Global and China Laser Processing Equipment Industry Report, 2014-2018
May 2015
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In 2014, global laser market picked up, with laser system sales hitting USD9.2 billion, a year-on-year growth rate of 6%. Over the next couple years, optical storage, military, and scientific research markets are expected to remain weak, but emerging application markets like 3D printing and sapphire cutting will fuel market growth. It is expected that global laser market will expand at an AAGR of about 8% during 2015-2018.
As a global processing and manufacturing center, China sees continued expansion in laser processing equipment installation. By the end of 2014, China’s laser cutting complete equipment ownership approximated 20,000 units (sets), of which over 3,000 were high-power ones which are used mainly in automobile, shipping, and aerospace fields, and around 10,000 units (sets) were small and medium-power ones, finding applicatio in sectors such as textile & clothing, advertisement, handicraft and electronics.
In terms of market structure, laser marking machine, laser cutting machine, and laser welding machine are major three product categories among all laser processing equipment in China, together accounting for 80% of total market size. With evolution of new technologies and emergence of new applications, new laser processing equipment markets, such as 3D printing, laser scribing machine, laser exposure machine, and sapphire cutting machine, will usher in rapid growth.
By regional pattern, four laser industry bases (Central China, Bohai Rim, Yangtze River Delta, and Pearl River Delta) have basically taken shape in China. In 2014, the four bases generated total output value of RMB31.5 billion, occupying 94% of the entire industry’s output value.

Han's Laser, China’s largest laser equipment manufacturer, mainly produces laser cutting equipment, laser marking equipment, laser welding equipment, etc, and holds a dominant position with its high-power equipment. In 2014, the company reported revenue of RMB5.566 billion, up 28.41% from a year ago, higher than average growth rate of the industry. In April 2014, the company secured an order valued at USD20 million to provide laser sapphire cutting machine for Lens Technology, a contract manufacturer of Apple. The deal was considered as a new breakthrough in the company’s development. In new business field, it will make more investments in automation and encourage the launching of robotics project, so as to provide customers with robots for automatic production lines with laser technology solutions.
Wuhan Golden Laser, a major manufacturer of small and medium-power laser equipment, produces mainly laser engraving machine, laser marking machine, laser cutting bed, etc. In 2014, the company recorded revenue of RMB193 million, rising by 21.54% year on year. Besides original business, it started to independently carry out 3D printing business and built “3D printing cloud factory” in 2014. The company will be committed to the construction of 3D cloud factory and promotion of relevant businesses for some time to come.
Global and China Laser Processing Equipment Industry Report, 2014-2018 by ResearchInChina covers the following:
Global laser industry sales, major companies, competitive landscape, structure of application areas, market segment, and forecast;
Chinese laser equipment market size, major companies, competitive landscape, regional distribution, import & export, and forecast;
Development and forecast of laser cutting equipment, laser marking equipment, laser welding equipment, and laser engraving equipment in China;
Overall development and forecast of China laser processing industry;
Business development of major global and Chinese laser processing equipment manufacturers.
1. Overview of Laser Industry
1.1 Laser
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Development History
1.2 Laser
1.2.1 Definition
1.2.2 Classification
1.2.3 Development Trend
1.3 Laser Equipment
1.3.1 Definition
1.3.2 Classification
1.3.3 Product Certification
1.4 Laser Processing
1.4.1 Definition
1.4.2 Classification
2. Global Market
2.1 Market Size
2.1.1 Laser Equipment
2.1.2 Laser
2.1.3 Applications
2.2 Major Enterprises
2.2.1 Competitive Landscape
2.2.2 M&As
2.3 Laser Processing Market
2.3.1 Marking Business
2.3.2 Micro Processing Business
2.3.3 Material Processing Business
3. Chinese Market
3.1 Industry Policies
3.2 Business Models
3.3 Market Size
3.4 Major Enterprises
3.5 Competitive Landscape
3.6 Regional Distribution
3.7 Import and Export
3.8 Laser Processing Market
3.8.1 Market Size
3.8.2 Market Concentration
3.8.3 Industry Profit
4. Market Segments
4.1 Laser Cutting Equipment
4.2 Laser Welding Equipment
4.3 Laser Marking Equipment
4.4 Laser Engraving Equipment
5. Downstream Market
5.1 Basic Electronic Device Processing
5.1.1 Semiconductor Industry
5.1.2 PCB Industry
5.2 New Material Processing
5.2.1 New-type Ceramic Material
5.2.2 Glass
5.2.3 Sapphire
5.3 3D Printing
5.3.1 Brief Introduction
5.3.2 Market Status
5.3.3 Industry Chain
6 Major Foreign Companies
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Laser Business
6.1.4 Development in China
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Laser Business
6.2.4 Manufacturing Base
6.2.5 Development in China
6.3 Coherent
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Laser Business
6.3.4 Development in China
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Laser Business
6.4.4 Development in China
6.5 IPG
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Major Products
6.5.4 Development in China
6.6 GSI
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Laser Business
6.6.4 Development in China
7 Major Chinese Companies
7.1 Han's Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Laser Business
7.1.4 Output and Sales Volume
7.1.5 Subsidiaries
7.1.6 Sapphire Cutting Business
7.1.7 Performance Prediction
7.2 Wuhan Golden Laser Co., Ltd.
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 Laser Business
7.2.4 Output and Sales Volume
7.2.5 Subsidiaries
7.2.6 Procurement of Raw Materials
7.2.7 Performance Prediction
7.3 Huagong Tech Company Limited
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Laser Business
7.3.4 Subsidiaries
7.3.5 Performance Prediction
7.4 Siasun Robot and Automation Co., Ltd.
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Laser Business
7.4.4 Subsidiaries
7.4.5 Performance Prediction
7.5 Jiangsu Yawei Machine Tool Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 Laser Business
7.6 Suzhou Tianhong Laser Co., Ltd.
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Laser Business
7.6.4 Customers and Suppliers
7.7 Shenzhen Sunshine Laser and Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 Laser Processing Business
7.7.4 Subsidiaries
7.7.5 Performance Prediction
7.8 Beijing Daheng Laser Equipment Co., Ltd.
7.9 Wuhan Dahua Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
7.10 Jiangsu Shuguang Photoelectricity Co., Ltd.
7.11 Beijing Institute of Opto-Electronic Technology
7.12 Chutian Laser Group
7.13 BOYE Laser
7.14 Beijing Kaitian Tech. Co., Ltd.
7.15 Wuhan HE Laser Engineering Co., Ltd.
7.16 Wuhan Unity Laser Co., Ltd.
7.17 Suzhou Lead Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
7.18 Wuhan Tianqi Laser Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
8 Summary and Forecast
8.1 Industry
8.2 Enterprise
8.3 Development Prospect
Laser Industry Chain
Performance Comparison of Gas Laser, Solid-state Laser, and Fiber Laser
Major Industry Certifications for Laser Equipment Worldwide
Global Laser System Sales, 2011-2018E
Global Laser Equipment Market Structure, 2011-2018E
Sales of Global Laser Market Segments, 2013-2018E
Distribution of Global Laser System Applications, 2014
Major Global Laser Companies
Major Global Small and Medium-power Laser Equipment Companies
Market Share of Major Global Laser Companies, 2014
M&As in Global Laser Industry, 2014
Sales of Global Lasers Material Processing Market, 2013-2015
Sales of Lasers for Marking/Engraving Worldwide, 2013-2015
Sales of Lasers (<1kW) Applied to Micromachining Worldwide, 2013-2015
Sales of Lasers (≥1kW) for Material Processing
Varieties of Lasers (≥1kW) for Material Processing
Business Models of China Laser Equipment Industry
China’s Laser Industry Output Value, 2014
Laser Application Structure in China
China’s Laser Equipment Sales, 2013-2018E
Data about Laser Processing Equipment in China, 2014
Major Chinese Laser Equipment Companies
Revenue and Gross Margin of Major Chinese Laser Companies, 2013-2014
Competitive Landscape of Chinese Laser Processing Equipment Market, 2014
Regional Distribution of Laser Industry in China
Regional Characteristics and Representative Companies of China Laser Industry
Regional Distribution of Major Laser Industry in China, 2014
Customs Tariff for Laser Equipment in China
Import & Export Volume and Value of Laser in China, 2009-2014
Export Structure of Laser Equipment in China
China’s Laser Processing Service Market Size, 2013-2018E
Structure of Chinese Laser Processing Market Segments, 2014
Market Share of Shenzhen Sunshine Laser & Electronics Technology in Laser Processing Market Segments, 2012-2015
Application Characteristics of Laser Equipment in Various Industries
China’s Laser Processing Equipment Market Structure, 2014
China’s Laser Cutting Equipment Market Size, 2013-2018E
Market Share of High-power Cutting Equipment in China, 2014
Market Share of Small and Medium-power Cutting Equipment in China, 2014
China’s Laser Welding Equipment Market Size, 2013-2018E
China’s Laser Marking Equipment Market Size, 2013-2018E
China’s Laser Engraving Equipment Market Size, 2013-2018E
Application of Laser Processing in Basic Electronic Devices
Global Semiconductor Equipment Sales, 2009-2014
China’s PCB Output Value and Its Global Market Share, 2009-2018E
Methods of Laser Processing on New Materials
Section Sketch of Ceramic Material Cut by Diamond
Laser Processing on Glass
Taiwanese Companies’ Revenue from Sapphire Substrate
Comparison between Traditional Tempered Glass and Sapphire Cover
Forecast for Laser Cutting Demand from iPhone Sapphire Cover
Forecast for Laser Cutting Demand from iWatch Sapphire Cover
Equipment Needed by Lens Technology’s Sapphire Project
Comparison between 3D Printing Technology and Traditional Manufacturing Technology
Global 3D Printing Industry Revenue, 2009-2018E
3D Printing Industry Chain
Global Market Share of Industrial 3D Printing, 2014
TRUMPF’s Subsidiaries Worldwide
TRUMPF’s Sales, FY2010-FY2014
Sales Breakdown of TRUMPF by Segment, FY2014
TRUMPF’s Sales from Laser Business, FY2010-FY2014
ROFIN’s Sales, Net Income, Employees and Order Value, FY2010-FY2014
Sales Breakdown of ROFIN by Region, FY2012-FY2014
Revenue Structure of ROFIN by Business, FY2014
Application Structure of ROFIN’s Products
ROFIN’s Major Customers
ROFIN’s Production Bases Worldwide
ROFIN’s Income before Tax in China, FY2012-FY2014
Coherent’s Revenue, FY2012-FY2014
Coherent’s EBITDA, FY2012-FY2014
Coherent’s Business Indicators, FY2010-FY2014
Revenue Structure of Coherent by Segment, FY2012-FY2014
Application Areas of Coherent’s Products, FY2012-FY2014
Coherent’s Main Products and Laser Technology
PRIMA’s Business Segments
PRIMA’s Financial Indices, 2010-2014
Revenue Structure of PRIMA, 2014
Major Customers of Prima Power
Operational Indicators of IPG, 2010-2014
Revenue Breakdown of IPG by Region, 2012-2014
IPG’s Product Line
Sales Breakdown of IPG by Application, 2012-2014
Sales and Gross Profit of GSI, 2010-2014
Sales and Gross Margin of GSI’s Products, 2014
GSI’s Laser Product Line
GSI’s Revenue from Main Countries/Regions, 2012-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Han's Laser, 2007-2014
Revenue Structure of Han's Laser by Business, 2013-2014
Revenue Structure of Han's Laser by Region, 2013-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Laser Equipment of Han's Laser, 2013-2014
Han's Laser’s Self-sufficiency in Key Components
Overall Output and Sales Volume of Han's Laser, 2012-2014
Operation of Han's Laser’s Holding Subsidiaries, 2013
Operation of Han's Laser’s Holding Subsidiaries, 2014
Performance Indicators of Han's Laser’s LED Scribing Machine
Position of Han's Laser’s Equipment in Sapphire Processing
Revenue and Gross Margin of Han's Laser, 2014-2018E
Revenue and Gross Margin of Golden Laser, 2007-2014
Revenue Breakdown of Golden Laser by Region, 2013-2014
Golden Laser’s Major Laser Equipment Products
Revenue and Gross Margin of Golden Laser’s Various Businesses, 2013
Revenue and Gross Margin of Golden Laser’s Various Businesses, 2014
Overall Output and Sales Volume of Golden Laser, 2011-2014
Operation of Golden Laser’s Major Subsidiaries, 2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Golden Laser, 2014-2018E
Revenue and Gross Margin of Huagong Tech, 2007-2014
Revenue Structure of Huagong Tech by Product, 2012-2014
Huagong Tech’s Overseas Revenue, 2007-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Huagong Tech’s Laser Processing and Complete Equipment Business, 2007-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Holographic Anti-counterfeiting Series Products of Huagong Tech, 2007-2014
Operation of Huagong Tech’s Major Subsidiaries, 2013
Operation of Huagong Tech’s Major Subsidiaries, 2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Huagong Tech, 2014-2018E
Revenue and Gross Margin of Siasun Robot and Automation, 2007-2014
Revenue Structure of Siasun Robot and Automation by Business, 2012-2014
Operation of Siasun Robot and Automation’s Major Subsidiaries, 2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Siasun Robot and Automation, 2013-2018E
Revenue and Gross Margin of Yawei Machine Tool, 2009-2014
Yawei Machine Tool’s Laser Cutting Machines
Revenue, Net Income, and Gross Margin of Tianhong Laser, 2012-2018E
Tianhong Laser’s Revenue from Various Products, 2013-2014
Tianhong Laser’s Top5 Customers, 2014
Tianhong Laser’s Top5 Suppliers, 2014
Tianhong Laser’s Important Contracts, 2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Shenzhen Sunshine Laser and Electronics Technology, 2008-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Shenzhen Sunshine Laser and Electronics Technology by Product, 2013-2014
Operation of Shenzhen Sunshine Laser and Electronics Technology’s Major Subsidiaries, 2013
Operation of Shenzhen Sunshine Laser and Electronics Technology’s Major Subsidiaries, 2014
Shenzhen Sunshine Laser and Electronics Technology’s Layout in Emerging Businesses
Revenue and Gross Margin of Shenzhen Sunshine Laser and Electronics Technology, 2014-2018E
Kaitian Laser’s Users Worldwide
Growth Rate of Global and China Laser Processing Equipment Market Size, 2013-2018E
Global Laser Market Structure, 2013-2018E
China’s Laser Processing Equipment Market Structure, 2013-2018E
Market Share of Major Chinese Laser Companies, 2018
Comparison of Major Chinese Laser Companies’ Gross Margin, 2012-2017E
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