Global and China Marine Diesel Engine Industry Report, 2016
June 2016
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A marine diesel engine is the major power equipment of a vessel, with the cost accounting for around 10% of the total. It can be divided into low-speed, medium-speed and high-speed marine diesel engines according to the rotational speed.
In 2015, the global marine diesel engine market size was 33.43 million kilowatts, up 10.2% from a year earlier. The global marine diesel engine production was mainly concentrated in China, Japan, and South Korea. And South Korea mainly produced low-speed marine diesel engines while China and Japan primarily focused on medium-speed engines.
In 2015, fueled by the growing starts in vessels, the output of marine diesel engines in China rose by 15.1% year on year to 16.99 million kilowatts, with the output of low-speed, medium-speed, and high-speed engines accounting for 41.2%, 40.1%, and 18.7%, respectively.

In China, marine diesel enginesare mainlyp roduced through patent licensing. Low-speed engines are absolutely dominated by MAN,Wartsila, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries; in medium-speed engine market, Wartsila, MAN, and Caterpillar represented a combined market share of 82% (in 2015); high-speed engine brands primarily include MTU, Deutz, MWM, SACM, Pielstick, Ruston, and Paxman.
China's marine diesel engine market started late, so much so that it is poor in production technology and R&D capability. Therefore, most engine products with high technical content are still reliant on imports. In 2015, China imported USD1.07 billion worth of marine diesel engines and exported USD94.95 million engines, with a trade deficit of as much as USD970 million.
In China’s low-speed diesel engine market, Hudong Heavy Machinery, Dalian Marine Diesel, and Yichang Marine Diesel Engine accounted for an aggregate market share of roughly 95.9%; in medium-speed diesel enginemarket, Weichai Heavy Machinery and CSSC Marine Power made up a 58.9% market share; high-speed diesel engine manufacturers mainly include Weichai Heavy Machinery, Shaanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry, and Henan Diesel Engine Industry, of which Weichai Heavy Machinery has a market share of around 26%.
To improve the competitiveness in marine diesel engine market, major Chinese diesel engine manufacturers are working on new product development.
Hudong Heavy Machinery is the largest manufacturer of low-speed marine diesel engines in China (a roughly 65% share in domesticmarket). It gained a 51% stake in CSSC-MES Diesel in 2013. In April 2016, the company’s high-pressure marine air supply system became China’s first certified FGSS, thus breaking the monopoly of Japan and South Korea in the product market.
In October 2015, CSSC Marine Power renewed the contract with MAN Diesel & Turbofor another 10 years of production of four-stroke medium speed engines. In May 2016, the company’s 6S60ME low-speed diesel engine started operation. The latest designed model is the largest diesel engine constructed by CSSC Marine Power, which weighs approximately 390 tons.
Henan Diesel Engine Industry released the first domestic HPCR high-speed high-power diesel engine -- CHD622V20CR in December 2015, a move that helped fill the gap in the domestic 3500kw-above high-speed diesel engine market.
Yichang Marine Diesel Engine completed the bench test of its first 8S60ME-C8.2 diesel enginein August 2015, and the performance indicators of the product satisfied the design requirements.With a rated power of 14100KW, it could be the largest diesel engine product in power since the company’s founding.
The report highlights the followings:
Market size and competitive landscape of global marine diesel engine;
Industry environment, policy environment, market size, import and export, and competitive landscape of marine diesel engine in China;
Market status, major enterprises, and competitive landscape of the Chinese marine diesel engine market segments (low-speed diesel engine, medium-speed diesel engine, and high-speed diesel engine);
Operation, development in China, R&D capability, and development strategies of 7 global and 16 Chinese marine diesel engine companies.
1 Overview of Marine Diesel Engine
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification & Features
1.2.1 Classification
1.2.2 Features
2 Development of Global Marine Diesel Engine
2.1 Market Size
2.2 Competitive Landscape
2.2.1 by Country
2.2.2 by Enterprise
3 Development Environment of Marine Diesel Engine in China
3.1 Industrial Environment
3.2 Policy Environment
3.2.1 Industrial Planning
3.2.2 Trade Policy
4 Marine Diesel Engine Market in China
4.1 Supply & Demand
4.1.1 Supply
4.1.2 Demand
4.2 Import & Export
4.2.1 Import
4.2.2 Export
4.3 Competitive Landscape
4.3.1 Regional Competition
4.3.2 Corporate Competition
5 Chinese Marine Diesel Engine Market Segments
5.1 Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engine
5.1.1 Status Quo
5.1.2 Key Players
5.2 Medium-Speed Marine Diesel Engine
5.2.1 Status Quo
5.2.2 Key Players
5.3 High-Speed Marine Diesel Engine
5.3.1 Status Quo
5.3.2 Key Players
6 Key Global Marine Diesel Engine Companies
6.1 MAN Group
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Marine Diesel Engine Business
6.1.4 Development in China
6.2 Wartsila
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Marine Diesel Engine Business
6.2.4 Development in China
6.3 Caterpillar
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Development in China
6.4 Hyundai Heavy Industries
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Development in China
6.5 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Development in China
6.6 Doosan Engine
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.6.3 Development in China
6.7 MTU
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Development in China
7 Key Enterprises in China
7.1 Hudong Heavy Machinery
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Major Subsidiary—CSSC-MES Diesel Co., Ltd.
7.1.4 Major Subsidiary—China Shipbuilding Power Engineering Institute Co. Ltd.
7.1.5 R&D Capability
7.2 Dalian Marine Diesel
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Operation
7.2.3 R&D Capability
7.3 Yichang Marine Diesel Engine
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 R&D Capability
7.3.4 Development Strategy
7.4 Weichai Heavy Machinery
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Project Progress
7.5 Shaanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 R&D Capability
7.5.4 Development Strategy
7.6 CSSC Marine Power
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Subsidiary—Anqing CSSC Marine Diesel Co., Ltd.
7.6.4 Development Strategy
7.7 Zibo Diesel Engine Parent Company
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Operation
7.7.3 R&D Capability
7.8 Henan Diesel Engine Industry
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Operation
7.8.3 R&D Capability
7.9 Others
7.9.1 Jiangsu Antai Power Machinery Co., Ltd.
7.9.2 Shanghai Xinzhong Power Machine Co., Ltd.
7.9.3 Hefei RongAn Power Machinery Co., Ltd.
7.9.4 ZGPT Diesel Heavy Industry Co. Ltd.
7.9.5 Ningbo C.S.I. Power & Machinery Group Co., Ltd.
7.9.6 ZhongJi Hitachi Zosen Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.
7.9.7 Yuchai Marine Power Co., Ltd
7.9.8 CSR Ziyang Locomotive Co., Ltd.
8 Development Trend of China Marine Diesel Engine Industry
8.1 Existing Problems
8.2 Development Trend
9 Summary and Forecast
9.1 Market
9.2 Enterprises
9.2.1 Global
9.2.2 China
Classification of Marine Diesel Engines
Global Marine Diesel Engine Market Size, 2005-2016
Global Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Market Size, 2005-2016
Global Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Market Share (by Country), 2015
Japan’s Marine Diesel Engine Output and Revenue, 2009-2015
Japan’s Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Output and Output Value, 2009-2015
Japan’s Marine Diesel Engine Output Structure (by Power), 2015
Market Share of Major Global Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Brands (by Power), 2007-2015
Market Share of Major Global Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Brands (by Power), 2007-2015
Three Indicators of Global Shipbuilding, 2010-2016
Three Indicators of China’s Shipbuilding, 2010-2016
Memorandum of Understanding Signed between China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry, MAN and W?rtsil?, 2011
NOx Emission Standards for Marine Diesel Engines
Development of Marine Diesel Engines Complying with Tier Standards in China, 2010-2016
Policies on Marine Diesel Engine in China, 2007-2016
China’s Output of Marine Diesel Engines, 2009-2016
Shipbuilding Completions in China, 2010-2016
Import Volume and Value of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2008-2016
TOP 10 Import Sources of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2014-2015
TOP 10 Importers (Provinces/Municipalities) of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2014-2015
Export Volume and Value of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2008-2016
TOP 10 Exporters (Provinces/Municipalities) of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2014-2015
Top 10 Export Destinations of Marine Diesel Engines in China, 2015
Key Production Areas and Representative Companies of Marine Diesel Engines in China
China’s Output of Low-speed Marine Diesel Engines, 2011-2016
Output and Market Share of Major Low-speed Marine Diesel Engine Companies in China, 2014-2015
Low-Speed Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturers and Their Technical Copartners in China
China's Output of Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engines, 2011-2016
Competitive Landscape of China’s Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Market, 2015
Output of Major Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Companies in China, 2009-2015
Chinese Medium-speed Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturers and Technical Copartners
High-speed Marine Diesel Engine Output in China, 2011-2016
Major High-speed Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturers and Products in China
MAN's Order Value, 2008-2015
MAN's Revenue and Net Income, 2007-2015
MAN's Revenue Structure (by Business), 2013-2015
MAN's Revenue Breakdown (by Region), 2014-2015
Major Operating Indicators of MAN MDT, 2013-2015
Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturing Bases of MAN
Wartsila's Order Value and Revenue, 2007-2015
Wartsila's Order Value and Revenue (by Business), 2009-2015
Wartsila's Revenue (by Region), 2009-2015
Wartsila's Marine Diesel Engines and Applications
Wartsila's Dual-fuel Medium-speed Engine Models and Power
Loading Capacity of W?rtsil? – Hyundai 50DF Engine, 2006-2015
Wartsila's Joint Ventures and Sole Proprietorships in China, 2015
Revenue and Net Income of QMD, 2013-2015
Caterpillar's Revenue and Growth Rate, 2008-2015
Caterpillar's Revenue (by Business), 2011-2015
Caterpillar's Power System Revenue (by Region), 2010-2015
Caterpillar’s Presence in China
Global Network of Hyundai Heavy Industries
Revenue and Net Income of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2010-2015
Revenue and Order Value of Engine and Machinery Division of Hyundai Heavy Industries, 2007-2015
New Order Structure of Engine and Machinery Division of Hyundai Heavy Industries (by Region), 2007-2015
Major Economic Indicators of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, FY2010-FY2015
Revenue of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (by Business), FY2014-FY2015
Major Technical Copartners of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Marine Diesel Engine
Presence of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in China
Competitive Edges of Doosan Engine
Revenue and Profits of Doosan Engine, 2011-2015
Organizations of Doosan Engine in China, 2015
Emission Level of MTU 4000 Series
Diesel Engine Output of Hudong Heavy Machinery, 2007-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Hudong Heavy Machinery, 2009-2015
Marine Diesel Engine Output of CSSC-MES Diesel, 2009-2015
Marine Diesel Engine Output of Dalian Marine Diesel, 2010-2015
Revenue and Total Profit of Dalian Marine Diesel, 2009-2015
Major Operating Indicators of Yichang Marine Diesel Engine, 2007-2015
Marine Diesel Engines of Weichai Heavy Machinery, 2015
Revenue and Net Income of Weichai Heavy Machinery, 2009-2016
Revenue and Gross Margin of Weichai Heavy Machinery (by Business), 2011-2015
Key Marine Diesel Engines of Shaanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry
Major Operating Indicators of Shaanxi Diesel Engine Heavy Industry, 2007-2015
Revenue and Total Profit of CSSC Marine Power, 2010-2015
Marine Diesel Engine Output of CSSC Marine Power, 2009-2015
Marine Diesel Engines of Henan Diesel Engine Industry
Major Economic Indicators of Henan Diesel Engine Industry, 2012-2015
Diesel Engine Delivery of RongAn Power Machinery, 2010-2015
Marine Gas Engines Launched by World’s Major Manufacturers
Marine Medium-speed Dual-fuel Engines Launched by World’s Major Manufacturers
Marine Diesel Engine Manufacturers Authorized by MAN, Wartsila and MTU in China
Output and Capacity of Major Marine Diesel Engine Companies in China, 2015
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