Global and China CCM (CMOS Camera Module) Industry Report, 2014-2015
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Global and China CCM (CMOS Camera Module) Industry Report, 2014-2015 covers the following:
1. CIS (CMOS Image Sensor) market and industry
2. Lens industry
3. CCM industry and market
4. Development trend of OIS/dual lens
5. CIS downstream market
6. Study into 7 CIS vendors
7. Research on 15 Lens vendors
8. Analysis of 22 CCM vendors
In 2014, global CCM market size was worth about USD16.402 billion, growing by 13.4% from 2013, mainly stimulated by higher camera pixel of mobile phone and OIS. It is expected that OIS will expand rapidly in 2015, spurring CCM market to rise by 15.9% to USD19.018 billion. Also, the camera pixel of mobile phone will continue to be improved, being one of stimuli for market growth.
In 2014, iPhone 6Plus took up the largest share of mobile phones which adopt OIS with shipments of 18.20 million (about 25%), followed by Samsung Galaxy Note4 with shipments of about 6 million. It is projected that Samsung S6 and most of flagship phones in China will use OIS, and new generation Apple phone will also fully adopt OIS. It is estimated that shipments of mobile phones adopting OIS will amount to 178 million in 2015, surging by 145% against 2014, and will reach 361 million in 2017.
There are two technological routes for OIS camera module of mobile phone: one is based on Pure shift OIS Motor and the other Tilt-shift AF Motor. Pure shift has significant advantage over Tilt-shift, as the standard has long been established, system maturity is excellent, performance is the best, and supply chain is the most mature with majority of suppliers being Japanese ones. The bulk of vendors like Apple and Nokia adopt Pure shift. Even though the camera has to protrude, Apple insists on using Pure shift, showing powerful competitiveness of Pure shift. Vendors in Mainland China and HTC adopt Tilt-shift without a universally accepted standard. Moreover, there are lots of work to be done by CCM vendors. Low output and lack of unified standard cause the loss of its theoretically low cost advantage. The market may leave no growth room for Tilt-shift, and be swiftly captured by Pure shift.
Qualcomm and MediaTek planned to integrate dual lens software function into chipset and CRB (Customer Reference Board), thus greatly boosting percentage of high-end mainstream mobile phones using dual lens. However, dual lens provide only more special effects, but can’t enhance camera performance. Seen from configuration of HTC M8, the mobile phone has 4MP dual cameras, still a gap with mainstream 8 million pixel high-end mobile phones, obvious positioned as a middle-range phone.
If dual cameras both adopt high-pixel CCM, the cost will surge and may surpass that of OIS. Consumers has very low acceptance of dual lens compared with OIS. After all, Apple, Samsung, Nokia and LG have mainstream models using OIS, in contrast to two non-mainstream mobile phones adopting dual lens. Hence, dual lens may appear on middle-range mobile phones, and are unlikely to be utilized by a large number of vendors.
In CIS field, Sony continues to outshine rivals, leading high-end market and chased by OVT, but Samsung is falling short of its desires. With regard to lens, Largan sweeps over the world, grasping almost 90% of profit in the field and leading to sharp decline in revenue and partly operating loss of South Korean vendors which seek to advance into high-end segment. In CCM field, Sharp benefited from OIS and its revenue surged.
SEMCO is the largest supplier for Samsung. In order to reduce its dependence on Samsung and enter the burgeoning mobile phone market in Chinese Mainland, the company spared no effort to exploit the mainland market, but achieved poor results, not only failing to open up the market, but also loosing major customer- Samsung, with revenue declining distinctly. LITEON filled the position of SEMCO quickly, and became the second largest supplier of OIS for Samsung, behind Sharp. LITEON saw a surge in revenue in 2014.
LG INNOTEK is still the largest supplier for Apple, with slight rise in revenue. Thanks to big increase in shipments from major customers including Xiaomi, Lenovo and OPPO, Sunny Optical Technology also saw a substantial rise in revenue. In addition, Sony also entered CCM field with ambition, aiming to earn revenue of over USD1 billion in 2017. Undoubtedly, the competition in CCM field will prick up, and the gross margin will inevitably slide.

1. CMOS Camera Module Industry
1.1 CMOS Camera Module Industry Chain
1.2 CMOS Image Sensor Industry
1.3 CMOS Image Sensor Market
1.4 Market Share of Image Sensor Vendors
1.5 China CMOS Image Sensor Market
1.6 Optical Lens Industry
1.7 CMOS Camera Module Industry
1.8 Relationship between CMOS Camera Modules and Brand Vendors
1.9 Brief Introduction to AFA (VCM)
1.10 AFA Industry Pattern
1.11 Brief Introduction to OIS
1.12 Status Quo of Mobile Phone OIS
1.13 VCM Driver IC
1.14 Automotive Camera Module Market
1.15 Market Share of Major Automotive Camera Module Vendors
1.16 Dual Lens
2. CMOS Camera Module Market
2.1 Global Mobile Phone Market
2.2 Global Smartphone Market
2.3 Chinese Mobile Phone Market
2.4 Tablet PC Market
3. CMOS Image Sensor Vendors
3.1 Samsung Electronics
3.2 Omnivision
3.4 Sony
3.5 Toshiba
3.6 Galaxycore
3.7 Superpix Micro Technology
4. Optical Lens Vendors
4.1 Largan
4.2 GSEO
4.3 Asia Optical
4.4 Newmax
4.5 Ability Opto-Electronics Technology
4.7 Hitachi Maxell
4.10 Korea Optical
4.12 GLORY
4.14 KMOT
4.15 Digital Optics
5. Camera Module Vendors
5.1 Chicony
5.2 Vista Point Technologies
5.3 Hon Hai
5.3.1 Champ Tech Optical
5.3.2 Foshan Pulihua
5.3.3 Fu Jin Precision Industry Jincheng
5.5 Mitsumi Electric
5.6 Truly Opto-Electronics
5.7 BYD Optical
5.8 LITEON Technology
5.9 Primax
5.10 SEMCO
5.11 Partron
5.12 Sunny Optical
5.14 Powerlogic
5.15 MCNEX
5.16 Cowell
5.17 O-film
5.18 Q-TECH
5.19 Globaloptics
5.20 Shine Tech
5.21 Sharp
5.22 STMicroelectronics
5.23 Others
5.23.1 KingCome
5.23.2 Darling
6. AFA Vendors
6.2 JAHWA Electronics
CMOS Camera Module Industry Chain
Cost Structure of 8MP CCM, 2009-2013
Cost Structure of 13MP CCM, 2012-2013
Supply Chain of Image Sensor Vendors
Shipment of Global Leading CMOS Image Sensor Vendors by Pixel, 2011-2013
Market Size of CMOS Image Sensor, 2010-2016E
Shipment of CMOS Image Sensor, 2010-2016E
Shipment of CMOS Image Sensor by Application, 2010-2016E
Global Shipment of Mobile Phone-used CMOS Camera Module by Pixel, 2005-2018E
Global CMOS Image Sensor Vendors Market Share by Volume, 2013-2014
Global CMOS Image Sensor Vendors Market Share by Revenue, 2013-2014
Market Share of Major Global CMOS Image Sensor Vendors, 2010
Market Share of Major Global CMOS Image Sensor Vendors, 2011
Market Share of Major Global CMOS Image Sensor Vendors, 2012
Market Share of Major Global CMOS Image Sensor Vendors by Volume, 2012
Market Share of Major Global CMOS Image Sensor Vendors in PC Field by Volume, 2012
Global and China CMOS Image Sensor Market Volume for Mobile Phone, 2010-2018E
Global and China CMOS Image Sensor Market by Pixel Count, 2010-2018E
China CMOS Image Sensor Vendor Market Share by Volume, 2010-2013
China CMOS Image Sensor Vendor Market Share by Revenue, 2010-2013
Ranking of Major Global CMOS Camera Optical Lens Vendors by Revenue, 2011-2014
Market Size of Global CMOS Camera Modules, 2010-2016E
Revenue of World’s Leading CMOS Camera Module Vendors, 2010-2014
Shipment of Top Ten CMOS Camera Module Vendors in China, Oct.2014
Distribution of Nokia Camera Module Suppliers, 2013
Distribution of Samsung Camera Module Suppliers, 2013-2014
Distribution of Apple Camera Module Suppliers, 2013-2014
Distribution of LG Camera Module Suppliers, 2012
Distribution of ZTE Camera Module Suppliers, 2013
Distribution of Huawei Camera Module Suppliers, 2013-2014
Distribution of Lenovo Camera Module Suppliers, 2013-2014
Distribution of Xiaomi Camera Module Suppliers, 2014
VCM Illustrative Diagram
VCM Profile Map
Supply Relationship between AFA and Camera Module Vendor
Market Share of Global Leading AFA Companies, 2012
OIS Structural Chart
Shipment of Mobile Phone with OIS, 2012-2017E
LITE-ON 13M OIS Module
Global Shipment of Automotive Camera Modules, 2009-2016E
Market Share of Major Automotive Camera Module Vendors, 2012
Global Mobile Phone Shipments, 2007-2015E
Global 3G/4G Mobile Phone Shipments by Region, 2011-2014
Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2013
Shipment of Global Top Ten Mobile Phone Vendors, 2014Q3
Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2013
Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Operating System in 2013
Shipments of Global Top 13 Smartphone Vendors, 2013-2015E
Shipment of Major Smart Phone Vendors, 2014Q3
Monthly Shipment of Mobile Phone in China, Jan.-Oct.2014
Market Share of Major Vendors in Chinese Smart Phone Market, 2014
Market Share of Major Vendors in Chinese 4G Mobile Phone Market, 2014
Global Tablet PC Shipments, 2011-2016E
Market Share of Major Tablet PC Brands, 2013
Output of Global Tablet PC Vendors, 2012-2013
OMNINVISION's Revenue and Gross Margin, FY2005-FY2015
OMNINVISION's Revenue and Operating Margin, FY2005-FY2015
OMNINVISION's Shipment, FY2003-FY2015
OMNINVISION's Revenue by Region, FY2009-FY2014
OMNINVISION's Assets by Region, FY2009-FY2014
OMNINVISION's Revenue by Application, FY2011-FY2014
OMNINVISION's Revenue by Resolution, FY2013-FY2014
Market Share of OVT by Application
OMNINVISION's Supply Chain
Aptina’s Revenue by Application, FY2013
Organizational Structure of Sony's Semiconductor Division
Sony's Image Sensor Capacity Expansion Plan
Application Distribution of Sony Image Sensor
Revenue and Gross Margin of Galaxycore, 2011-2014
Revenue of Galaxycore by Product, 2011-2014
Revenue of Galaxycore by Pixel, 2011-2014
Shipment of Galaxycore, 2011-2014
Assets, Liabilities and Cash Flow of Galaxycore, 2011-2014
Largan’s Revenue and Gross Margin, 2006-2015
Largan’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2006-2015
Largan’s Quarterly Revenue and Net Profit Margin, Q1 2012-Q4 2014
Largan’s Monthly Revenue, Nov. 2012-Nov 2014
Largan’s Quarterly Revenue by Pixel, Q1 2011-Q1 2013
Largan’s Revenue by Client, 2010-2014
Financial Data of Largan’s Subsidiaries in Mainland China, 2013
GSEO’s Revenue and Gross Margin, 2005-2015
GSEO’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2005-2015
GSEO’s Monthly Revenue, Nov.2012-Nov.2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Asia Optical, 2007-2015
Revenue and Operating Margin of Asia Optical, 2007-2015
Monthly Revenue of Asia Optical, Nov.2012-Nov.2014
Revenue of Asia Optical by Product, 2007-2012
Newmax’s Revenue and Gross Margin, 2007-2014
Monthly Revenue of Newmax, Nov.2012-Nov.2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Ability Opto-Electronics Technology, 2006-2014
Monthly Revenue of Ability Opto-Electronics Technology, Nov. 2012-Nov. 2014
KANTATSU’s Mobile Phone Camera Module
DIOSTECH’s Revenue by Business, 2013
Capacity, Output and Capacity Utilization of DIOSTECH, 2013
DIOSTECH’s Organizational Structure
DIOSTECH’s Production Lines
DIOSTECH’s Clients
DIOSTECH’s Revenue by Pixel, 2012
SEKONIX’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2002-2015
SEKONIX’s Revenue by Product, 2009-2014
SEKONIX’s Handset Lens Revenue by Pixel, 2009-2014
SEKONIX’s Handset Lens Shipment by Pixel, 2009-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Korea Optical, 2007-2015
Roadmap of Korea Optical
Revenue and Operating Margin of GloryTek, 2006-2014
Monthly Revenue of GloryTek, Nov. 2012-Nov. 2014
Hokuang’s Revenue and Gross Margin, 2006-2014
Hokuang’s Monthly Revenue, Nov.2012-Nov. 2014
Revenue of KMOT’s Mobile Phone-used Optical Units, FY2011-FY2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of DIGITAL OPTICS, 2007-2015
Revenue of DIGITAL OPTICS by Pixel, 2010-2013
Shipment of DIGITAL OPTICS by Pixel, 2009-2013
Digital Optics CAPEX, 2009-2013
Capacity of DIGITAL OPTICS, 2009-2013
Raw Materials Cost Structure of Digital Optics, 2011-2014
Shipment of Major Camera Module Vendors by Pixel, 2011-2013
Chicony’s Revenue and Gross Margin, 2005-2015
Chicony’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2005-2015
Chicony’s Monthly Revenue, Nov. 2012-Nov. 2014
Chicony’s Revenue by Product, 2011-2014
Financial Data of Chicony’s Major Subsidiaries in Mainland China, 2012
Financial Data of Foxconn's Major Optical Subsidiaries, 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of LG INNOTEK, 2006-2015
Revenue and Operating Margin of LG INNOTEK, Q1 2012-Q4 2014
Revenue of LG INNOTEK by Business, 2011-2015
Operating Income of LG INNOTEK by Business, 2011-2015
Quarterly Revenue of LG INNOTEK OPTICAL, Q1 2011-Q4 2014
CCM of LG INNOTEK by Pixel, Q3 2012-Q3 2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Mitsumi Electric, FY2006-FY2015
Revenue of Mitsumi Electric by Product, FY2006-FY2014
Backlog of Mitsumi Electric by Product, Q3 2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of Truly International, 2005-2014
Quarterly Revenue and Gross Margin of Truly International, Q1 2013-Q4 2014
Revenue of LCD Business of Truly International by Technology, 2006-2011
Revenue of Truly Semiconductors by Business, 2012-2015
Shipment Breakdown of Truly Semiconductors by Product, 2012-2015
ASP of Truly Semiconductors by Product, 2012-2015
Main Customers of Truly’s Mobile Phone LCD
Main Customers of Truly’s Auto Display
Touch Screen Capacity of Truly
CCM Capacity of Truly
Customers of Truly’s CCM
Capacity of Truly Automotive Display
BYD’s Camera Module Products
LiteOn Group
Quarterly Revenue of LiteOn by Busines, Q1 2013-Q3 2014
LiteOn’s Guangzhou Science and Technology Park
LiteOn’s CCM Shipment, 2003-2013
LiteOn’s CCM Capacity Expansion Plan, Q3 2011-Q4 2013
LiteOn’s AF /FF CCM Proportion
LiteOn’s AF CCM
LiteOn’s CCM Technology Roadmap
LiteOn’s OIS Concept
LiteOn’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2005-2015
Primax’s KEY Milestone
Primax’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2008-2015
Primax’s Revenue by Division, 2007-2012
Primax’s Monthly Revenue, Nov. 2012-Nov. 2014
Primax's Global Distribution
Primax's Product Range
Profile of PRIMAX’s Plant
Revenue and Operating Income of SEMCO, 2011-2015
SEMCO’s Revenue by Division, 2010-2015
SEMCO’s Operating Income by Division, 2010-2015
SEMCO’s CCM Operating Margin, Q1 2011-Q4 2014
SEMCO’s Camera Module Revenue by Pixel, 2010-2014
SEMCO’s Camera Module Supply Ratio for Samsung, 2013-2015
SEMCO’s Camera Module ASP, Q1 2010-Q4 2013
Patron Organization
PARTRON's Revenue and Operating Margin, 2007-2015
Quarterly Revenue of PARTRON by Product, Q1 2012-Q4 2014
PARTRON's CCM Shipment by Pixel, 2013-2015
Revenue and Gross Margin of Sunny Optical, 2004-2015
Financial Summary of Sunny, 2009-2013
Sunny's Major Clients
Sunny's Shipment by Product, Jan.-Nov.2014
Sunny's Revenue by Division, 2010-2014
Downstream Distribution of Sunny's Revenue, 2010-2014
Sunny Optical’s Camera Module Shipment Breakdown by Pixel, 2012-2014
Sunny's Gross Margin by Division, 2010-2014
Sunny's Gross Margin by Product, 2012-2016
Handset Lens Shipment of Sunny Optical, 2012-2016
Automotive Lens Revenue of Sunny Optical, 2012-2016
Sunny's Factory Distribution
Organizational Structure of CAMMSYS
Revenue and Operating Margin of CAMMSYS, 2009-2015
Raw Materials Price of CAMMSYS, 2011-2014
Revenue and Operating Income of POWERLOGIC, 2009-2015
ASP of Powerlogic CCM, 2012-2014
ASP of Powerlogic CCM Component, 2012-2014
Capacity of Powerlogic CCM, 2012-2014
Output of Powerlogic CCM, 2012-2014
MCNEX Organization
MCNEX’s Revenue and Operating Income, 2009-2015
MCNEX’s Revenue by Client, 2013
MCNEX’s Revenue by Application, 2010-2014
MCNEX’s Revenue by Pixel, 2009-2011
MCNEX’s Capacity by Region
Revenue and Number of Employees of Dongguan COWELL, 2005-2014
Revenue and Operating Margin of O-film, 2007-2015
Revenue of O-film by Product, 2009-2015
Quarterly Revenue of O-film, Q1 2009-Q3 2014
Quarterly Gross Margin of O-film, Q1 2009-Q3 2014
Client Structure of O-film, 2012-2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of Q-TECH, 2011-2014
Financial Statement of Q-TECH, 2011-2014
Cash Flow of Q-TECH, 2011-2014
Revenue of Q-TECH by Pixel, 2011-2014
Shipment of Q-TECH, 2011-2014
Revenue of Q-TECH by Pixel, 2011-2014
Shipment of Q-TECH by Pixel, 2011-2014
ASP of Q-TECH’s Products, 2011-2014
Gross Margin of Q-TECH’s Products, 2011-2014
Clients Distribution of Q-TECH, 2014
Revenue and Operating Income of GAI, 2009-2014
Revenue and Gross Profit of GAI, 2009-2014
Sharp’s Revenue and Operating Margin, FY2008-FY2015
Sharp’s Revenue by Business, FY2013-FY2015
Sharp’s Operating Margin by Business, FY2013-FY2015
OIS Roadmap of Sharp
Organization Structure of STMicro
Operating Margin of STMicro, Q24 2012-Q3 2014
Revenue of STMicro by Division, Q3 2014
HYSONIC’s Structure
HYSONIC’s Revenue and Operating Income, 2006-2014
Personnel Organization of Hysonic, as of Mar. 2014
Major Products of HYSONIC
HYSONIC’s Revenue by End Client, 2012-2013
HYSONIC’s Revenue by Client, 2012-2013
JAHWA’s Revenue and Operating Margin, 2005-2015
Quarterly Revenue of JAHWA by Product, Q1 2013- Q3 2015
JAHWA’s Overseas Subsidiaries
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