Global and China Micro Electronic-Acoustics Component Industry Report, 2013-2014
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The report highlights the followings:
1. Introduction to Micro Electronic-Acoustics System
2. Downstream Market of Micro Electronic-Acoustics
3. Micro Electronic-Acoustics Industry
4. 21 Micro Electronic-Acoustics Enterprises
The micro electronic-acoustics industry began to deteriorate in the second half of 2013, reflecting a broad decline in gross margin and average selling price of products except earphone and headphone. The industry leader–AAC has accidentally suffered downdrafts entering 2014 for several reasons: it is impossible for the mobile phone market including the smartphone market to reproduce high growth, and China’s smartphone market shows signs of decline. According to data released by China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT, the domestic mobile phone market accumulated shipments of 293 million units in January-August 2014, down 24% as opposed to 396 million units a year earlier, including 254 million smartphones (down 11.3% yr-on-yr). Besides, the tablet PC market apparently stopped growing e.g. a slowdown in iPad shipments, in contrast to the slightly improved laptop computer market.
On the other hand, the micro electronic-acoustics industry amid intensified competition has created space for generous profits in the transfer process from manual to automatic, and players have now completed the layout of automatic production lines, leading to non-existence of potential for cost reduction. Nowadays, mobile phone competition focuses on thickness, CPU, screen and camera, less concerned about sound performance, whose improvements depend on earphone rather than the phone itself, thus vendors prefer to adopt cheap electro-acoustic components.
In the field of micro electromechanical system (MEMS) microphone, large MEMS foundries or IDMs provide cheap MEMS dies which causes a drastic drop in MEMS microphone prices. The fierce price war has brought a rare loss for Knowles, not to mention other companies.
Mobile phone audio frequency is developing towards integration, speaker/receiver is firstly integrated into speaker modules, then box, and now equipped with function of LDS antenna. Then there is microphone mounted on FPC which enables flexibility for addition of multiple FPCs to mobile phones, simplifies circuit board design, improves stability and reduces thickness. All audio frequency components in a mobile phone may be integrated into a module in the future to bring the price down.
Micro electro-acoustic vendors have intensified efforts to develop non-electro-acoustic products to compensate for the decline in performance, but the huge initial investment is a burden to the overall gross margin. As the only highlight in electro-acoustics, headphones even those priced above USD100 won the broad market following the popularity of expensive phones such as iPhone, so did China's bluetooth headphone in the wake of booming auto sales. Merry, Cresyn and GoerTek best represent companies prosperous in the headphone business.

1. Introduction to Mobile Electro-Acoustic Components
1.1 Mobile Phone Receiver
1.2 Mobile Phone Speaker
1.3 Micro Microphone
1.4 Introduction to MEMS Microphone
1.5 Market and Industry of MEMS Microphone
1.6 Micro Loudspeaker
1.7 Trends of Mobile Phone Electro-Acoustic Components
2. Downstream Market of Micro Electro-Acoustic Products
2.1 Global Mobile Phone Market
2.2 Global Smartphone Market
2.3 China Mobile Phone Market
2.4 Tablet PC Market
2.5 Laptop Computer Market
2.6 Desktop PC Market
3. Micro Electronic-Acoustics Industry
3.1 Industry Ranking
3.2 Market Share by Products
3.3 Earphone Market
3.4 MEMS Microphone Market
3.5 MEMS Microphone Industry
3.6 Relationship between Electronic-Acoustic Component Vendors and Mobile Phone Vendors
3.7 Laptop Speaker
3.8 China Earphone Industry
4. Micro Electronic-Acoustic Component Vendors
4.1 Knowles
4.2 Merry
4.3 GoerTek
4.4 AAC
4.5 Hosiden
4.6 Foster
4.7 BSE
4.8 Bujeon
4.9 Cresyn
4.10 Fortune Grand Technology
4.11 Netronix
4.12 Panasonic Electronic Devices
4.13 Sonion
4.14 New Jialian
4.15 Star Micronics
4.16 Jiangsu Yucheng Electronic
4.17 Shandong Gettop Acoustic
4.18 Hangzhou Unis Electronic
4.19 Right Technology
4.20 Bluecom
4.21 Plantronics
Smart Phone Audio System
Global ECM Microphone Market Size, 2007-2015E
Output of Major Global ECM Microphone Companies, 2008-2010
Purchase Quantity of Global MEMS Microphone Buyers, 2010-2011
Global Micro Speaker / Receiver Market Size, 2007-2015E
Output of Major Global Micro Speaker / Receiver Companies, 2008-2010
Global Mobile Phone Shipment, 2007-2015E
Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2013 (Thousands of Units)
Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2013 (Thousands of Units)
Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Operating System in 2013 (Thousands of Units)
Shipment of Top 13 Global Smartphone Vendors, 2013-2015E
China’s Monthly Mobile Phone Shipment, Jan.-Aug. 2014
Global Tablet PC Shipment, 2011-2016E
Market Share of Main Tablet PC Brands, 2013
Output of Global Tablet PC Vendors, 2012-2013
Laptop Computer Shipment, 2008-2015E
Shipment of Major Global Laptop ODMs, 2010-2013
Desktop PC Shipment, 2008-2015E
PC Shipment of Top 5 Vendors Worldwide, Q4 2013
PC Shipment of Top 5 Vendor Worldwide, 2013
Ranking of Micro Electronic-Acoustics Component Industry
Operating Margin of Major Electronic-Acoustics Component Vendors, 2010-2014
Market Share of Major Global Microspeaker Companies (by Value), 2014
Market Share of Global Handfree Companies, 2014
Market Share of Major Global Headphone Companies (by Shipment), 2014
Market Share of Major Global Headphone Companies (by Value), 2014
Market Share of Major OCC Headphone Companies (by Value), 2014
Market Share of Major Mobile Bluetooth Headphone Companies (by Value), 2014
MEMS Microphone Market Size, 2012-2018E
ASP of MEMS Microphone, 2010-2019E
Ranking of Global MEMS Microphone Companies by Revenue, 2012
Global MEMS Microphone Market Share in Value, 2013
Global MEMS Microphone Die Market Share in Value (Volume), 2013
Top MEMS Suppliers in the Mobile Phone and Tablet Market, 2013 (Revenue Breakdown by Product Type)
Supply Breakdown of Micro Speaker Suppliers of Six Major Mobile Phone Vendors, 2014
Supply Breakdown of Handfree Suppliers of Six Major Mobile Phone Vendors, 2014
Supply Breakdown of Microphone Suppliers of Six Major Mobile Phone Vendors, 2014
Major Clients of Knowles
Revenue of Knowles by Product, 2013
Revenue and EBITDA of Knowles, 2008-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Knowles, 2008-2014
Net Income and Assets of Knowles, 2009-2013
Revenue of Knowles by Business, 2011-2013
Operating Income of Knowles by Business, 2011-2013
Client Distribution of Knowles, 2013
Revenue of Knowles by Region, 2011-2013
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Income of Knowles, Q1 2012-Q2 2014
Organization Chart of Merry
Monthly Revenue and Growth Rate of Merry, Aug. 2012-Aug. 2014
Revenue of Merry by Product, 2005-2014
Output of Merry by Product, 2010-2013
Revenue of Merry by Client, 2014
Selected Financial Data of Merry Subsidiaries in Mainland China, 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of GoerTek, 2006-2014
Top 5 Clients of GoerTek, 2012
Top 5 Clients of GoerTek, 2013
Quarterly Revenue of GoerTek, Q1 2009-Q2 2014
Gross Margin and Net Profit Margin of GoerTek, Q1 2009-Q2 2014
Inventory Turnover Days of GoerTek, Q1 2009-Q2 2014
Organization Chart of AAC
Revenue and Gross Margin of AAC, 2007-2014
Revenue and EBIT Margin of AAC, 2003-2014
Consolidated Balance Sheet of AAC, 2012-2016E
Major Clients of AAC
Revenue of AAC by Product, 2006-2014
Operating Income Breakdown of AAC, 2008-2013
Revenue of AAC by Region, 2006-2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of Hosiden, FY2006-FY2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Foster, FY2006-FY2015E
Revenue of Foster by Region, FY2009-FY2012
Revenue and Operating Profit of BSE, 2007-2014
Revenue of BSE by Client, 2009-Q3 2011
Shipment of BSE by Client, 2009-Q3 2011
Revenue of BSE by Product, Q3 2011
Revenue of BSE by Product, 2010Q2-Q3
Financial Data of Cresyn’s Key Subsidiaries, 2013
Selected Financial Data of Dongguan Dalang Huihong Electronics Factory, 2008
Selected Financial Data of Suzhou Fu Hong Shun Electronics Co., Ltd., 2008
Monthly Revenue and Growth Rate of Netronix, Aug. 2012-Aug. 2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Sonion, 2009-2013
Organization Chart of New Jialian
Revenue and Operating Margin of New Jialian, 2004-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Star Micronics, FY2007-FY2012
Revenue of Star Micronics by Product, FY2007-FY2012
Electro-Acoustic Product Shipment of Star Micronics by Application, FY2008-FY2013
Electro-Acoustic Product Revenue of Star Micronics by Application, FY2008-FY2013
Revenue and Operating Income of Gettop, 2008-2014
Microphone Output and Sales Volume of Gettop, 2008-2010
Micro Speaker/Receiver Output and Sales Volume of Gettop, 2008-2010
Cost Structure of Bluecom, 2012-H1 2014
Capacity of Bluecom by Product
Revenue and Profit of Bluecom, 2008-Q3 2010
Revenue and Operating Margin of Plantronics, FY2006-FY2015E
Gross Margin of Plantronics, Q2 2013-Q2 2014
Revenue of Plantronics by Region, FY2012-FY2014
Receiver Manufacturing Process
Comparison between ECM and MEMS
Global 3G/4G Mobile Phone Shipment by Region, 2011-2014
Market Share of Global Mobile Phone Mini Speaker Companies (by Value), 2014
Market Share of Global Handfree Companies, 2014
Market Share of Major Laptop Speaker Companies, 2012
Organization and Operation of Merry
Revenue and Operating Margin of Merry, 2004-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Merry, 2007-2014
Client Distribution of Merry, 2006-2013
Client Distribution of AAC, 2007-2013
Revenue of Hosiden by Product, FY2006-FY2014
Revenue of Foster by Business, FY2010-FY2014
Revenue and Operating Income of BSE, 2007-2014
Revenue of BSE by Product, Q2-Q3 2010
Revenue and Operating Margin of Netronix, 2005-2014
Organization Structure of Netronix
Revenue of Netronix by Product, 2010-2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of Star Micronics, FY2007-FY2012
Revenue of Star Micronics by Product, FY2007-FY2012
Organization Structure of Hangzhou Unis Electronic
Organization Structure of Right Technology
Organization Structure of Bluecom
Revenue and Operating Margin of Bluecom, 2007-2014
Revenue of Bluecom by Product, 2006-2014
Revenue of Bluecom by Client, 2006-2012
Revenue of Plantronics by Business, FY2011-FY2014
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