8.5.9 Competitive Advantages
8.5.10 Performance Forecast
8.6 Suzhou Dongnan Elevator (Group) Co., Ltd.
8.6.1 Profile
8.6.2 Major Projects
8.7 Shenlong Elevator Co., Ltd.
8.8 Hangzhou Xinma Elevator Co., Ltd
9 China Elevator Industry Development Trends
9.1 Market Trends
9.2 Product Trends
9.3 Technology Trends
Classification of Elevator Products
Laws and Regulations on China Elevator Industry, 2000-2013
Policies concerning China Elevator Industry, 2006-2013
Global Elevators in Operation (by Region/Country), 2012
Sales Units and Sales Value of Elevator in the World (by Region), 2011-2012
Sales Volume of New Equipment of Elevator in BRIC Countries and the Rest of World, 2004-2020E
Global Elevator Market Share, 2012
Operating Margin of Global and Chinese Elevator Manufacturers, 2012
ROE of Global and Chinese Elevator Manufacturers, 2012
Revenue Structure of KONE and OTIS, 2012
Layout of Eight Foreign Elevator Brands in China
Market Share of Foreign and Domestic Brands in Chinese Elevator Market, 2012
Competitive Landscape of China Elevator Market, 2012
Market Share of Foreign Brands in China, 2011
Layout of Foreign Elevator Brands in China, 2011-2013
Market Share of Domestic Brands in China, 2012
Elevator Product Structure
Market Share of Middle and Low Speed Elevator in China, 2005-2012E
Elevator Output and YOY Growth Rate in China, 1983-2012
Major Elevator Projects under Construction, 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Global Elevator Market
Service Revenue Percentage of Companies in the World and China, 2010-2012
Elevator Application Structure
Regional Features of Chinese Elevator Market
Consumption Structure in Chinese Elevator Market by Region, 2012
Elevator Consumption and YoY Growth Rate in China, 2006-2012
Number of Elevators in Service in China, 2000-2012
Per Capita Elevator in Service in the World (by Region/Country)
Real Estate Investment and YOY Growth Rate in China, 1997-2012
Growth Rates of New Housing Construction Area and Elevator Output in China, 2001-2012
Urbanization Rates Worldwide (by Country/Region)
Urbanization Rates in China, 1949-2012
Elevator Renovation and Transformation Demand in China, 2010-2024
Urban Rail Transit Planning in China by City
Import and Export Volume of Elevator & Escalator in China, 2007-2013
Import and Export Value of Elevator & Escalator in China, 2007-2013
Average Import/Export Price of Elevator & Escalator in China, 2004-2011
Introduction of Otis
Elevator Development History of Otis
Global Business Distribution of Otis
Revenue Structure of Otis, 2012
The Number of Elevators in Service of Otis in the World, 2001-2012
Major Orders of Otis Worldwide, 2012-2013
Expansion Process of Otis in China
Main Elevator Orders of Otis in China, 2009-2012
Marketing Network of Xizi Otis
Main Orders of Xizi Otis, 2011-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Hitachi, FY2010-FY2012
Main Business Indicators of Hitachi, FY2011-FY2012
Revenue of Hitachi (by Business), FY2011-FY2012
Revenue of Hitachi (by Region), FY2011-FY2012
Ownership Structure of Hitachi Elevator (China)
Main Elevator Production Bases of Hitachi China
Revenue and Net Income of Hitachi Elevator (China), 2010-2012
Sales Volume and Market Share of Hitachi Elevator (China), 2006-2011
Main Elevator Orders of Hitachi in China, 2011-2012
Global Operations of KONE
Orders Intake of KONE, 2005-2013
Sales of KONE, 2005-2013
Operating Income of KONE, 2005-2013
Sales Structure of KONE (by Business), 2005-2012
Sales Structure of KONE (by Region), 2005-2012
Sales Structure of KONE, 2013Q1
Performance Outlook of KONE in 2013
Development History of KONE in China
Business Distribution of KONE in China
Product Structure of KONE and GiantKONE
Headcount of Schindler (by Market), 2012
Headcount of Schindler (by Business Area), 2012
Main Business Indicators of Schindler, 2008-2012
Main Business Indicators of Schindler, 2012-2013
Revenue and Order Backlog of Schindler (by Region), 2012
Development Course of Schindler in China
Business Indicators of Schindler in Asia, Oceania and Africa, 2012
Elevator Orders of Schindler in China, 2012
Main Business Indicators of XJ Schindler, 2010-2012
Main Business Indicators of Thyssen Krupp, FY2012-FY2013
Business Indicators of Thyssen Krupp (by Business), 2012-2013
Elevator Sales of Thyssen Krupp, 2008-2013
Main Business Indicators of Elevator Business of Thyssen Krupp, 2012-2013
Business Distribution of Thyssen Krupp in China
Development History of ThyssenKrupp Elevator (China)
Elevator Brands of Thyssen Krupp Operated in India and China
Main Elevator Orders of Thyssen Krupp in China, 2011-2012
Main Business Indicators of Toshiba, FY 2010- FY 2012
Net Sales and Operating Income of Toshiba (by Business), FY2011-FY2012
Elevator Development Course of Toshiba
Elevator Business Distribution of Toshiba in China
Global Business Distribution of Fujitec
Sales, Operating Income and Net Income of Fujitec, FY2008-FY2012
Production Bases of Fujitec Elevator (China)
Marketing Network of Fujitec in China
Output and Sales Volume of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 2008-2012
Accumulative Sales Volume of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 1998-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 2009-2012
Gross Margin of Elevator of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 2008-2012
Indemnificatory Housing Cooperation Project of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 2009-2011
Major Projects of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator
Revenue and Net Income of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator, 2013E-2016E
Revenue and Net Income of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2010-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Exchange-In Assets of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2012-2013
Revenue and Gross Margin of Guangzhou Guangri Stock (by Business), 2012
Differential Positioning between Guangzhou Guangri Stock and Hitachi Elevator
Investment Income of Guangzhou Guangri Stock from Hitachi Elevator, 2006-2010
Industrial Parks Distribution of Guangzhou Guangri Stock
Industrial Chain Layout of Guangzhou Guangri Stock
Revenue and Net Income of Guangzhou Guangri Stock, 2013E-2016E
Output, Sales Volume and Stock of Canny Elevator, 2011-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Canny Elevator, 2009-2012
Revenue of Canny Elevator (by Product), 2010-2012
Revenue of Canny Elevator (by Region), 2010-2012
Gross Margin of Canny Elevator, 2008-2012
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Canny Elevator, 2009-2012
Main Elevator and Elevator Parts Projects of Canny Elevator, 2011-2012
Main Elevator Orders of Canny Elevator, 2006-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Canny Elevator, 2013E-2016E
Output and Sales Volume of SJEC Corporation, 2008-2012
Sales Volume of SJEC Corporation (by Product), 2008-2012
Strategic Partners of SJEC Corporation in Commercial Real Estate Field
Revenue and Net Income of SJEC Corporation, 2009-2013
Revenue of SJEC Corporation (by Business), 2010-2012
Revenue of SJEC Corporation (by Region), 2009-2012
Gross Margin of SJEC Corporation, 2008-2012
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of SJEC Corporation, 2008-2012
Fund-raising Projects and Investment of SJEC Corporation
New Capacity of Elevator Expansion Projects of SJEC Corporation
Revenue and Net Income of SJEC Corporation, 2013E-2016E
Output, Sales and Stock of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator, 2009-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator, 2009-2013
Revenue of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator (by Business), 2009-2012
Revenue of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator, (by Region), 2009-2012
Gross Margin of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator, 2009-2012
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator, 2009-2012
Fund-Raising Projects of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator
Implementation Plan of Elevator Industrialization Upgrade and Renovation Project of Shenyang Elevator Production Base Project (Unit: units)
Shenyang Brilliant Elevator’s Revenue from Top 5 Clients and % of Total Revenue, 2012
Shenyang Brilliant Elevator’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2012
Main Elevator Contracts Awarded of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator in Overseas, 2010-2011
Main Elevator Contracts Awarded of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator in China, 2010-2012
Revenue and Net Income of Shenyang Brilliant Elevator, 2013E-2016E
Application Cases of Special Elevators of Suzhou Dongnan Elevator
Marketing Network of Suzhou Dongnan Elevator in China
Elevator Output in China, 2013E-2016E
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