Global and China Machine Tool Industry Report, 2013
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China is the world's largest producer and consumer of machine tools, contributing 29.4% of the global output value and 45.1% of the global consumption of machine tools in 2012.
Since H2 2011, affected by the severe domestic and international situation, the 10-year explosive development of China machine tool industry ended while the adjustment stage commenced. The growth rate of output value and sales value of China machine tool industry dropped by 19.8 and 19.3 percentage points respectively in 2012, and only reached 6.0% and 5.5% in 2013.
In China machine tool industry, CNC machine tools see the fastest growth. In 2012, the CNC rate of metal cutting machine tools and CNC forming machine tools hit 25.8% and 5.8% separately; their CNC rates are expected to be 29.2% and 6.8% respectively in 2013, and will reach 37.0% and 7.6% separately by 2015.
The report focuses on the following aspects:
Machine tool production and sales, import and export, business development patterns in China and foreign countries;

Production and marketing, import and export of metal cutting machine tools, metal forming machine tools and CNC machine tools;

Eight global leading machine tool giants (including Yamazaki Mazak, Trumpf, Amada, Gildemeister, Mori Seiki) and their development in China;

Operation, competitive advantages and development strategies of 23 key domestic enterprises (embracing SMTCL, DMTG, Shaanxi Qinchuan Machinery Development, HNC, BYJC).
Currently, the world's top 10 machine tool manufacturers have entered China, and they conduct investment and construction herein stably though Chinese machine tool market has slowed down in the recent two years.
Yamazaki Mazak: Yamazaki Mazak has two plants in China, namely Little Giant Machine Tool specializing in the production of medium and high-end CNC machine tools and Yamazaki Mazak (Liaoning) engaged in the production of high-end general CNC machine tools. In July 2013, Little Giant Machine Tool put “Phase III Expansion and Seventh Equipment Project” with the investment of RMB173 million into operation, which raised the company’s annual capacity of CNC machine tools from 3,000 sets to 3,600 sets.
Trumpf: Trumpf has stepped up the exploration in Chinese mid-end machine tool market. In October 2013, it reached an agreement with Jiangsu Jinfangyuan CNC Machine Tool Co., Ltd. to acquire 72% share of the latter.
Gildemeister: Gildemeister has strengthened the cooperation with Mori Seiki, and taken over the business in the U.S., India and Europe since 2009. On January 5, 2013, the Ministry of Commerce of China formally approved the merger of Gildemeister Technology Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Mori Seiki Machine Tool Co. Ltd., declaring their business combination in China.
Among nearly 5,000 machine tool enterprises with the annual sales revenue of over RMB20 million, SMTCL acts as the largest machine tool manufacturer in China and even in the world, followed by DMTG. In response to the mutations in the machine tool market in the past two years, Chinese machine tool enterprises have adopted a series of positive and effective measures, such as transformation and upgrading, overseas market exploration, development of new businesses.
DMTG: DMTG has accelerated the development of the CNC machine tool business. In May 2013, the company and HNC cooperated to develop high-end intelligent CNC system. At the same time, it focuses on medium and high-end smart machine tools, and successfully won order from Deutz (Dalian) Engine Co., Ltd for new-type flexible production lines, with the contract value of RMB500 million.
BYJC: BYJC transfers from heavy machine tools to medium and high-end machine tools. Heavy machine tools contribute more than 70% of BYJC's revenue. In 2013, the company has changed the development direction in order to meet market demand. Additionally, BYJC's medium-range series represented by gantry lathes, floor-type boring lathes, vertical lathes and horizontal lathes also develop towards the high-end direction.
1. Introduction to Machine Tool Industry
1.1 Definition & Classification
1.2 Position in National Economy
1.3 Industry Chain
2. Status Quo of Global Machine Tool Industry
2.1 Overview
2.2 Production and Marketing
2.2.1 Production
2.2.2 Consumption
2.3 Import and Export
2.3.1 Import
2.3.2 Export
2.3.3 Trade Balance
2.4 Key Enterprises
3. Development Environment of China Machine Tool Industry
3.1 Macroeconomy
3.2 Policy
4. Status Quo of China Machine Tool Industry
4.1 Overview
4.2 Production and Marketing
4.3 Import and Export
4.3.1 Export
4.3.2 Import
4.4 Competition Pattern
4.4.1 Corporate Competition Pattern
4.4.2 Regional Competition Pattern
5. Status Quo of Major Chinese Machine Tool Market Segments
5.1 Overview
5.2 Metal Cutting Machine Tool
5.2.1 Production and Marketing
5.2.2 Import and Export
5.2.3 Major Products
5.2.4 Key Enterprises
5.3 Metal Forming Machine Tool
5.3.1 Production
5.3.2 Import and Export
5.4 CNC Machine Tool
5.4.1 Overview
5.4.2 Production
5.4.3 Import and Export
5.4.4 Key Enterprises
6. Key Global Machine Tool Enterprises
6.1 Yamazaki Mazak
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Development in China
6.2 Trumpf
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Development in China
6.3 Amada
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Development in China
6.4 Komatsu
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Development in China
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Development in China
6.6 Jtekt
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Development in China
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Development in China
6.8 Okuma
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Development in China
7. Key Chinese Machine Tool Enterprises
7.1 Shenyang Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (SMTCL)
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Revenue Structure
7.1.4 Gross Margin
7.1.5 Development Strategy
7.2 Shenji Group Kunming Machine Tool Co., Ltd.
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Revenue Structure
7.2.4 Gross Margin
7.2.5 Development Strategy
7.3 Shaanxi Qinchuan Machinery Development Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Revenue Structure
7.3.4 Gross Margin
7.3.5 Development Strategy
7.4 Jiangsu Yawei Machine Tool Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Revenue Structure
7.4.4 Gross Margin
7.4.5 Development Strategy
7.5 Wuhan Huazhong Numerical Control System, Inc. (HNC)
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 Revenue Structure
7.5.4 Gross Margin
7.5.5 Development Strategy
7.6 Qinghai Huading Industrial Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Revenue Structure
7.6.4 Key Projects
7.7 Weihai Huadong Automation Co., Ltd. (HDCNC)
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 Revenue Structure
7.7.4 Gross Margin
7.7.5 Competitive Edge
7.8 Shandong Fin CNC Machine Co., Ltd.
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Operation
7.8.3 Revenue Structure
7.8.4 Gross Margin
7.8.5 Competitive Edge
7.9 Tontec Technology Investment Group Co., Ltd.
7.9.1 Profile
7.9.2 Operation
7.9.3 Revenue Structure
7.9.4 Gross Margin
7.9.5 Competitive Edge
7.10 Non-listed Companies
7.10.1 Dalian Machine Tool Group Corporation (DMTG)
7.10.2 Qiqihar Heavy CNC Equipment Co., Ltd.
7.10.3 Beijing NO.1 Machine Tool Plant (BYJC)
7.10.4 Qier Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd.
7.10.5 JIER Machine-Tool Group Co., Ltd.
7.10.6 Chongqing Machine Tool Co., Ltd. (CHMTI)
7.10.7 Spark Machine Tool Co., Ltd.
7.10.8 Yunnan CY Group Co., Ltd.
7.10.9 Shanghai Machine Tool Works Ltd.
7.10.10 Hanland Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd.
7.10.11 Jiangsu Shinri Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
7.10.12 Jinan First Machine Tool Co., Ltd.
7.10.13 Changzheng Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd.
7.10.14 Guilin Machine Tool Co., Ltd.
8. Status Quo of China Machine Tool Remanufacturing Industry
8.1 Overview
8.1.1 Remanufacturing and Its Benefits
8.1.2 Machine Tool Remanufacturing
8.2 Main Policies
8.3 Status Quo
8.3.1 Market
8.3.2 Technology
8.4 Key Enterprises
8.4.1 Wuhan Huazhong Automatic Control Co., Ltd.
8.4.2 Wuhan Heavy Duty Machine Tool Group Corporation
8.4.3 Chongqing Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd.
8.5 Development Prospect
9. Summary and Forecast
9.1 Market
9.2 Products
9.3 Enterprises
9.3.1 Overseas Enterprises
9.3.2 Domestic Enterprises
Classification of Machine Tools
Demand of Major Industries for Machine Tools
Machine Tool Industry Chain
Main Indicators of Global Machine Tools (Metal Processing Machine Tools), 2009-2012
Gross Output Value of Global Machine Tools, 2008-2013
Output Value and Proportion of Global Machine Tools (by Country/Region), 2012
Share of China, Japan and Germany in the Global Machine Tool Market, 2002-2012
Output Value of Global Machine Tools by Continent, 2012
Consumption of Global Machine Tools, 2009-2013
Consumption and YoY Growth Rate of Global Machine Tools (by Country/Region), 2012
Per Capita Machine Tool Consumption of 20 Countries/Regions in the World, 2012
Import Value and YoY Growth Rate of Global Machine Tools (by Country/Region), 2012
Export Value and YoY Growth Rate of Global Machine Tools (by Country/Region), 2012
Machine Tool Trade Balance of 28 Countries/Regions in the World, 2011-2012
TOP 10 Machine Tools Enterprise in the World by Output Value, 2011
Growth Rate of GDP in China, 2011-2013
Main Policies of China Machine Tool Industry, 2011-2013
Share of China in the Global Machine Tool Market by Main Indicator, 2012
Main Indicators of China Machine Tool Industry, 2012-2013
Main Indicators of China Metal Cutting Machine Tool Industry, 2010-2013
Main Indicators of China Metal Forming Machine Tool Industry, 2010-2013
Import and Export Value of China Machine Tool Industry, 2009-2013
Export Value and YOY Growth of China Machine Tool Industry by Product, 2012
Export Value of Metal Processing Machine Tools in China, 2007-2013
Top 10 Export Destinations of Chinese Metal Processing Machine Tools, 2012
Import Value and YOY Growth of China Machine Tool Industry by Product, 2012
Import Value of Metal Processing Machine Tools in China, 2007-2013
Top 10 Import Sources of Metal Processing Machine Tools in China, 2012
Output and Sales Volume of Metal Cutting Machine Tools in China, 2009-2013
Top 5 Provinces/Cities by Output of Metal Cutting Machine Tools in China, 2011-2013
Import and Export Value of Metal Cutting Machine Tools in China, 2007-2013
Structure of Grinder Production Areas in China, 2012
Output and YOY Growth of Metal Forming Machine Tools in China, 2008-2013
Top 5 Provinces/Cities by Output of Metal Forming Machine Tools in China, 2011-2013
Import and Export Value of China Metal Forming Machine Tool Industry, 2007-2013
Output of CNC Machine Tools (CNC Metal Processing Machine Tools) in China, 2008-2013
CNC Rate by Output of Metal Cutting Machine Tools and Metal Forming Machine Tools in China, 2008-2013
TOP 10 Provinces/Cities by Output of CNC Metal Cutting Machine Tools and Their CNC Rates in China, 2012
TOP 10 Provinces/Cities by Output of CNC Metal Forming Machine Tools and Their CNC Rates in China, 2012
Import and Export Value of CNC Machine Tools (CNC Metal Processing Machine Tools) in China, 2010-2013
Import and Export Value of CNC Metal Cutting Machine Tools in China by Product, 2010-2011
Global Distribution of Machine Tools Production Bases of Yamazaki Mazak, 2012
Enterprises of Yamazaki Mazak in China, 2012
Sales of TRUMPF, FY2009-FY2013
Order Value of TRUMPF, FY2009-FY2013
Sales and YOY Growth of TRUMPF by Product, FY2012
Enterprises of TRUMPF in China, 2012
Sales and Net Income of AMADA, FY2009-FY2013
Sales of AMADA by Product, FY2009-FY2012
Sales of AMADA by Region, FY2008-FY2012
Enterprises of AMADA in China, 2012
Sales of Amada in China, 2009-2014E
Net Sales and Net Income of KOMATSU, FY2009-FY2013
Net Sales of KOMATSU by Business, FY2010-FY2012
Cooperation between GILDEMEISTER and Mori Seiki
Order Value and Sales of DMG MORI SEIKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, 2007-2013
Sales of DMG MORI SEIKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT by Business, 2006-2012
Order Value of DMG MORI SEIKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT by Business, 2006-2012
Net Sales and Net Income of Jtekt, FY2008-FY2012
Net Sales of Jtekt by Business, FY2012
Net Sales of Jtekt by Region, FY2012
Enterprises of Jtekt in China
Net Sales and Net Income of DMG MORI SEIKI, FY2008-FY2013
Sales of DMG MORI SEIKI by Region, FY2012
New Order Value of Okuma, FY2008-FY2013
Sales and Net Income of Okuma, FY2008-FY2012
Order Value and Sales of Okuma by Region, FY2008-FY2012
Sales of Okuma by Product, FY2008-FY2012
Sales Network of Okuma in China
Revenue and Net Income of SMTCL, 2008-2013
Operating Revenue of SMTCL by Product, 2009-2013
Operating Revenue of SMTCL by Region, 2010-2013
Gross Margin of SMTCL, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of SMTCL by Product, 2010-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Kunming Machine Tool, 2008-2013
Order Value and CNC Rate of Kunming Machine Tool, 2007-2013
Operating Revenue of Kunming Machine Tool by Product, 2010-2013
Gross Margin of Kunming Machine Tool, 2008-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Qinchuan Machinery Development, 2008-2013
Operating Revenue of Qinchuan Machinery Development by Business, 2010-2013
Operating Revenue of Qinchuan Machinery Development by Region, 2010-2013
Gross Margin of Qinchuan Machinery Development by Business, 2012-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Yawei Machine Tool, 2009-2013
Operating Revenue of Yawei Machine Tool by Region, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of Yawei Machine Tool, 2008-2013
Revenue and Net Income of HNC, 2008-2013
Operating Revenue of HNC by Product, 2009-2013
Operating Revenue of HNC by Region, 2010-2013
Gross Margin of HNC, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of HNC by Product, 2009-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Qinghai Huading, 2008-2013
Operating Revenue of Qinghai Huading by Business, 2011-2013
Operating Revenue of Qinghai Huading by Region, 2011-2013
Revenue and Net Income of HDCNC, 2008-2013
Operating Revenue of HDCNC by Product, 2011-2013
Operating Revenue of HDCNC by Region, 2011-2013
Gross Margin of HDCNC, 2008-2013
Gross Margin of HDCNC by Product, 2011-2013
Revenue and Net Income of Fin CNC, 2009-2013
Operating Revenue of Fin CNC by Business, 2011-2013
Operating Revenue of Fin CNC by Region, 2010-2013
Gross Margin of Fin CNC by Business, 2011-2013
Competitive Edge of Fin CNC by Product
Revenue and Net Income of Tontec Technology, 2009-2013
Operating Revenue of Tontec Technology by Product, 2011-2013
Operating Revenue of Tontec Technology by Region, 2011-2013
Gross Margin of Tontec Technology, 2010-2013
Production Modes and Subsidiaries of DMTG
Main Operating Indicators of DMTG, 2010-2013
Main Operating Indicators of Qiqihar Heavy CNC Equipment, 2010-2013
Sales Revenue of Spark Machine Tool, 2004-2013
Sales Revenue of Yunnan CY Group, 2008-2013
Revenue of Hanland Machine Tool, 2004-2010
Machine Tools included in Remanufacturing Products Catalog (Third Batch)
Types of Chinese Machine Tool Remanufacturing Enterprises
Sales Output Value and Growth Rate of Machine Tools in China, 2012-2015E
Output and CNC Rate of CNC Machine Tools in China, 2012-2015E
Sales and YOY Growth of Main Machine Tool Manufacturers in the World, (FY)2012
Revenue and YOY Growth of Listed Machine Tool Companies in China, 2012
Net Income and YOY Growth of Listed Machine Tool Companies in China, 2012
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